Zargothrax: Wowee, I apploud thee! For such willpower, and patience, that is. This single post contains more drawings than what I've ever uploaded combined.
Zargothrax: This definietly falls in the jawdropping category, Lapma, if you weren't already the creator of the current featured masterpiece, you probably would be anyway at this point!
Zargothrax: @AMKitsune: I sincerely believed the blacklisting feature would solve the disharmony on the boruu, yet it seems I was mistaken.
The rabbit hole goes deeper.
Zargothrax: @Sashimi: Thanks! Sank quite a lot more time into this than I initially thought I would. I keep rediscovering the fact that the later you find a problem in the fundamentals of your drawing, the harder it will be to fix it.
Zargothrax: Reminds me of that masterpiece of a videogame called "GAME OF THE YEAR: 420BLAZEIT vs. xxXilluminatiXxx [wow/10 #rekt edition] Montage Parody The Game"
Highly suggested for those in the dank arts
Zargothrax: Ah, a persian cat!
I was wondering once, how I could make a PoP crossover, but nothing came to my mind. This is really great though!
@Toryu-Mau: The game did a great job at conveying that the Dahaka is an entity far beyond the player, and fighting it is out of question. Now he reminds me of Cthulhu in this regard. Warrior Within was a terrific game, played it so much, back in the days
Zargothrax: @bluedraggy: Thanks! It is an honor to be the bringer of memes here. Bringing about the dankening of the boruu provides me with a sense of pride and accomplishment.
Zargothrax: By the way, why whould being mean, and liking Prequel be mutually exlusive? It's like the comic would only become enjoyable once you allot at least 45 points into personality? Nah, I'm not going to be evil, I saw this was already asked above
Zargothrax: I knew this was going to happen, and the OC bubble will pop one day.
First and foremost, the affable community of the boruu is something inspiring to many, artists or not, and as such I was distressed by seeing that this pieceful island on the internet turned slowly sour. Being ill-mannered is never adequate, regardless of the context. You can disagree with others and be polite to them simultaneously. If you have a problem with one’s work here, disclose your opinion decently.
On the other hand, while the meanness isn’t acceptable, it isn’t unexplainable, or even unprovoked (note, this is NOT an excuse for being harsh) either. If we ignore why this situation developed, it’s not going to mend itself. In my opinion AMKitsune already said everything that can be said in this regard.
Those who frown upon OC images here can probably be assorted into 2 groups:
2.: Those who are aware of the guidelines but dislike OCs. The reasons may vary, but usually, they would probably come down to them finding the relationship between your OC and the character from prequel cringy. All I can say is that these people should be told that we are talking about a two-legged yellow fictional talking cat, and therefore they shouldn’t feel so protective about her. It sounds harsh, and in part go against what it means to be a „fan”, but in this case this revelation for them might be neccessary.
There is an other side of the coin though.
In my opinion (which might sound extremist, but keep in mind that this isn’t a rule, just something to keep in the back of your head) is that if you upload pictures containing OCs, you subject yourself towards the opinions of those who are uninterested in them. All I mean is one should be able to imagine themselves in the shoes of others. Again, this doesn’t make mean comments acceptable, it’s just that one shouldn’t expect everyone to like their characters being woven into Prequel. I don’t have much against it, but not everyone here is ’me’, that’s the point. Think of it as a form of self-awareness. Do not hold back a drawing, just because you think there will be people who won’t like it, oh no, don’t limit your creativity that way. Just acknowledge and expect somewhere in the back of your head that not everyone’s interested in OCs.
Also, being able to blacklist tags would probably wholly resolve this issue. Maybe I should’ve started with that, but who would’ve read my rambling then?
By the way, did you know, that you can also reply to people by hovering over their comment, and clicking 'reply' on the little window that appears to the left of the comment? This will link the comments together, and when someone clicks on the link that gets created, the comment you were responding to gets highlighted (click on the "@Toryu-Mau" in this comment to see the miracle). It's the official way of posting replies.
Zargothrax: @bluedraggy: Well, I don't know, even though I probably find them amusing for the same reason. The more you think on it, the higher the risk of actually finding it out. And we all know how funny jokes are, once they are explained ;)
Zargothrax: This probably isn't the picture I'll be remembered for. But looking back at the boruu, what I miss the most is the contribution of gPainFox
Zargothrax: @DOOMGUY11: Thanks! But I think you should use pictures from artists whose knowledge on the subject is more solid than mine as references. At the moment I don't really see oddities in my drawing, but that doesn't mean there are none, and if you learn from this picture, you will also unknowingly learn the mistakes as well.
On the other hand, do whatewer suits you, the most important "lesson" in drawing is to have fun, stuff get really difficult without that.
Zargothrax: Well, this took me a while.
I really tried my best with this one. It’s also my second attempt at shading.
The two reasons why I haven’t uploaded for a little while is one part this. I was pretty much figuring out stuff along the way (and I still have a long way to go), but also I was a little lazy lately.
In the future I’ll probably move back a step and do simpler anatomy sketches and gesture drawings. Having the foundations down properly contributes much more than any form of decoration.
Zargothrax: @Toryu-Mau: Actually I graduated this summer. My first job will determine how my career will arc, so as you just said, I have to coose wisely. I'll try to keep drawing though.
Zargothrax: And also went digital. It's still new to me, but so far I like it.
I havent uploaded for a while. That's becouse I was lazy (to draw) then occupied, lazy again, then sick, now here I am. But it breaks my hearth that I havent uploaded for half a year.
I’m uncertain how much I’ll be able to draw now, as I reached a non-linear-gameplay part in my life where choices matter, so that has priority now.
