Unimaginable suffering shall be granted to those that do not tag properly.

2754: character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch

character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch
showing 10 of 13 comments

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AMKitsune: @POMA: Oh come on, everyone has to start somewhere, and what do people having lengthy things to say have to do with this image?

@katiaaitak: Posting artwork online can be something of a double edged sword at times. There will be people who'll praise you for your efforts and there'll be those who may not like your artwork as much and be vocal about it. You can't the negative comments colour your experiences. Keep going and in time, you'll find yourself looking back at your older artwork and marvelling at how far you've progressed. Also, my sister wants me to tell you that she really likes this picture :).

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Kazerad: Yeah Poma, be nice! Redrawing poses and characters you see is a fundamental part of learning to draw, and posting art for others to see is always better than keeping it hidden away for yourself. Katiaaitak's stuff is cool in my book.
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BadReligion: @Kazerad:
He is honest. :|

Anyway he said so I don't have to.

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Geravind: You all are partially right and wrong simultaneously (this one isn't an exception =*_*=).
One should not put here his work, if he clearly sees all the mistakes and undoubtedly feels, that it's bad.
If an artist wants (no matter what) to figure out major miscounts and purrfect details of his work, it should be placed here. And critic (not empty shit-trolling) is always useful.
If an artist always expects only praises here -- he's a god of art... or a naive child... or a f*cking lunatic.

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: @POMA: Yea that's the spirit, put down a new artist while he is learning....

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POMA: And this is the point where you could be right if at least someone before me was a bit negative but every single comment here is positive. What I mean is this guy posted loads of pictures in one day and he haven't even sketched anything or erased a single line. Either he's not trying to improve his drawing or he's not getting any constructive critic due to excessive amount of political correctness. Both ways are wrong so please don't let it go down the "bad attitude drain"
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D_C_N: Oddly enough, even though I fall into the stories category that seemed to kinda annoy him, I do have to admit that I more or less agree with POMA.

He could have phrased it less harshly certainly,but I feel like he's not entirely wrong. No one wnats to hear that there is something wrong with what they created, but that doesn't mean that the error isn't there.

I can't say I agree with just declaring something "shit" with no explanation as to why, but I don't think that just simply saying that it's good is really helpful either. Feel like since I've posted my stories here (which is still sorta hard for me) I've become at least to some extent a better writer; not just because people told me what I was doing well, but more because people told me what I was not.

It's just my opinion, and, hell, I'm a writer not an artist so maybe it's completely different. But still, I thought it worth sharing.

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Olaffson: Ok, I don't want to sound like a jerk but I kinda agree with POMA, even if it could have definitely be worded in a different way.

The main problem I see is the lack of a "base", which is necessary to set the proportions and anatomy in the right way before completing the drawing over it. I'd highly recommend to build the body using a set of geometrical figures (there are tons of tutorials about that on the internet), which work well both on realistic and cartoon figures, just with different proportions.
So, I think practicing on that is the best way ^^ And don't be discouraged, with training you will certainly improve!

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Tahrey: It's not brilliant, no, but it's a good start, and like I said the most glaring slips are rescuable. And it has fairly obviously been done freehand - or sketched, if you prefer, just sketched once with a pencil and then inked with only minor changes - which for someone who isn't an accomplished artist who's drawn the same thing many many times over adds a whole extra level of difficulty. It's possible to praise the effort that went into something even if the skill and experience isn't quite there yet to make a good end product. At least they're trying, which a hell of a lot of people don't.

What we were attempting is "constructive" criticism. It's easy to just come out and call something shit, but it's not really going to stop being shit unless the artist learns what not to do, and what else to do instead, and we may as well point that out in the critiques instead of just slating them.

Nobody starts out good, unless they're an acclaimed child prodigy or savant. Basically anyone you see making impressive artworks these days started at this level and had to work their way up (I can give some named examples if anyone cares...). Who's to say katiaaitak won't also follow that well worn path with suitable pointers and a bit of encouragement to not give up even when they have a day where nothing comes out looking right?

