Mortals cannot be trusted to make decisions on their own. Peruse other images to make sure you are tagging properly.

7961: artist:AyGee artist:Bluedraggy artist:ChrisMono artist:Kazerad sketch skooma_is_a_hell_of_a_drug text very_casually_underdressed

artist:AyGee artist:Bluedraggy artist:ChrisMono artist:Kazerad sketch skooma_is_a_hell_of_a_drug text very_casually_underdressed

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bluedraggy: If asked, I could reveal what the hell this is all about. But it may be you are better off without that knowledge. Mistakes were made.
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Some1: Is this a parody of a body proportion diagram? Or did Katia get sick with degenerative cubism?

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ADudeCalledLeo: l-lewd

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Rick2tails: is this some diagram for making a paper katia doll? XD

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_ghouldaddy_: i am confused and afraid

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NotGodOkay: You give Existence your gold, and this is what it gives you.

Bless and fuck you Existence.

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Rick2tails: I will say the view up from under the feet is intriguing

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Sashimi: This troubles me.

7963: Khajiit artist:egliomatn character:Katia_Managan inconsistent_rendering monochrome sketch

Khajiit artist:egliomatn character:Katia_Managan inconsistent_rendering monochrome sketch

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egliomatn: you are winner

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Zargothrax: Ahh... Thank you egliomatn, after the murderous attempt on my eyeballs from previous posts, this drawing feels soothing and restorative.

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ADudeCalledLeo: the Medal of Staring Cat, truly the most prestigious award
Good art!

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Rick2tails: a winner is you?

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pineapplekattt: bruhhh how did you get this photo of my cat? that is literally my room

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Tobuzzu: <insert image of bingus>

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TheLazerGrid: @pineapplekattt: I can actually confirm that this is a pic that pineapplekattt took. Wild that it somehow ended up here.

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Sashimi: I must say Katia is lookin marvelous in this!

7964: Khajiit artist:SumGhy black_eyes character:Katia_Managan modern_clothing

Khajiit artist:SumGhy black_eyes character:Katia_Managan modern_clothing

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SumGhy: Modern kitty from the big city.

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Zargothrax: Modern kitty is still adorable! looks somewhat bustier though

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Rick2tails: very cute just want to give her a big hug

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ADudeCalledLeo: cute art!

4057: artist:mrojo27 blue_eyes character:nightmare_king dwemer_technology meme

artist:mrojo27 blue_eyes character:nightmare_king dwemer_technology meme
showing 10 of 14 comments

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mrojo27: @Pronin: Actually I used GraphicsGale for this

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Enheldor: @iamwearingpants: No, this Enheldor.

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Enheldor: @iamwearingpants: No, this is Enheldor.

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angrybacteria: Extra thick!
Thirty minutes or it's free?

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: NO
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d33tly: "I think I'm in the computer..."

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Rick2tails: you got prince albert in a can?
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ElstientheFallenKnight: I made this happen

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NotGodOkay: Why is there no Zelda CD-I reference on this guy yet?

7960: Cosplay Khajiit artist:Lithesra character:Katia_Managan crossover modern_clothing quest_book

Cosplay Khajiit artist:Lithesra character:Katia_Managan crossover modern_clothing quest_book

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Lithesra: Decided to draw Katia as Malkuth from LoR, since I figured they have a number of similarities with their generally chipper demeanour, constant failure and pyromania. I also just wanted an excuse to try out the brush, as the previous thing I made really wore me down with the repetitive colouring and made me loathe using the pen tool (that thing took me TWO WEEK of on and off drawing, and it didn't even turn out good).

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Zargothrax: I love crossovers like these (even when I know nothing of the related game)!
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Jiftoo: did not expect to see this crossover at all!

