Zargothrax: Your first attempt looks better than most's 50th!
You got the shapes, the shading and even the ambience right, that provides a coherent image.
Good luck finding your artist name. Maybe ask others how they got theirs, if you need some ideas.
Zargothrax: With this attire and armament, looks like she could fit in pretty well in Ashen. She would definitely make up for everyone else's lack of eyes.
Also, the clothing wrinkles look pretty amazing.
Zargothrax: Is this from this mod With custom textures?
If yes, I've noticed this too. There is an extra node in her head for her eyes, that fill out most of her cranium. Eyetia confirmed.
Zargothrax: @KuroNeko: Damn, I should've stopped at 4. Hmmm... She's probably a Polydactyl cat, frequent among ship's cats. Exactly what I meant when drawing the toes.
@Caps: This is how witch hunters in The Witcher 3 dress like. And act like...
@lapma, @Dominik: Thanks. I remember Dominik you had a Witcher drawing too, school of the Cat, was it? I mentioned I had a Witcher related drawing coming up on which my progress was somewhat stuck. This was it. Some of my drawings spend a lot of time being put aside before being completed.
@Rick2tails: Thank you. You mean off character right? Somehow I like drawing her with altered personality, especially if it's filled with rage.
Zargothrax: @Rick2tails, @Caps, @KuroNeko: Thanks! Empress "Princess" would definitely be the end of Katia, though I'd reckon she wouldn't be around to see that.
Zargothrax: I used my evil magicks to turn the princess into a queen. She's now older, wiser and approximately 40 times as royal as before. Good times are over.
Zargothrax: @Zerorganic: It's a satire on the principle that the larger the eye-to-head ratio, the higher the perceived cuteness. Katia is already having ridiculously large eyes >>762 and some smart people thought they can make her even cuter by pulling the ratio up to 1:1.
@ADudeCalledLeo: Eyetia with him. Her backstory would probably be some kind of messed up eldritch horror, but with Sheogorath involved who disapproved of how un-funnyly it represents madness.
Zargothrax: @KuroNeko: Thanks. The hardest part was conveying emotions. It's pretty damn hard, when your characters don't have a firckin' face. That's why I drew a wiggly tail despite the wizard robe for instance. Also I just realized this is the first shipping drawing I ever made. Up to a great start I guess. Besides wouldn't you agree, that there really aren't enough Saturalia stuff here? Especially of the bosses.
@lapma: Damn, I forgot about that, will finish it sooner or later. Not a terribly high-effort drawing, it's more like this one. And I might have exaggerated on the triggering part, it's definitely not weirder than this.
Zargothrax: It was love at first sight, if you know what I mean. She caught his eye on nightmare duty and instead of haunting her, he decided that, every night, he'll go out of his way, to intercept the nightmares she has with the King, so that they can be together.
Zargothrax: Aww, she's so cute. And such great colors! Nice shading too. (her neck/shoulders scare me a little though. Must be a witch hunter trick she learnt along the way)
Zargothrax: Imagine someone new finding Prequel for the first time, then see there is a fanart section, come here with shining eyes, and be greeted with this (and what I'm about to upload). Just imagine what could go through their poor little head
Zargothrax: @KuroNeko: I can give you a better anthro problem: try designing a headphone. Earpods are out, we're talking studio grade over ear headphones. If you were to design it naively and simply have it envelope the ears with a band on the top, it'll be top-heavy with no clamping force. A small tilt on the head and it falls off.
@AMKitsune: Aww, she's even prettier in color. And nice job changing the color of the wings to be closer to mysticisms representation in the comic.
@TempIntel: Well, she's allergic to that, on the other hand... @ADudeCalledLeo: she can spread misfortune instead of pixie dust. And light everything aflame.
@Whistle: Thank you.
@lapma: For YOU dear moderators. And for me for being lazy to draw clothes but didn't want to tag my drawing 'questionable' for nudity. (and I don't really like the aesthetics of the painted underwear. It's good for memes though)
Zargothrax: @lapma: Funniest part: I was just working on an other Princess related post, one with which I'll possibly trigger the entire booru. At some point I came here for references to aid my noble cause, and upon arrival, this hit me. Couldn't help but laugh.
