Another booru is not a valid source. Either find the artist's original site or leave the source blank.

Dramatic Descriptions

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Zargothrax: Times like these, I feel like we need a "fine art" tag. I almost needed a second monocle just to gaze upon it.

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Zargothrax: I see a lot of improvement too on your work, Dominik.
As for further improvement, I sense what Kuro said as well about the drawing process. Personally I always start with the gesture, then the sketch of the naked body, then the sketch of the clothing (on an another layer) and finally an ink layer, which will be the only visible one. Plus the color if I include it.

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Zargothrax: Yes, this is really adorable, nice clothing folds too!

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Zargothrax: At first I thought Katia is the gift, but considering cat's affiliation with empty boxes, she probably received the best gift one could think of. And yeah, this is a very nice drawing, has a pretty cozy feeling to it.

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Zargothrax: I decided to make a full redraw of this instead of a knock-off.
For Christmas I thought I'd give something to the boruu that it needs the most: I retagged the last ~120 uploads (thought I'm talking about the drawing?). At the very least, if you draw something, please tag yourself as the artist (in my case that would be artist:Zargothrax). Or, you know, have a khajiit help you with tagging >>2099

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Zargothrax: I feel like I have to point this out: nice wear effect on the shoulder plates. Most people (including me) are just too lazy to not draw them as 2D metal sheets bent inwards, instead of 3D shapes, let alone have wear on them.

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Zargothrax: Damn Quill, the stuff your neighbors have to put up with...

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Zargothrax: Oof. She must have some pain tolerance to be able to sit after that. Well at least in Oblivion you could attack underwater, not like in Skyrim.
Also, nice splashing effects. I'll need to attempt to draw some for one of my half finished drawings, I figure it won't be easy.

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Zargothrax: That paint looks difficult to wash off.

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Zargothrax: This is how camouflage works in nature. Ahem. <narrator voice>
Here we can see a female khajiit, in her natural habitat. This one has been spotted regularly, prowling in these fields, which is likely to be her territory. She's spying the area for prey. Clever girl. We have little information on their population, though we can assume their numbers are declining due to deforestation, and expanding agriculture in the area.

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Zargothrax: Nice jug(s) she has. Great drawing!

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Zargothrax: This is what happens when you don't level int.

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Zargothrax: @bluedraggy: Thank you very much Bluedraggy, she looks dazzling!

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Zargothrax: @bluedraggy: Aww, you could have just uploaded it, would've been more of a surprise. But while we are at it:

I left in a mistake, maybe you could fix it. It wasn't such a big issue so as to ask for mods to replace my image, but since you haven't uploaded yet:
see the red line? I left that there by accident.

The outfit changes are welcome, I just wasn't brave enough to make it so small
In any case, your color choice is something one would normally wear under clothing or for sleeping. You could choose a complimentary color, in this case it would be a matte blue-ish turquoise, or something around that. But in my opinion, there is a much better option: black (or a dark grey), considering the "occasion".

See you on the other post!

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Zargothrax: @KuroNeko: @lapma: @Caps: Thank you! By the way, the reason I usually draw her to be significantly stronger than Katia is that she's an acrobatics trainer.

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Zargothrax: Not too long ago I posted a drawing of Katia poledancing, and Bluedraggy wrote something like, if only we could get Quill to do the same. Well, we could.

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Zargothrax: She's so pretty, especially here. Nice pose, and good work, with the jacket and the perspective!
Sadly though, Katia doesn't even have a memory about Dmitri. Will never know who he was, nor what his intents were.

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Zargothrax: And we are thankful you did! This is very pretty, nice colors too.

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Zargothrax: This is very cute. And yeah, it sucks when a drawing just ends up 'off', and no detailing can save it from that.

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Zargothrax: @KuroNeko: @lapma: Thanks!

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Zargothrax: @Tabby_Catface: Thank you! And yeah I know. Made the shadows a long time ago. Also if you look closely the blood doesn't have a shadow either. But I felt like this was left unposted for far too long already. As I said, I could've started repairing everything wrong with this painting, but I didn't feel like it, as this is just far overdue already.

@somethingsomething: Thanks! Actually the fire and the embers were the main thing that I added now, not half a year ago. (the other was just reworking the shadows on the fur)

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Zargothrax: I have to say, that little Katia turned out really adorable, nice job! And good luck with switching to tablet. Learning the hand-eye coordination will be really annoying for a while, it's not something you get used to in a few weeks. But the trade-off, the endless possibilities, being freed from the boundaries of physical media, makes it worth it.

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Zargothrax: I had this drawing 98% finished for more than half a year. I wanted to add more realistic fur, better shadows, etc., but as time went on, I had to realize, that my workflow isn't really compatible with what I had back then. So I just did the essential changes. I could have sat down and started to redraw a bunch of stuff, but I think it's better this way. It's still my most complex painting here by a long-shot. Also I feel like this is the perfect post to claim upload number 6666, could not let that slip.
The image itself depicts how Gaius sees Katia.