And, in any case, they've only been copying some of the simplest panels (a wise start). There's only so much you can get wrong with them. The original level of detail wasn't that much more than this (the resolution didn't allow it) and they were pretty much specifically drawn in a simplistic and slightly off-model way for emphasis of expression. Cartoons, yeah? Happens.

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Tahrey: In any case - next time, if you don't want it to look like a sketch, with proportion issues that can't be easily fixed, there has to be a bit more "setup" work before committing the ink, or even the final pencils, as Olaffson says.

There are plenty of existing texts both online and in print that explain it far better than I easily could in a reasonable time and amount of text / inline images here. Go pick up or google for some basic work on how to draw 'toons and look at the early stages of composition. All the "ball for a head", "cross to lay out facial features" etc kind of stuff.

Another well worn tip is to try copying things upside down, especially where figures and faces are involved. You have to learn to see scenes as collections of shapes rather than the fully formed and mentally annotated construction that your conscious mind perceives once it's been through all the normal background processing and filtering done by the rest of your brain that basically tells you when you look at something... "oh, it's a yellow cartoon cat-person in some kind of droopy green robe with brown trim" ... then after a while "hey, it's Katia again, in her wizard outfit... why's she look so sad?" (or IRL ... "oh it's some guy", then "hey it's Bob, he seems out of breath..."), rather than noting all the actual features and how they fit together, which if it happened all the time would send you absolutely crazy. Unfortunately said filter also really interferes with your ability to draw things with any skill as it gets in the way of your hand-eye coordination somewhat, especially when you're halfway through, the uncanny valley kicks in, and you end up unconsciously trying to fix all kinds of problems that don't exist whilst creating others that aren't apparent until you've finished and it all looks wonky.

tl;dr learning and practice ;)

2744: artist:POMA character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch

artist:POMA character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch

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Geravind: Horay, nice sketch!

Бакенбарды оттянул почти на затылок. Сиси странной формы или немного не на том месте. =о_О= ...Или это вырез для шеи такое впечатление создаёт.

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Kewot_Rokar: Greatness awaits you!

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Geravind: @Geravind: "Hurray", many typos last time -- this one is getting old. =-_-=

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POMA: I love how someone added black and white tag for a picture without any black or gray pixel.

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Tahrey: I get the feeling that "monochrome" (which is a valid description of anything that only uses one colour) may alias to it...

2764: Khajiit character:Katia_Managan portrait

Khajiit character:Katia_Managan portrait

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: I think this is quite good! nice work.

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Geravind: "Extraterrestrial Katia".
Not bad.

2770: character:Katia_Managan character:Sheogorath modern_clothing text

character:Katia_Managan character:Sheogorath modern_clothing text
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jabberwacky: My First Fan Art. I Don't know if I should post this as Questionable since her outfit is a reference to a(n) (in)famous anime. I thought of drawing her in an outfit inspired by another artist, but found it too cliche as far as "in-group-fan-art" goes, so I decided to do something else that would give me a chuckle...I regret everything...

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @jabberwacky: It's not that bad, I actually like it! Very nice work, regardless of whatever this is based on.

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: How can you say no to that face :3

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VashTheStampede: Obligatory Squee
Followed by voluntary squee

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Geravind: It's, probably, painful to hold the tail like that. -- Her face indicates it.
Looks cool, though.

2766: artist:POMA character:Katia_Managan green_eyes mercandise modern_clothing

artist:POMA character:Katia_Managan green_eyes mercandise modern_clothing

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Geravind: Я уже почти хочу такую же. =-_-=
Вообще первый раз вижу футболку с рукавами длиннее середины бицепса.

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KillerfishSG: Don't forget to tag yourself as the artist! :P
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MetalC0Mmander: @KillerfishSG: Oh so you've recently came back.

