Mortals cannot be trusted to make decisions on their own. Peruse other images to make sure you are tagging properly.
2969: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic artist:Damn_Lasso_Tool character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC chiaroscuro friendship looking_badass magic magic_fire magic_staff night
- Reply - Reply - Reply - Reply Sorry for the bitter truth. The art looks actually more romantic. - Reply - Reply |
2968: Colored NASCAR Shameless_product_placement anachronism artist:jacobc62 braids character:Katia_Managan green_eyes modern_clothing
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SameButDifferent: Pretty unique combination. Reminds me of that one with the DOTA 2 Heroes playing hockey.
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DistantRoarOfWar: Of course racing cars wouldn't backfire disastrously. Nope. It totally wouldn't.
2967: Katia's_wizard_robe PREQUEL_title artist:Ladas2 character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch
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SameButDifferent: Cutie!
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DistantRoarOfWar: Now ink it :D
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2966: artist:mhonnie blue_eyes character:Katia_Managan chiaroscuro dungeons looking_badass magic_fire monochrome
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DistantRoarOfWar: Those abs though. Katia's been working out. Or this an OC?
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2964: character:Sigrid monochrome portrait
- Reply Хавайся -- сейчас нобигут Радианы с радиаметрами и скажут, что ты не очень смог в мышцы. =>_<= Размер головы(лица)/длина шеи/ширина плеч -- что-то тут не так ("само дерево жужжать не может"). Скулы (смысле сама кость) не могут заканчиваться аж позади ушей. Личико прикольное, уфко тоже, и причёска так ничё (самый задний каскад волос, вроде, таким широким быть не может, но "жираф большоооой" -- Кхаджиту отсюда не видней). Вообще это не Сигрид... но тварь схожего характера -- хорошо получилось отобразить. "Ущелье" между сисей не должно так высоко отн. видимого их низа -- либо вырез одежды глубже делай, либо не растягивай так анатомию. Молодец, который раз завидую твоим стремлениям! - Reply - Reply Bunch of critique: Итак. Шея длинная и тонкая и входить она должна в затылок а не в челюсть. Собственно челюсть заканчивается в основании уха, само ухо чуть ниже. Лицо как мне кажется слишком широкое. Глаза пожалуй самая косячная часть, они слишком широкие (хотя это можно списать на стилизацию). Если ты хотел сделать их приоткрытыми добавь сверху складки века (у правого глаза нечто подобное есть но не там). Нос в принципе правильный, но он не совсем женский. Ухо "внутри" чутка накосячено. Выше про скулы уже сказали. И ключицы сильно угловатые, особенно посередине. C-c-combo Про губы пожалуй промолчу, они вроде нормальные и у меня самого они сейчас вызывают больше всего боли в заду. Еще в глаза бросается разный стиль носа и уха. Могу сделать быстрооверпайнт. - Reply Про определение той самой неуловимой точки соединения головы с шеей при рисовании придумал целое правило. 1) При рисовании человека: первый отрезок соединяет середину ушей, второй отрезок начинается от середины носа (между кончиком и переносицей) и пересекает первый отрезок посередине; второй отрезок в точке их пересечения делится в соотношении 7/2 или 3,5/1; окончание второго отрезка и есть искомая точка. 2) При рисовании кхаджита: первый отрезок соединяет точки крепления челюсти ("ага, умник... ты хоть сам их найти можешь?"); второй отрезок начинается от кончика носа. Далее аналогично. Кхаджит не виноват -- объяснил, как смог. Надеюсь, хоть кому-то поможет. =-_-= Так можно легко "видеть" шею и сопоставлять с остальными размерностями, даже если она полностью закрыта в выбранном ракурсе. |
2962: artist:Filthypaladin character:Katia_Managan crossover looking_badass magnus modern_clothing sketch
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forestOverlord: Sweet Katia and Hella Magnus?
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SameButDifferent: The sun in the corner is that one sun baby from Teletubbies a few decades later after some very poor life choices and questionable substance usage
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2963: artist:unknown_victor brown_eyes character:Katia_Managan portrait
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2944: Marksman artist:POMA casually_underdressed character:Quill-Weave
showing 10 of 22 comments
- Reply This frame: ...is actually followed by one where the pixelation is removed following the gang boss noting that she's a reptile and therefore there's nothing really sexual about her chest. IE it's basically a bit like a human wearing an alligator-skin shirt. So, in that case, carry on. (However, my point still stands about the other stuff being pixelated - Kat was still censored until she applied the paint, etc... and ((I'm not touching the bit about her apparently being "about 15", btw. You can fight amongst yourselves over that, and whether age, and particularly the difference between being adult and being underage, would make a difference between QW potentially being censored even though PD ultimately wasn't)) - Reply 1 - Do mods mark it as questionable? If true, it's questionable. If false, it's not questionable. Problem solved! Tadaaa! - Reply
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-Uzi_Man-: @bluedraggy: No, that's oligarchy. What if a mod marks something as questionable but nobody else thinks it is? It wouldn't be fair, so it's better to leave the tagging to the whole community.
