All beings within Mundus are but characters on the stage of fate and should be tagged as such with "character:" before their names.

2731: artist:Zokva casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan headphones modern_clothing musicality questionable

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AMKitsune: I think that leotard's wedgied it's way straight into a questionable rating.

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Kewot_Rokar: Good job!

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Bluedragon: This is my phone's wallpaper now!

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Vidiotdragon: Physical, physical! I wanna get physical! ...
Let me hear your body talk, body talk ♪

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Tahrey: FAME! (fame!)
I'm gonna live forever...

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Skoon: I approve immensely.

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furnut: A billion thumbs up.
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Totally_not_a_furry: So, judging from the ponytail, this was before the razor incident.

2847: Katia's_wizard_robe Khajiit Smash_Bros. adorable artist:Cryptid10 character:Katia_Managan crossover inconsistent_rendering knock_off photo text wallpaper

Katia's_wizard_robe Khajiit Smash_Bros. adorable artist:Cryptid10 character:Katia_Managan crossover inconsistent_rendering knock_off photo text wallpaper

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Cryptid10: Whalp, I did do it. Probably could have done a bit better, but theirs an inconsistent rendering tag for a reason. Plus it’s a little nicer than some SSB newcomer ballots I’ve seen. Regardless, I think it’s kinda funny, so that counts for something.

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Cryptid10: Yeeeaahhh, the challenger approaching one is better.
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SameButDifferent: How about one in the aftermatch lobby where they announce the winner and the winner makes a pose and Katia is doing her ADVENTURER POSE!

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Cryptid10: @SameButDifferent: Well now I want to do that too, dammit. I guess I'll try and make it a bit nicer like the challenger approaching one, but we will see.

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Cryptid10: @SameButDifferent: Finished it.

2838: Khajiit artist:Cryptid10 character:Katia_Managan eyepatch fansnark inconsistent_rendering knock_off photo text

Khajiit artist:Cryptid10 character:Katia_Managan eyepatch fansnark inconsistent_rendering knock_off photo text

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Cryptid10: First pic/edit I've ever done. Me and my friends were making spongebob references and this came to mind. Didn't have much editing tools to work with, but oh well.

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Kazerad: Not yet! I'm working on it.

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katiaaitak: This made me laugh nice job

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Cryptid10: @katiaaitak: Yay. Mission complete
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*foams at mouth*

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Cryptid10: @SameButDifferent:Ok den, I'm just gonna leave it there to spite you.
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SameButDifferent: excuse me i take grammar extremely seriously

i graduated top of my class in roosevelt grammar academy

i can outcontraction you any time, any day of the week

2845: Katia's_wizard_robe Khajiit Smash_Bros. artist:Cryptid10 character:Katia_Managan crossover destruction_magic knock_off looking_badass magic magic_fire photo text wallpaper

Katia's_wizard_robe Khajiit Smash_Bros. artist:Cryptid10 character:Katia_Managan crossover destruction_magic knock_off looking_badass magic magic_fire photo text wallpaper

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Cryptid10: A Prequel SSB challenger edit. I'm honestly surprised nobody has done this yet. I'm thinking of doing a SSB newcomer picture of Katia too, but it would take longer. Plus it would be less dramatic as I'd be using this image from the comic.

2837: artist:Adroma character:Katia_Managan photo portrait

artist:Adroma character:Katia_Managan photo portrait

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Adroma: Tries to write witty message, scratches it out.
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SameButDifferent: The proportion and styling is perfect and is aesthetically pleasing, especially combined with the dark purple paper and horizontal lines.

2841: SadCatThon_2016 artist:Kazerad character:Katia_Managan modern_clothing monochrome sketch success

SadCatThon_2016 artist:Kazerad character:Katia_Managan modern_clothing monochrome sketch success
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BadReligion: Womens in suits. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: she looks pretty cute in suits

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Tahrey: If this is foreshadowing some kind of Prequel X Lackadaisy crossover, then I'm all for it.

Especially if there's a Gene Catlow cameo partway through.

2842: character:Kazerad comic fansnark text

character:Kazerad comic fansnark text

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POMA: This comics can be applied to any web-based wtuff

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AMKitsune: It's no wonder he's taking so long to break that iceberg apart. He's using a pickaxe light enough to float on water!
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BadReligion: I don't know these memes/comics about update delays are more boring or pathetic...
If he said he gonna do it, he will do it and we don't have to remind him about this every half year. :^)
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