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2717: character:Katia_Managan crafting photo wax
showing 10 of 22 comments
- Reply What you might find more useful and affordable are the "class packs", which are actually pretty cheap when you consider them purely in terms of buying crayons in general (the worst value [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Crayola-Education-First-Crayon-Classpack/dp/B00FZQH1GK/ref=sr_1_10?s=kids&ie=UTF8&qid=1454490062&sr=1-10"]144-piece standard size[/url] pack is still about what you'd pay per-crayon for a basic unbranded set in a discount store, a pack offering [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Crayola-144-Giant-Crayon-Assorted/dp/B000NPBLSC/ref=sr_1_26?s=kids&ie=UTF8&qid=1454490086&sr=1-26"]144 large crayons[/url] is nearly the same price even though you get 50% more coloured wax overall, and if you want to get really serious the [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Classpack-Regular-Crayons-Colors-800/dp/B00006IFAH/ref=sr_1_95?s=kids&ie=UTF8&qid=1454490132&sr=1-95"]800-crayon super pack[/url] is an absolute steal, though sadly the latter lacks white and three others vs the first two) and aren't too shabby when you think of it as a way to get single colours either as it's still about half the price of buying them without all the others... Something else that might be of interest to you, if you're not just melting down Ikea budget tea-lights to get your plain base, are [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Wax-Resist-Sticks-Creating-Special/dp/B0094GEUUM/ref=pd_sim_sbs_21_3?ie=UTF8&dpID=51c%2BeDqCFpL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR160%2C160_&refRID=11WRTZKFDCM7ZZR7EHRT"]these things[/url], which is basically crayolas without pigment... Oh, and the 200-piece set might no longer exist, but you can certainly still get [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/PACK-Crayola-Ultimate-Crayon-152-Crayons/dp/B00KKXCWLC/ref=sr_1_97?s=kids&ie=UTF8&qid=1454490159&sr=1-97"]a 152-piece one[/url], with each crayon being a unique colour... - Reply Anyway, turns out you can buy packs of single colours separately, but they are really stupidly expensive, especially considering that other specialist colour-tone packs are far more reasonably priced even if you wouldn't call them cheap. What you might find more useful and affordable are the "class packs", which are actually pretty cheap when you consider them purely in terms of buying crayons in general (the worst value 144-piece standard size pack is still about what you'd pay per-crayon for a basic unbranded set in a discount store, a pack offering 144 large crayons is nearly the same price even though you get 50% more coloured wax overall, and if you want to get really serious the 800-crayon super pack is an absolute steal, though sadly the latter lacks white and three others vs the first two) and aren't too shabby when you think of it as a way to get single colours either as it's still about half the price of buying them without all the others... Something else that might be of interest to you, if you're not just melting down Ikea budget tea-lights to get your plain base, are these things, which is basically crayolas without pigment... Oh, and the 200-piece set might no longer exist, but you can certainly still get a 152-piece one, with each crayon being a unique colour... - Reply Expensive bulk white pack Expensive bulk yellow pack[/url [url=http://www.amazon.co.uk/Crayola-02-0844-8-Multicultural-Crayons/dp/B000NPBLS2/ref=sr_1_77?s=kids&ie=UTF8&qid=1454490132&sr=1-77]Moderately priced "multicultural pack" (why not just call it "skin tones"?!) 144-piece standard classpack (12x12 colours) 144 large crayon classpack (12x12) 800-crayon super pack (100x8 colours) Clear wax resist sticks 152-piece multicolour pack - Reply Yellow bulk pack Multicultural pack - Reply Say, are you planing to do something interresting with all those crayons? - Reply But it is a pretty neat idea, you can in fact get crayola modelling kits now, I saw whilst looking those up. I'd like to have a try at using them as paint, even if it just turned out abstract. The difficult thing would be keeping a palette of them liquid without serious danger to life and limb. Might need to use a bain marie or something, with suitable cladding to ensure all the steam escaped from the far side... - Reply - Reply The wax is chose for it's melting point, you will need to keep it hot without burn. The bain marie is a good idea. It's better use flexible metal spatulas, but if you don't care for the tool condition brushes and plastic spatulas work well. After the painting is done you espose the back of the surfice to a heat source to fix the paint. If that doen't interresting you there are another process involving conbine melted wax to the oil paint. If it's done right the result should be a thicker paint that don't need to be heated. I worked with wax before, but not like this. I'm mostly trying diferent things to see what work. |
