Serve your overlords. Submit images.

701: CHIM awakened character:Katia_Managan questionable

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tronn: Ugra-Shakti Managan wielding her aspects and attributes. Her eternal dance brings misfortune for some, misfortune for others.

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HuffingtontheOnly: ... this one needs to go easy on the skooma.

1170: Katia's_wizard_robe character:Katia_Managan

Katia's_wizard_robe character:Katia_Managan

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Man_Of_Mer: I like this portrayal of her. Who's work is this?

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Mediocre_Scrublord: agreed
we always need sus

1185: Artist:Ch'marr Artist:Hirokazu_Tanaka Artist:Keitchi_Suzuki Night_at_the_Palace_of_the_King artist:Kazerad character:nightmare_king knock_off red_eyes video_in_source

Artist:Ch'marr Artist:Hirokazu_Tanaka Artist:Keitchi_Suzuki Night_at_the_Palace_of_the_King artist:Kazerad character:nightmare_king knock_off red_eyes video_in_source

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MikeyTheFox: Would be nice if the image said "Video in Source" or something.
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TemporaryFace: I forgot how awesome that update was.

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JJR: @MikeyTheFox: That's why the first tag asks Am_I_Fanarting_Right. Apparently the answer to that is no. I'll just have to do better next time I guess.

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Mediocre_Scrublord: it was basically the best part of prequel ever
the best scene in a webcomic ever it was so hype

1183: Blade Cosplay Far_Cry_3 artist:Armael artist:YeOldeAlekk beach character:Katia_Managan crossover modern_clothing

Blade Cosplay Far_Cry_3 artist:Armael artist:YeOldeAlekk beach character:Katia_Managan crossover modern_clothing

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Nefel: I really like it but that waist/hips is terrifyingly thin

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Armael: @Nefel: That is to draw your attention away from the fact that I forgot to draw a tail.

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Mediocre_Scrublord: kinda reminds me of my eso character
pretty rad also

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stupid_smelly_greedy_cat_people: CAN'T PRESS THE PUSSY TRIGGER, HERMANO?

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Nefel: @Armael it worked

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Mediocre_Scrublord: she has the shoulder-hip ratio of a dorito; how i like my men

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MikeyTheFox: "Did i ever tell you the definition of insanity?"
"Motherfucking Kings in your dreams"
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Higuera: gender bender katia and u got a highly batsh*t crazy pirate

1184: Khajiit artist:Man_Of_Mer character:your_weird_OC monochrome

Khajiit artist:Man_Of_Mer character:your_weird_OC monochrome

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Man_Of_Mer: Does this count as fanart? Or is this on the verge of being removed?

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Mediocre_Scrublord: what is this even a crossover with

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stupid_smelly_greedy_cat_people: Totally counts.

1181: Poppy_O'Possum artist:Zokva character:Katia_Managan cooking crossover food pie practice

Poppy_O'Possum artist:Zokva character:Katia_Managan cooking crossover food pie practice

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Mediocre_Scrublord: what is the chubby baker monster?

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tronn: She's Poppy O'Possum, of course. Unlike Katia she is very good at making pies, she's a single parent, and she can lift around 300 tons.

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Mediocre_Scrublord: what's her routine?
how many deadlifts does she do

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Mediocre_Scrublord: i wanna get jacked like Poppy O'Possum

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Zokva: Someone saved my scribble? This gives me joy.

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tronn: It is a fine scribble! Katia's shoulders are too wide but otherwise the proportions look right, and the linework is very tidy.

683: Katia's_wizard_robe character:Katia_Managan text

Katia's_wizard_robe character:Katia_Managan text

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Yugjak: I want this pin.

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Armael: @Yugjak:

13: Katia's_wizard_robe artist:Qborg character:Gharug_gro-Upp character:Katia_Managan magic_fire revenge

Katia's_wizard_robe artist:Qborg character:Gharug_gro-Upp character:Katia_Managan magic_fire revenge

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Diocletithik_Nagnaresh: not so funny when the shoe is on the other foot, eh gro-upp?

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SrLupinotuum: But now he has a fire protection ring, -prediction- Katia must learn another destruction spell, maybe ice for Gharug, electricity or just a bottle of magic poison.
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Higuera: stick a grenade in his pocket and blow him up,oh wait,thats fallout,not oblivion :P

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Gren: You mean frost and shock spells, right? I thought about it after I saw the last update and I concluded that they definitely can be unlocked with feelings as well. Since Katia said she's able to cast fire spells when her feelings are hurt then maybe the opposite feelings has the opposite effect. That is to say she'd be able to use frost magic when she feels pleased. While the shock spells should be right in the middle. So the key to cast those spells has to be feelings of comfort / encouragement.

Also, I'm totally convinced that Gharug and Katia will meet again after the arc of Kvatch is finished and something is going to happen that will lead to Gharug seeking revenge on her. (Remember what Aggy said, right?)

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Yugjak: Ka...me...ha...me...


(to be continued in the eventual sequel picture)

789: accidents_waiting_to_happen artist:redout character:Katia_Managan merchandise questionable text

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tjk: (19, if anybody's wondering.)

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Yugjak: Let's face it, you really don't care right now, do you.

Katia: Nooooope *giggles*

Just, and be honest, at least tell me you're old enough for...well...'having kids'?

Katia: Why don't you step over here and find out?

Um, because I don't want to get arrested if you're not.

Katia: I won't say anything if you don't...

Oh boy...

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Mediocre_Scrublord: did you go on all of the questionable posts and write scripts for them

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Nefel: Just let him go, Medi. He's doing what he loves.

1179: Katia:_Extrapolate artist:Cider artist:SkellyBeans character:Katia_Managan knock_off practice puzzle telekinesis

Katia:_Extrapolate artist:Cider artist:SkellyBeans character:Katia_Managan knock_off practice puzzle telekinesis
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SkellyBeans: I am so sorry

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Mediocre_Scrublord: the source is supposed to be a link to a tumble or dA or something

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Mediocre_Scrublord: not just a name
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SkellyBeans: Well this is the only place I posted it
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SkellyBeans: But if it'll make a difference then I suppose I must.

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Nefel: This was entirely needed. Thank you Based Skelly.

Now she just needs to freeze time and become a vampire

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Diocletithik_Nagnaresh: i suppose it was inevitable this would happen X)
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