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KillerfishSG: @MetalC0Mmander: I'm not dead yet! Just... silently... stalking you guys here on the booru >_>

1681: Bastet Daedric_text Egyptian Khajiit Sekhmet artist:AMKitsune artist:makingfailure character:Katia_Managan character:Rajirra knock_off magnus questionable text wallpaper

showing 10 of 13 comments

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PermanentFace: Sorry:



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PermanentFace: ......and the other was not a vere(y?) nice person...

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Maroc: What's interesting is that Egyptian women usually went topless because of the heat. Some rich women could afford see through silk tops

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CaptainLackwit: @Maroc: There's nothing in that sentence that doesn't make me go, "Dayum."

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Vidiotdragon: Its time to dddddduel!

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VashTheStampede: 3:00, church parking lot.
We ain't using your lame card game.

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Itriedmanitried: whats with the sudden influx of Egyptian stuff?

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Mediocre_Scrublord: a dude requested katia as an egyptian god and it got done, so they asked for rajiira as a slightly different egyptian god, which got done, then it was mashed together.
it's only like 4 images.

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yugijak: this.


Also, thanks for the rocking translation PermanentFace!
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BadReligion: And this is religion which I can profess. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

If Katia is Bastet...
No time to waste!

Dammit I love mythology and references to them, but my memory is pissing me off...
Where is "add to favorite" button? :c

2751: Kvatch_arena_armor character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch

Kvatch_arena_armor character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch

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Tahrey: Nice, if slightly squiggly (ah, the joys of using everyday pens...) work in uprezzing on all these :)

Strangely, though, they all seem horizontally stretched?

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Adroma: Very good for a straight up boredom pen sketch.

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Adroma: I'd hang this on my wall. No sarcasm.

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katiaaitak: Thank you for the encouragement, it really means a lot

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Arcsome: Love it

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Those fangs <3 would lick.

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katiaaitak: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: lmao Tf?

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Tahrey: @TGWAKW ... lol, wat :D
Oh god now I'm imaginging it. SO WEIRD.
Yet kinda addictive.

...ooh, cold nose, should have expected that.

@Adroma: Ditto, actually. Might colourise it, possibly in a stylised fashion (desaturated / spot colours / etc), on the computer first though. Just personal preference, nothing else.

katiaaitak: Yeah, seriously, the foreshortening on the hand seems a bit off, and there's the aforementioned aspect oddness and unavoidable jitter, but in general it's worthy ^_^
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BadReligion: @katiaaitak: I would rather call it "adulate".

Looks like nickname commits. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And I just wanna hear Rajirra's beating heart in her chest.
...anyway, wondering how Khajiit's blood tastes.

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Tahrey: wtf

2747: adorable character:Katia_Managan fourth_wall modern_clothing sad

adorable character:Katia_Managan fourth_wall modern_clothing sad
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Brenuceslu: Tried to make it look like she's behind glass.

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Geravind: She looks like "I know that feel, bro". Or like she's watching, how her terminator-friend is melting right now.

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Tahrey: Aw... she wants to be let out of the monitor. Or possibly from the other side of the prison visiting booth, who knows.

Quick someone call Sarah Millican to put her hand up onto this side of the glass
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Brenuceslu: @Tahrey: Yep, she wants out of the monitor. She's in digital limbo for unknown reasons.
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Brenuceslu: @Geravind:Poor Katia. :(

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: I want you out of digital too katia :<

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Tahrey: Well, there's only one correct course of action here. You know what you have to do. SMASH YOUR MONITOR.

2752: character:Katia_Managan portrait

character:Katia_Managan portrait

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katiaaitak: The black and white version of this was made after I made this and is slightly better.

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Tahrey: Pretty good ... did you colour it all in using similarly thin pens/pencils?!

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katiaaitak: @Tahrey: no I just used some markers I could find around the house

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Tahrey: That's come out pretty good then, normally I'd expect a large block of a medium colour like primary yellow to end up awfully splodgy because of all the overlaps you end up with.

So the eyes really are neon yellow highlighter like I was quietly suspecting? The nose pink highlighter too? This is the kind of art aesthetic I can get behind.

What are the lines done with? Doesn't look like ballpoint ... Pilot fineliner or the like?
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