Deleted images are cast into Oblivion along with their creators.
2755: Kvatch_arena_armor adorable character:Katia_Managan eyepatch knock_off text
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katiaaitak: Oh boy, this was fun… took me about 2 hours just to draw because I wanted to take my time and make it nice, then I got the idea of editing it on my phone to get rid of the double page line (I gave up on that obviously). Then I got the idea of adding color, and i say it is almost perfectly colored, besides one of her hands, which looks like she used her hand as a toilet plunger. So a total of 3 hours went into this, and I'm pretty happy with the result
2750: character:Katia_Managan eyepatch knock_off monochrome sketch
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katiaaitak: Simple black and white drawing
2736: artist:Boogeestro character:Katia_Managan featured_masterpiece fire magic_fire teeth
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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Very lovely, I like her outfit!
Unidentified_BA: I like this. It's featured.
Kazerad: We'll solve this with a Feature Fight. I'll keep re-featuring the one I featured, BA can keep re-featuring the one he featured.
AMKitsune: As struggle-wagon said, really nice outfit design.
Admittedly, I'm a little confused by the swapping of her lacrimal caruncle and eyelashes, but that's a minor issue at most. Fantastic work! @Unidentified_BA: Don't forget to tag it as such in the future then. @Kazerad: Please don't fight amongst yourselves. How about this image stays featured for a week and the other image (whatever it was) gets featured for a week afterwards? Everybody'll be happy and no one'll have to cry! @Tahrey: We try (when we remember) to tag all featured images with the 'featured_masterpiece' tag. Clicking it should show you all the other images that have been featured in the past. |
2740: character:Katia_Managan crafting photo portrait wax
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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Excellent, most impressive.
ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: :3 I love how this is going out.
Tahrey: Yah, more light!
Though it does make her look a bit like she's covered in snow now (illumination can't fix all camera problems ;) I agree about the eyes, though. That's a really cool way of doing it. Just need to fill in a little bit more sclera around the edge of the lenses so there isn't that obvious shadow.
Kewot_Rokar: Want.
2739: character:Katia_Managan hoodie_katia inconsistent_rendering modern_clothing monochrome text
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Brenuceslu: Where am I now? Everything is black and white? You notice someone staring at you.
"uhm- H-hi?" You say. They continue to stare at you in awe. You hear a distant voice and notice more strange figures coming close to look at you. A little too close. The faces gathering around you don't look normal but you're not sure why. Something is off about them.
Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Katia: Run the fuck away before they make you their dinner, the faces they're making, it makes you uncomfortable.
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Brenuceslu: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon:
You feel anxiety growing in your chest. You get the feeling you should run as fast as you can. "eiiuughhh.." you squeak out accidentally while cringing. These people are giving you the heebie-jeebies. Okay, you decide now is a good time to start running. You're afraid to look back, but can't help it. Yep, they're following you. There's got to be like fifty of them now. How horrifying. You remember the situation that got you here: you have no idea. It just kind of happened. This black and white universe is becoming more strange and terrifying by the minute. You're kind of surprised by one thing, though. You don't really feel that scared. It's like where ever you are is drained of both colour and emotion. Spooky. "Miss cat?!" You hear from in front of you but it's too late. You collide with one of the figures, falling to your knees. Well, more like flat on your face. That kind of hurt. Though less than you expected. "Whha?" Is all you can manage as you get up and meet face to face with one of these creatures. You notice their eyes are strangely placed on their heads. You stand up as the figures swarm in around you, blocking your way. If you weren't so clumsy, maybe you'd be escaping right now. You watch them stare at you. It feels awkward. You don't know if you should break the silence.
Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @Brenuceslu: Curl up in a ball, and plead for your life, surely it will work, right?
Tahrey: Katia has fallen through a hole into the Freefall universe...
Suddenly she is surrounded by loads of children and middle aged women throwing their hands in the air and yelling "KITTY!" whilst all the robots flee in terror lest they be used as vehicles.
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Brenuceslu: @Tahrey: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon:
"What do you- want?! Please- don't hurt- meeeee..." You say through tired breaths. "Kitty!" Someone yells in the distance. They sound like a middle aged woman. Everything returns to silence once again. The figures glare at you. It looks like they got a little closer. Yeah. Personal space would be nice right now. |
1322: 4chan Luck Luck_Elemental artist:Kazerad character:Gharug_gro-Upp clover criminal_scum
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KillerfishSG: Gharug-riding-on-a-giant-four-leaf-clover-monster-thingy? :D
Mediocre_Scrublord: >modpca attribute,luck 100
yugijak: ................................
I can seriously this happening with Katty's luck. Of course now that she has fire...well...think for yourself on what luck it is...
Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: It's the Clover Numidium!
SrLupinotuum: Make it happen!!!, please!
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TemporaryFace: It's like Walk-Brass all over again!
Xanthu_the_Crimson_Wizard: oh....my...god......RUN KITTY RUN!!!!
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forestOverlord: Clovergorg.
2722: cake character:Katia_Managan fire food khajiit_racism
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FistHombre: I like how there's a framed picture of a shortsword/knife, makes me think of The Room(unless that's suppoused to be an actual physical weapon)
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Brenuceslu: @FistHombre: Hmm, I didn't really think about it. Maybe it's a picture of an actual weapon that's stored away somewhere nearby.
2738: Homestuck artist:Adroma character:Katia_Managan crossover sprite
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Adroma: This is some trash I made today while bored on MS Paint. It is Katiasprite, tier one prototype. Yes, I know that sprites do not have this much color, but I think it looks better this way.
Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @Adroma: Sprites can vary depending on how many bits the system has! Mine are most likely 32 bit. your sprite has even less colors!
AMKitsune: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: I have a sneaky suspicion that this is a sprite in the homestuck sense and not so much the computer graphics one.
Tahrey: I count 8 colours (or possibly 7 + transparent depending on whether the eyes and nose are meant to be see-thru), so, maybe 3-bit. Or 4-bit in a wasteful system where one bit is reserved for transparency.
....oh, wait. The bands on the sleeves. 9 colours. So let's say it's 4-bit, 15 colours plus transparent, of which this uses 10. |
2753: character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch
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Also, go on... put a martini glass on her butt and a bursting bottle of champagne on the counter jetting an arc of overpriced fizzy dry white into it :D