Another booru is not a valid source. Either find the artist's original site or leave the source blank.
8018: Khajiit black_eyes character:Katia_Managan portrait text
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SpecialSpoon: Read comic for first time, celebrated by doodle. Thanks for all your hard work Kaz, looking forward to further adventures ;) -SpecialSpoon
ADudeCalledLeo: cute!!!
8016: artist:Kazerad artist:Tobuzzu books character:Katia_Managan character:Quentin inconsistent_rendering monochrome portrait sketch
7965: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Cosplay Katia's_Thief_Tunic Khajiit artist:Tobuzzu character:Katia_Managan crossover dwemer_automaton dwemer_technology featured_masterpiece modern_clothing night ratchet_and_clank
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Tobuzzu: This has been sitting in my DA account for like a month and half and I suddenly remembered it’s existence today. I made this like right after looking through Makkon’s Cloakofgreytomorrow concept designs and watching an hour long YouTube documentary about ratchet and clank? Oh, also this is a ratchet and clank crossover, anyone remember that funky PlayStation game? When you think of ratchet and clank, you usually think about the first three trilogy games, or maybe tools of destruction, or crack in time! For me though, it was into the nexus, a game that was released right before the ps4 came out, making it so that no one could play the game! Except for me of course. I think I played through into the nexus like… eight times? Anyways, I noticed that nobody had made a ratchet and clank crossover with prequel yet, which is surprising, since ratchet and Katia are both yellow cats. I guess I’ll be the first!
I felt inspired by Makkon’s cloak designs, so I wanted to go for a more clothing and accessory focus for this piece. It includes some Dunmer-ified tools from the RnC series, as well as a Dunmer Clank. The pink colored cloak references the final boss of into the nexus. I thought it would be fitting since the boss happened to be themed after eyes, and you know, the GrayCloak has eyes? You could never really see the eyes though, since putting the hood on does the thingy. Also I drew two hoods on accident, whoops! Feel free to ask me about anything I suppose, cheers.
bluedraggy: Holy cow. Just awesome.
Zargothrax: Never played RnC, but this is epic! But what's so "sad" about it?
Rick2tails: this is fantastic!
Tobuzzu: @Zargothrax i guess my thought process when running this through the fanart tagger was “Hey, this character has a frown, that’s technically sad right?” It probably isn’t sad enough to warrant the tag though, so I’ll remove it.
ADudeCalledLeo: Odd crossover IMO, but holy FUCK is this cool art
8013: abstract witch-hunter_control_panel
8014: abstract witch-hunter_control_panel
5044: Anvil_dinner_party amulet_of_silence character:Katia_Managan food meme text water_with_a_red_x
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Rick2tails: ok I recognize what this is based off of. clever!
Rick2tails: fire water
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Dahazha: @Rick2tails: I'm a month late but it's based off of this swedish political propaganda poster https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-rWyQTCUBtRA/WQXfj0W03QI/AAAAAAAArek/mqv5CCaLb_oAHcpIXuWwI_gW_KCzqhuzQCLcB/s1600/13082663_10154311035734560_1115876786590944181_n.jpg
Rick2tails: Katia would do well to keep away from the booze
8011: Hyperbole_and_a_Half Khajiit Long_gif_Contest blood long_hair questionable spoilers text
Boaty: The rules to the Long Gif Contest were vague and loose enough to allow this sort of stuff to happen - completely legal under the rules that were give. (https://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/1318).
I made with with paint.net, and extreme use of the "magic wand" tool and layers.
Boaty: In retrospect, I probably should've changed the "Danger" sign to "Danzig". Might make even more sense.
And I just now realize this isn't in gif format. My point still stands.
Boaty: Wait... is this technically my OC or yours, Kazerad?
I made this following all the contest rules... ??? |
6410: Katia's_wizard_robe Quill-Weave's_house artist:semiafro007 character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave comic critical_space-time_meltdown
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Rick2tails: interesting
Zargothrax: Didn't see this coming
Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: When the drugs are so good reality gets high.
I really hope there's going to be substantially more of this to come, because it's as funny as it is well made (which is very, just to be clear)
Boaty: @AMKitsune: I don't have gif-making software. Do you know where I could download some? Legally? I can help explain what might me happening, without breaking the contest rules.
7471: Katia's_wizard_robe artist:NotGodOkay character:Katia_Managan portrait text
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APayne1776_2: I feel like this is a reference to salad fingers
Haven't seen it in a long time so I might be wrong
NotGodOkay: It is! Well it's in a David Firth;esque style that I want to continue with instead of the fetish art style. (Kinda failing on it as I'm working on another fetish animation)
But yeah it is kinda Salad Fingers related! I've made a profile and a group in DeviantArt dedicated to low res, old school, David Firth looking art. Almost like I'm finding a new way.
APayne1776_2: Nevermind I just rewatched them all and now I'm a little paranoid too
NotGodOkay: I really wanted to do more of these kinda David Firth styled arts but fetish art keeps on distracting me and now I'm scared.
Boaty: @NotGodOkay: Use the black list. Do you really want the easiest way to filter out most of the porn?
3459: animation character:Katia_Managan lego pixel_art
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