Deliver fleeting happiness to a fellow mortal. Comment on their works.
3016: Kvatch_arena_armor adorable artist:Makkon beautiful character:Katia_Managan portrait
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showing 10 of 16 comments
AMKitsune: Makkon, your mastery of light and form is clearly in a league of it's own amongst Prequel fans. Your eye for detail is simply extraordinary.
Do you ever live-stream/record your creative process by any chance? I ask because it would be an experience to see something like this being created in realtime. If it only takes you a few hours to create something as impressive as this piece of yours, how long must it take to make something like the image above and (what I must assume to be quicker) images like the sort found in this?
Radian: @AMKitsune: Seconding process record. But I'd prefer x2 - x3 speed.
Based on my (limited) experience I can say this piece above can be done in 1.5 - 2 hours, maybe faster. Outfit design is a bit trickier. "Pure" drawing time can be really small if you have good idea in mind but may be really long if you can't understand that's bad in your design and how to make it cool.
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Riddle78: You know,I'm seriously tempted to tug at that ear floof. No idea why. Excellent stuff,though.
Makkon: Thanks guys!
@Geravind: Yeah, I should tone that ear fluff down a bit, or at least make it match the style of the cheeks.@AMKitsune: I've had a lot of people ask, and I've had a number of false starts with streaming and recording. I have a computer that is capable of it now (painting in 16k is a breeze, though not recommended) so I could give it another shot. If I were to upload timelapsed videos I could probably make an alternate youtube channel, since my primary one is for music. I'll give it some thought. @Radian: Yeah, it was about an hour since it was just a simple bust demonstration, and I wasn't designing something new like an outfit. @Riddle78: No! Not the earfloof! You'll unravel the fabric of time! |
3027: artist:unknown_victor character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch spear
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unknown_victor: First time drawing something without using references, accept any and all criticism.
ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Cute :3
Geravind: It looks like weird perspective, like the camera is
lying at her feet. Here are some disproportions: a bit big legs for such hips and upper body; head and right hand are smaller than they should be; straight tail reaches exactly ground level -- easy to extrapolate the length, when it's bent; left fingers should not look so... similar; right shin/ankle/heel are a bit off. Shape of arms, tits and head looks cool. |
3023: artist:Radian character:Sigrid chiaroscuro looking_badass portrait
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showing 10 of 13 comments
Radian: @BadReligion: Sort of.
@Geravind: Ну вот зачем ты это все написал? Я ведь думал что-то неплохое получилось а ты все раскритиковал. Прямо с грязью смешал. Ух как я тебя ненавижу, лютой лютой ненавистью. Так и хочется на кол посадить. "Колобок, Колобок, я тебя чаем угощу а потом ты мне отдашь все свои ценности..." Да вроде нормальные щеки. Тени немного увеличил для драматизму. Судя по скриншотам лоб у нее высокий и линия волос едва не на макушке. Плечи пожалуй маловаты, да (ты ведь это имел в виду?). У платья именно на плечах какие-то... штуки и они довольно толстые по виду. Уот так уот.
Geravind: @Radian:
- Какого кхаджита-царя?! Как поймают -- сразу на кол, а уж опосля... - Зачем? Они любят подкалывать друг друга... - Умммн, добрый ты человек, боярин! Прости, пожалуйста. =-_-= Кхаджит хочет, чтобы у тебя получалось лучше, Кхаджит так видит -- Кхаджит не виноват. О, сколько нам открытий чудных Готовит... освещенья дух, И опыт -- сын ошибок трудных, И Гена -- Чебурашки друг. У вас ещё будет шанс в метании каках в моё творчество. Кхаджит работает медленно... но... работает. Есть, с кого брать пример *мельк на Каза*.
Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Good work, Radian! I feel she looks rather... prepared.. to kill something.
Vidiotdragon: That is one shit eatin' grin right there.
Not.. not literally its an expression we have...
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Riddle78: Oh,hey,it's Sigrid! And she looks smug!
Can I kill her? Savagely and brutally? In such a manner that would make a rabid dog look mild mannered? I think a dull bread knife would be perfect...
ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: @Riddle78: I think I'd ranther let Katia do the honors of killing sigbitch.
Makkon: Hey dude! This turned out really good! Glad that the new process helped you to level up a little :)
2416: adorable anachronism artist:smaggthesmug character:Katia_Managan monochrome
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Kazerad: I feel like this one is a crossover with something, but I don't recognize the armor design. Maybe someone else can fill in the blanks.
Tahrey: IDK, it's maybe an eclectic mashup of various things. I think I can see elements of DBZ, The Guyver, and Fallout in there.
ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: @Tahrey: If feel a little more 'S.T.A.L.K.E.R.' vibe from it than a fallout one. It's pretty cool armor though.
3022: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow artist:korblborp character:Katia_Managan magic_fire monochrome
3018: fansnark screenshot text
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Kazerad: I'm working on it!
This isn't fanart though. Not unless someone draws a cat on this datebox.
notabigthreat: Give me a while and you'll see a Khajiit (a fine replacement for cat).
notabigthreat: [url=http://imgur.com/fM55Tlz] see, it's a collaborative work
Skoon: Yeah! How dare you not give us our free entertainment on time! DANCE, MONKEY! DAAAAAAAANCE!!!
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170: artist:epoxy blood candle character:Katia_Managan cultist knife organized_religion ritual sacrifice smiling
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VashTheStampede: Being in a cult was kinda fun.
3028: Blade artist:korblborp casually_underdressed character:Gharug_gro-Upp clover monochrome
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