We are watching you.

1105: acrobatics artist:maim blushing character:Katia_Managan merchandise poledancing shame

acrobatics artist:maim blushing character:Katia_Managan merchandise poledancing shame

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Unidentified_BA: Eh, I would not call this one questionable at all.

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Tack: Kind of cute actually.

790: character:Katia_Managan fear

character:Katia_Managan fear

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Kalumet: Regret intensifies

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Diocletithik_Nagnaresh: WHAT? over 9000? there's no way that can be right... CAAAN IIIT?

.....sorry... shutting up now X)

1139: character:Katia_Managan character:nightmare_king dawn despair dreams dusk fear hope magnus moonlight quest_book silhouette stylized

character:Katia_Managan character:nightmare_king dawn despair dreams dusk fear hope magnus moonlight quest_book silhouette stylized
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TemporaryFace: This is pretty nifty, actually.

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Tack: "Life is an exercise in duality. One can only appreciate pleasure if there has been pain to put it into context."

1079: artist:Mediocre_Scrublord character:Katia_Managan monochrome sad

artist:Mediocre_Scrublord character:Katia_Managan monochrome sad

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Bob: No katia, you can't have this shred of dignity. I found it first.

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Armael: The pineapple goes where?

1136: Saints_Row_The_Third artist:MikeyTheFox character:Katia_Managan questionable

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MikeyTheFox: Anon asked Killerfish a Question "Just imagine katia in saints row the third with no clothes on not even underwear" and I had to draw this.

It's not a mod of SR3 though i wish it was. It's just me drawing over my character taunting in front of Planet Saints

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Nefel: I'm guessing where ordinary people swing around a dildo-sword she gets pineapple grenades

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stupid_smelly_greedy_cat_people: I actually thought this was a 3D model. Fantastic job, you weirdo.

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MikeyTheFox: @stupid_smelly_greedy_cat_people: YAY! I'm a Weirdo! WOO!

1130: Kvatch_arena_armor artist:Alyrine character:Katia_Managan confident sketch smiling

Kvatch_arena_armor artist:Alyrine character:Katia_Managan confident sketch smiling

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Alyrine: Well, this certainly came out better than the last one! :D

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Gren: Adorable :D

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Man_Of_Mer: Very cute. Love the art style.

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Alyrine: @Gren: Thanks :D

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Alyrine: @Man_Of_Mer: Thank you so much!

1134: Skeleton_manservant artist:Mediocre_Scrublord character:Dmitri_Argoth character:Katia_Managan monochrome necromancer sketch

Skeleton_manservant artist:Mediocre_Scrublord character:Dmitri_Argoth character:Katia_Managan monochrome necromancer sketch

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Mediocre_Scrublord: katty joined the dark side

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Gren: Dmitri is scary. But the skeleton is so adorable.
Katia just revived Dmitri with the Staff of Worms.
And shouldn't they be tagged as "nekomancers"?
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Higuera: ^ OHHH,we got a live one up here!

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Mediocre_Scrublord: well at least they ain't neck-romancers

1104: artist:LimeBreaker character:Katia_Managan painted_underwear questionable swimsuit

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Kunytran: Well, im back! posting questionable images again

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MikeyTheFox: I edited the tags because you tagged yourself as the artist. Please don't do so If you didn't draw it.

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tjk: Kaz (or the mods) deleted a few of the new questionable images. I wonder what the worst thing they had to delete was (outside trolls uploading straight-up porn).

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Mediocre_Scrublord: good call

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Nefel: >applied_telekinesis
oh lord

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Mediocre_Scrublord: ze pinapple
it coverz nothing

1128: best_mug character:Katia_Managan crafting despair modern_art photo realspace telekinesis

best_mug character:Katia_Managan crafting despair modern_art photo realspace telekinesis
showing 10 of 11 comments

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Mediocre_Scrublord: HA.

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Nefel: You were asking for it. I hope you didn't burn yourself though

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KillerfishSG: Nooooooooo, poor Katia mug! D:

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tjk: The handle broke but the cup was unscathed. Judging by the splatter mark on the floor and the lack of a splatter on the chair, it seems this may have been... STAGED.
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Higuera: ^ a SHOCKING conclusion to this episode of what happened to a katia mug!

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stupid_smelly_greedy_cat_people: Now she will not just look into your soul artificially... she will stare into it TANGIBLY.

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Gren: Telekinesis. You are doing it wrong.

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Gren: That's cause you're not thinking like a witchhunter.

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FistHombre: @tjk you could say it is semi-staged actually, it did legit fall and fuck up everything but as I picked it up and went to clean up the mess I decided I wanted to immortalize this moment so I placed it back(probably not on the correct impact spot) to take a picture.

NONETHELESS I would never in my life do something like this to something so precious. That coffee is useless now.

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SrLupinotuum: Who the hell put "cheap mug" tag?! >:/

1127: Kvatch_arena_armor character:Katia_Managan fire magic magic_fire

Kvatch_arena_armor character:Katia_Managan fire magic magic_fire
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Higuera: suddenly,the fire turns into a inferno burning down kvatch,the end!

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Gren: She looks like a crazy pyromaniac.

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Mediocre_Scrublord: Well, who says she ISN'T?
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