The problem is that the concept of "questionable" is ambiguous as hell because everyone is going to have different understandings of it and how it applies to different pics. That's why there should be a better, clearer, more concrete definition / rule about questionability so that there's no room for ambiguity or "muh opinions". I know that this entire topic is so utterly unimportant that it literally hurts the soul to argue about it, but if we leave it unsolved, it's going to bring up even more arguments in the long run, and nobody wants that. - Reply *sarcasm mode enabled* - Son, what are you doing on that weird website so long? - Don't interrupt, mom, we're discussing acceptability of nippleless breasts on the fanartbooru. - Oh, sorry, -- that's very important for whole humankind, carry on. *sarcasm mode disabled* God, save this fucking world. - Reply Kaz, Gera: Lol, internet. Were any of them (n)-chan mods in ages past? Also, the internet is fuelled by stupid arguments and flamewars, they create the high pressure hot air that keeps it from collapsing in on itself. Without them it would self destruct within a matter of hours. Were either of you around back in the days when Usenet / Newsgroups (as opposed to web-based fora) were a major part of the internet experience? Because, man, the pointless flaming that went on there... the bills that were racked up on charged-by-the-minute modem connections that you forgot to disconnect whilst writing your replies... oi vey. Uzi_Man: I know you're probably after making things fairer and more democratic over all, but this isn't a democracy, I'm afraid. Most webforums aren't. You're always at the whim of the board owner and their appointed moderators. Deal with it. The rules can sometimes be open to change if a great enough proportion of the userbase think they're drastically unfair and start petitioning for their alteration en masse, or there's a suggestion box that gets a continual trickle of "it might be a good idea if..." submissions from different people, or everyone just starts leaving... but, I think you're probably out on your own with the changes you wanted made. Feel free to mooch on over to 8chan and set up a board there though ... in fact, it might even be a good thing to have a semioffical outlet for more... adult... Prequel fanarts that isn't hardlinked to this one ;) - then no-one can reasonably complain about their stuff being rejected, or slapped with an NSFW warning they think is unfair, because they can always be directed to that board instead via a PM or something.
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-Uzi_Man-: Democracy isn't such a big deal in this case: just let the community as a whole do the tagging and it's all done. The only thing that needs to be re-defined is the questionability standards, so that they're more concrete and specific rather than merely "using our discretion", because that leaves it very open to interpretation. It would be helpful to establish a basis to which we can refer to when tagging pictures, unless you think that people enjoy arguing about these things, which so far has been shown to be quite the contrary.
The rules aren't "unfair", they simply could be done better in order to avoid unnecessary arguments. I'm just making the suggestion, and if people want to argue endlessly about the questionability of all the pics that are about to come in the future, then why bother, but it would be pretty fucking stupid to not prefer a one-time immediate solution that will help us put an end to these discussions. - Reply But yeah, straight rules would be good. Can someone bring up the illustrated posting guide (and maybe the tagging one) for us again, to show whether or not they already exist? |
2959: Safety_hat artist:RoninSmall character:Little_Katia crafting photo
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2965: Bosmer artist:Kazerad artist:notabigthreat blood character:Dmitri_Argoth character:Katia_Managan character:Welkynd_Kitty crossover hearthstone inconsistent_rendering knock_off magic playing_cards text
For Cat Expert to have an additional effect, even as little as summoning one 1/1 Beast token, without increasing the card cost already makes it fine for a class card. As a Hunter, the Beast tribe of the token enables other class cards like Ram Wrangler, Hound Master and Kill Command. And with 6 health, you are likely to get more than one token, if the opponent doesn't decide to burn hard removal on it.
A 4/6 taunt for 5 that spawns tokens with Charge is too much IMHO. Unless you specifically want a card that's really high above the curve. Blizzard occasionally does release those even though they should know better... (Hello Dr. Boom). Also compare Imp Gang Boss: a 2/4 class card for 3 that spawns 1/1 tokens without charge. Ostensibly that is a statline comparable to 4/6 for 5, but it's missing the taunt. Having taunt always results in reduced stats, except for 1-cost minions. The higher health you go, the more stats you lose to taunt. So, a 6-health taunt minion having a statline comparable to a non-taunt minion with a strictly worse effect, which is still considered a must-play for a lot of decks, is really a red flag balance-wise.
Wild Hunt needs more help, IMHO. It's a strictly worse Feign Death, since it triggers your opponent's rattles as well (and they'll be positive for him in 9 out of 10 cases). And Feign Death costs only 2 mana, not 3, while still not seeing much play outside gimmick decks.
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Given the hunter class, we can already assume it's not arena.
Exploiting the Charge would require attacking minions anyway, which is an activity foreign to hunters. Subtracting one attack should do the trick.
Wild Hunt might be a bit weak though, even with that Ancestral Spirit.
Another change then. http://imgur.com/9mptYjT
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