7958: Khajiit argonian casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave hist_glands impure_thoughts swimsuit text

Khajiit argonian casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave hist_glands impure_thoughts swimsuit text

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bluedraggy: Lifeguard training - 2 of 3.
To give her some credit, since we don't really know what Argonian breasts are for, maybe this is proper CPR technique for Argonians? Also, I want some credit - I did NOT put QW's fingers underneath Katia's swimsuit. I thought about it...

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Rick2tails: you thought instead of doing..rookie mistake XD

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ADudeCalledLeo: As we all know, breath is stored in the boobs.

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ADudeCalledLeo: I'm not sure why I didn't expect the third image to be snapped, honestly.

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bluedraggy: Oh. Huh. The reasoning is sound and legit. I accept the banishment of that image, but I will not rest until I can conceive of a mutually-consensual way to stuff Katia's mouth full of argonian tongue.

7957: Khajiit accidents_happen argonian artist:Bluedraggy casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave merchandise swimsuit

Khajiit accidents_happen argonian artist:Bluedraggy casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave merchandise swimsuit

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bluedraggy: 1 of 3. I think I can get away without questionable on these. But I've been wrong before. I have a very slight backstory for these. QW has been taking a lifeguarding course (because who better than an Argonian?) Katia has agreed to assist her with her homework - so this is Lifeguard Training. I'd tried to put all 3 images together, but as bad as it looks now, it looked worse when compressed. Other two look better than this one. Also I find I enjoy designing swimsuits! Woe be to anyone who would ever have to wear one of my designs, but I do like finding new and interesting ways to NOT reveal naughty bits.

Sorry if I go on too long, but I've always found lifeguards inherently funny. You hire a 16 or 17 year old at minimum wage or less, and then give them authority over an entire pool including adults. There's going to be issues.

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Rick2tails: instructions unclear assume QW is 17 and give her minimum wage . also nice flailing kitty arm there!

7956: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Khajiit Sigrid's_dungeon artist:Lithesra blind_eyes character:Katia_Managan missing_tail painted_underwear very_casually_underdressed witch-hunter_control_panel

Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Khajiit Sigrid's_dungeon artist:Lithesra blind_eyes character:Katia_Managan missing_tail painted_underwear very_casually_underdressed witch-hunter_control_panel

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bluedraggy: Good draw! This scene, imho, is the point where Katia Managan became Katia Fucking Managan. Went up against her nemesis and not only won, but turned her nemesis into an... well, an acquaintance - but she did show Sig the error of her ways and that's really better than just defeat. I kinda understand why the long hiatus after that. Gotta re-establish a new plot essentially and that's not easy to do.

7954: 3D Khajiit TES_Skyrim artist:Zerorganic character:Katia_Managan magic_fire screenshot

3D Khajiit TES_Skyrim artist:Zerorganic character:Katia_Managan magic_fire screenshot

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Zerorganic: updated skyrim mod stuff coming soon

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ADudeCalledLeo: Katia being awesome? Splendid.

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Zerorganic: D:

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Zerorganic: Prequel Mod project, including the title screen, the playable katia, quill and katia follower are discontinued because of lack of interest. Not on my side. Prequel is dead

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Rick2tails: Prequel is never dead. sometimes it goes into comas but it always wakes up
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NewFace: It's only woken up from a coma once.
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NewFace: And quickly relapsed.

7908: 3D Katia's_wizard_robe Khajiit artist:Tobuzzu character:Katia_Managan crossover staff

3D Katia's_wizard_robe Khajiit artist:Tobuzzu character:Katia_Managan crossover staff

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Tobuzzu: Ey, This was made using a website called heroes forge, which basically just lets you design custom figurines for dnd. I found it like a day ago and immediately recreated katia. Its quite fun, to mess around with! Cheers.

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Rick2tails: pretty neat indeed!

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damrok4321: Oh really cool. I've been playing with heroforge a bit myself, but my recreation of Katia wasn't much good, this one looks pretty neat.

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RoninSmall: hero forge is a rare garbage dump. I'm surprised she's still alive
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