2735: Katia's_measurements artist:POMA monochrome sketch
- Reply Красяво! Все ещё немного удивляет длинный хвост (но в этом на вкус и цвет каждый -- сам себе автор). Со связкой голова/шея/плечи тут вообще сложно: у среднего изображения плечи ниже -> шея длиннее, на самом деле по правому изображению видно, что и в фас часть шеи тоже должна быть прикрыта подбородком, а ты не первый раз пытаешься её нарисовать видимой во всю длину. Голова чуть преувеличена, поэтому пару моментов не пляшет, но для рисованных кхаджитов это норма (да что там, я сам также нарисовал). Ширину шеи я обычно сверяю по вертикальным проекциям от зрачков, но "большая голова" тут опять вылазит краеугольным камнем в "реалистичности" пропорций... Она такая худющая (стройная), прям как я в реале. =-_-= Молодец, РОМА! |
1848: Multicultural_Values character:Katia_Managan character:Rajirra claws fansnark featured_masterpiece merchandise monochrome questionable sketch text
showing 10 of 23 comments
- Reply - Reply - Reply - Reply - Reply @projectshackles: I think no. Kaz (or other mod) deleted 2 "spanking" fanart and probably won't let post it again. Also I don't want to post it too, because of very low quality. |
2713: Quill-Weave's_house armor artist:Radian books bow character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave green_eyes looking_badass quest_book spoilers teeth
- Reply Рукоять кинжала маловата даже под катину лапку, такой малый лук ТАК она бы никогда не смогла одеть, таких микро-стрел не существует в природе (хотя для этого лука они как раз в тему). Где ремень от колчана, Буратино рисовать будет? Сама идея неплохая (Кэп?) -- из обычного "принеси/отдай/забери" Каз такую уже Санта-Барбару растянул... - Reply - Reply Ленивая жопа это я! Никак не могу словить вдохновение нарисовать ЧТО-ТО ЕЩЁ, а без вдохновения и интереса даже пытаться не буду (всё клятый перфекционизм с малых лет). Две капли сверкнут, сверкнут на дне. И кисть о ладонь согре-е-ешь. А жизнь хороша, хороша вдвойне, Коль ей рисовать умеешь. Pourquoi pas, pourquoi pas pa? Почему-у-у бы-ы не-е-ет? Pourquoi pas, пур куа па-а-ха? Коль ты рисовать УМЕ-Е-ЕШЬ! Pourquoi pas, у клопа? =О_о= [ту-ду-ду-дууумм] Почему бы... нет? - Reply The mohawk The cut over the eye Oh god My sides :-Q (Is that her Florence Ambrose-esque attempt at a warm smile?) - Reply - Reply |
2718: Safety_hat Team_Fortress_2 character:ASOTIL character:Kazerad screenshot
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MetalC0Mmander: Please powers of this booru, may you draw on this picture so that Kazerad humiliation may never be forgotten.
- Reply https://www.dropbox.com/s/nkp08kejywap0vq/justice%20battle.png?dl=0 - Reply - Reply |
2734: adorable character:Katia_Managan crafting photo wax
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My apologize to Armored-Struggle-Wagon. I appreciate the recommendation, but that paint would mess with the texture I had planed.
My camera is trash but here some more photos: http://imgur.com/a/ZrtkU
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BTW, if the camera isn't too good indoors, get as much light (other than its own flash) as you can on the subject, maybe put it on a minipod or just a flat surface of suitable height and orientation and use night-shot/fireworks/etc mode, and stand it a little further away so it can focus better. A slightly smaller image but with crisper focus can still look a lot better after being cropped down.
Oh, and if you can take the pic in the middle of the day near a south facing window, with the artificial light acting only as fill-in, that can make a dramatic difference. Funnily enough you really need as much of the blue end of the spectrum as possible... indoor lights tend to be short on it, but at the same time most digital cameras are least sensitive to those colours also, which is what causes a majority of the graininess after it performs the internal white-balancing steps (which, for one thing, will then end up massively boosting the blue channel and then post-smoothing it, leading to that characteristic grainy-yet-blotchy appearance, as there might only be 2 or 3 bits worth of intensity there instead of a good 8 or more). If you can get a blue-tinted incandescent craftlight, or some halogen bulbs, instead of CFLs or cheap LEDs, they work the best as they're closest to sunlight and so give good colour rendition. "SAD lamp" fluorescents or LEDs aren't as good because they're made specifically to flood the eye with blueness at the expense of all other considerations - they'll get rid of the grain, but as they don't have a proper continuous spectrum, some colours will end up looking very strange.
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