As for the drawing, I tried something rather simple. Because I know, that I can waste an immense amount of time fine-tuning drawings (and to a degree I still did anyway), and I wanted to upload something as soon as possible.
Also, Katia just couldn’t resist. Who could blame her…
Zargothrax: @Sashimi: For the record I thought you meant that you want to postpone the dinner because the grill equipment is currently occupied/inaccessable. Like we humans tend to postpone activities that would involve waking sleeping cats.
Zargothrax: @AMKitsune: It almost scares me how much heat my cat can take. Even when the radiator is hot, she just sleeps on it like she has 90% fire resistance or something. (After a while she jumps off though, to lie on the cold floor)
Zargothrax: @Sashimi: Erm... What? Oh. I wanted to draw a radiator (took the one on my right as a reference, my cat loves to sleep on it when it's warm, she was the inspiration for this drawing), not some grill/cooking equipment, but it seems like I have to practice drawing radiators a little more ;)
Zargothrax: @Toxic: If I had to guess the other 656 images include the infamous Rajirra spanking images that were taken down, in other words, they were images that were unvelcome on this site, and were expelled forever. (Plus Bluedraggy's shading of the recent Rajirra daki, that disappeared for some reason???) This, however doesn't really explain why the lowest occupied ID on the site is 12. I doubt that the first 11 pictures here were all lewd.
Zargothrax: @Rick2tails: It says so at the tags. "sketch (666)", meaning this is a sketch, and there are 665 other sketches here (as of right now). The number of the submission is 4967 btw, that can be read from the end of the URL. Now, this makes me wonder what the 5000th fanart will be.
Zargothrax: Even if you’re so lucky you can guess correctly like 95% of the time, someone might just take advantage of the other 5%. Gro-Upp probably didn’t speculate much on this. He stole her belongings, now they steal his personal data!
Obviously this is a reference to meltdown and spectre.
Dramatic Descriptions
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The rabbit hole goes deeper.
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Highly suggested for those in the dank arts
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Imma bit late, but, better late than never!
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I was wondering once, how I could make a PoP crossover, but nothing came to my mind. This is really great though!
@Toryu-Mau: The game did a great job at conveying that the Dahaka is an entity far beyond the player, and fighting it is out of question. Now he reminds me of Cthulhu in this regard. Warrior Within was a terrific game, played it so much, back in the days
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First and foremost, the affable community of the boruu is something inspiring to many, artists or not, and as such I was distressed by seeing that this pieceful island on the internet turned slowly sour. Being ill-mannered is never adequate, regardless of the context. You can disagree with others and be polite to them simultaneously. If you have a problem with one’s work here, disclose your opinion decently.
On the other hand, while the meanness isn’t acceptable, it isn’t unexplainable, or even unprovoked (note, this is NOT an excuse for being harsh) either. If we ignore why this situation developed, it’s not going to mend itself. In my opinion AMKitsune already said everything that can be said in this regard.
Those who frown upon OC images here can probably be assorted into 2 groups:
1.: Those who aren’t aware of the boruu guidelines. This is the easier one. Redirecting them to this: for example should help.
2.: Those who are aware of the guidelines but dislike OCs. The reasons may vary, but usually, they would probably come down to them finding the relationship between your OC and the character from prequel cringy. All I can say is that these people should be told that we are talking about a two-legged yellow fictional talking cat, and therefore they shouldn’t feel so protective about her. It sounds harsh, and in part go against what it means to be a „fan”, but in this case this revelation for them might be neccessary.
There is an other side of the coin though.
In my opinion (which might sound extremist, but keep in mind that this isn’t a rule, just something to keep in the back of your head) is that if you upload pictures containing OCs, you subject yourself towards the opinions of those who are uninterested in them. All I mean is one should be able to imagine themselves in the shoes of others. Again, this doesn’t make mean comments acceptable, it’s just that one shouldn’t expect everyone to like their characters being woven into Prequel. I don’t have much against it, but not everyone here is ’me’, that’s the point. Think of it as a form of self-awareness. Do not hold back a drawing, just because you think there will be people who won’t like it, oh no, don’t limit your creativity that way. Just acknowledge and expect somewhere in the back of your head that not everyone’s interested in OCs.
Also, being able to blacklist tags would probably wholly resolve this issue. Maybe I should’ve started with that, but who would’ve read my rambling then?
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By the way, did you know, that you can also reply to people by hovering over their comment, and clicking 'reply' on the little window that appears to the left of the comment? This will link the comments together, and when someone clicks on the link that gets created, the comment you were responding to gets highlighted (click on the "@Toryu-Mau" in this comment to see the miracle). It's the official way of posting replies.
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On the other hand, do whatewer suits you, the most important "lesson" in drawing is to have fun, stuff get really difficult without that.
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I really tried my best with this one. It’s also my second attempt at shading.
The two reasons why I haven’t uploaded for a little while is one part this. I was pretty much figuring out stuff along the way (and I still have a long way to go), but also I was a little lazy lately.
In the future I’ll probably move back a step and do simpler anatomy sketches and gesture drawings. Having the foundations down properly contributes much more than any form of decoration.
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And also went digital, yada yada...
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I havent uploaded for a while. That's becouse I was lazy (to draw) then occupied, lazy again, then sick, now here I am. But it breaks my hearth that I havent uploaded for half a year.
I’m uncertain how much I’ll be able to draw now, as I reached a non-linear-gameplay part in my life where choices matter, so that has priority now.
As for the drawing, I tried something rather simple. Because I know, that I can waste an immense amount of time fine-tuning drawings (and to a degree I still did anyway), and I wanted to upload something as soon as possible.
Also, Katia just couldn’t resist. Who could blame her…
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Obviously this is a reference to meltdown and spectre.