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Zargothrax: @lapma: looks like we use the same tablet!

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Zargothrax: Quill's like

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Zargothrax: @lapma: Wait what? I thought you drew her having cat-like legs on purpose. That would've been the perfect balance between cartoony and racist. Let me demonstrate.

(yes I know these aren't entirely cat-like either, but this is what I meant)
Nice drawing either way, the pieceful setting makes it really pleasing to look at!

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Zargothrax: Very cute, especially the legs XD

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Zargothrax: This is pretty unlike the drawings we usually see here, I like it. How was this made? Watercolor?

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Zargothrax: Funny, I had one too just today.
I was on a ship (similar to the one in Precede) with a middle aged woman, who was expecting Katia to show up. But Katia had no funds for the voyage, instead she went to some kind of mask maker first, who was capable of creating masks that if you wear, you can assume a certain persons appearance. She chose the appearance of some kind of traveling agent, who traveled so much on this ship, he once payed a large sum to the crew for a lifetime ticket (not an actual ticket, they just remembered not to ask for payment from him). The trick worked, they let her onboard (I never saw her in her suthay raht form in the dream). But later a smuggler also came onboard, who had the same idea of how to avoid paying for the ride, and he took the appearance of the same agent, and stuff was starting to become suspicious. That's all I remember.

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Zargothrax: Oh, dear little lizard... This is wholesome.

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Zargothrax: @KuroNeko: Thanks!
Now that I think of it "burn out" is more precise in describing what I experienced. That's probably the reason why I didn't have to wait entire months for it to start fading.

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Zargothrax: Whoa this is pretty dreadful. We make fun of her for being a drunken stick-in-the-mud, but actually this is kinda how I imagine what kind of drinker she really is.

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Zargothrax: I'm slowly getting over my artist block I think. So here is a kung-fu jump kicking Katia. The trick of the drawing was that I didn't use any guidelines, on purpose, to see if I can draw without them.

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Zargothrax: @lapma: I actually have 2 unfinished drawings of her with a similar pose. I hope to finish them someday. But yeah, this is a tricky pose. Especially the anatomy around the damned shoulders.

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Zargothrax: @Zargothrax: RIP BBCode. To my defense it worked in the previewer. (also, if this text appears as subscript then just don't use capital letters in the tags, otherwise subscript tags don't work here)

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Zargothrax: @lapma: I may be naive for thinking that that wasn't her, but to be fair that could not have been cleaved from her considering how skinny is.
But if it was anyway, then yeah, this isn't the place to showcase Katia being eaten. [SUB]especially not that way[/SUB]

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Zargothrax: That is a very pretty Quill, can see a nice rhythm in the gesture, well drawn!

(Unrelated: The food related boruu entry (probably 6630) disappeared, I hope noone truly assumed it'd go unnoticed. That was some truly gourmet sh*t.)

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Zargothrax: At some point she'll be older in real life than in Prequel.

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Zargothrax: Whoa this is pretty savage.

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Zargothrax: Her head looks like a lemon.

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Zargothrax: @KuroNeko: Now that you mention it, the Shivering Isles were kinda like Wonderland. Now imagine if Haskell was a Cheshire khajiit instead... Yeah this is totally Katia on the Shivering Isles, with her only friend being that crazy argonian running around yelling "nininininini".

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Zargothrax: @KuroNeko: Welcome to the club.
And now I'm working on only one drawing and somehow it alone manages to feel like too much.
By the way I read it somewhere that cat's tongue lack receptors for tasting sweetness. All she would taste would be the artificial stuff holding together the other artificial but sweet stuff (plus the sugar). The horrors.

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Zargothrax: In 'Merica, you hug cats.
In Cyrodiil, cats hug YOU.

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Zargothrax: She'll just run away right? Kind-of the equivalent of quitting an online match when you're losing.

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Zargothrax: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Most people here would probably gladly be her prey.

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Zargothrax: Wanted to post this yesterday but was too tired to finish it. So here's Cheshire Kat, watching over you.

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Zargothrax: I see Katia complained about how slow it is for her kind to clean their fur, against which Quill objected by demonstrating methodology of superior efficiency. (Or maybe she just wanted a pun to come alive?)
Quill's dress is charming, I really like it!

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Zargothrax: Pretty cute! Nice unique style on the environment too.

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Zargothrax: I think I was looking for reference images with google search on khajiits. One of the results was a Prequel panel, and I was like "'the hell is this bullshit?". After seeing multiple panels in the results I decided to investigate, and suffice to say, this "bullshit" kinda grew on me. Best random click ever.
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