Zargothrax: I always hoped to become a featured artist one day, and it seems the day has come! Although I kind of imagined that happening after uploading a masterpiece I worked on for weeks.
Zargothrax: This is pretty cute, though Katia's fingers on her left hand seem to have lost their volume. Also did you just put lighting on the clouds? That's some next level ambience. I always liked how you make backgrounds and environment.
Zargothrax: A strange creature's preying in the fog. Every night, a thick mist arises. We hear a laughter, a song, a voice from where no one can see, inviting, calling to us to enter the woods. We hide inside and close the windows, we pray, that we may see the light of day again. There have been numerous "adventurers" (fools, we call them), who believed they can brave the fog, but once they enter the haze, none return. The last brought a curious contraption, a dwemer ocular persistor, he called it, a device that can freeze a moment of sight onto a sheet of paper. His harrowing death cry chilled my bones as it echoed in the blackened woods. Once the mist subsided, we found his device on the bloodstained grass, with the image of the the last thing, he saw...
Zargothrax: Morrowind memes never grow old.
I remember on my playthrough Dagoth Ur took an ebony arrow of slaying to the face and died... Turns out he's not invincible, he just refreshes his hp to max (or some value) every frame, which means that he appears invulnerable, but if you deal more damage to him in a single blow than his max HP he can die. And the ebony arrows of slaying from Solstheim deal 5000. So this is how you can kill a God.
Zargothrax: Let's hope they leveled athletics and speed.
Nice comic btw, the expressions and the gestures are very expressive, event with their simplicity. Especially Katia on the last panel XD
Zargothrax: Pretty damn fine painting this is!
Btw I didn't think it'd be here, but the original is also on the booru. >>2410 Guoh's sketches are pretty damn amazing.
Zargothrax: I'd say it is a significant improvement on the first one in all aspects, very well done. Maybe some regression in terms of orientation. Remove the exif data before uploading photos.
Zargothrax: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Damn, that was one of the saddest thing I've seen in my life. People in that grim dark future just can't have anything nice.
Zargothrax: Even though she'd be considered xenos, not even the Emperor's most faithful can resist having their hearth melted by a plasma gun adorableness.
Zargothrax: Is he climbing a May Pole? I've heard this is a thing in Austria.
@Tabby_Catface: A cat that can't climb a tree. He brought dishonor to his ancestors. Also that was goddamn hilarious @Tejo: The general procedure of uploading a fixed version of an image is reporting you own uploaded image and in the description have a link to the new one and explain that you'd like to exchange it to that one. The mods take care of the rest.
Zargothrax: @Caps: Thank you! She's usually wearing the cloak of gray tomorrow over it, but that's just the cloak. She has the tunic under it.
@bluedraggy: Thanks! Originally wanted to upload this monochrome, but finished it anyway, and I'm glad I did because the coloring and shading of this one was surprisingly painless.
Dramatic Descriptions
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Also, reptiles ought to stick together.
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You got the shapes, the shading and even the ambience right, that provides a coherent image.
Good luck finding your artist name. Maybe ask others how they got theirs, if you need some ideas.
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Also, the clothing wrinkles look pretty amazing.
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If yes, I've noticed this too. There is an extra node in her head for her eyes, that fill out most of her cranium. Eyetia confirmed.
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@Caps: This is how witch hunters in The Witcher 3 dress like. And act like...
@lapma, @Dominik: Thanks. I remember Dominik you had a Witcher drawing too, school of the Cat, was it? I mentioned I had a Witcher related drawing coming up on which my progress was somewhat stuck. This was it. Some of my drawings spend a lot of time being put aside before being completed.
@Rick2tails: Thank you. You mean off character right? Somehow I like drawing her with altered personality, especially if it's filled with rage.
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@ADudeCalledLeo: Eyetia with him. Her backstory would probably be some kind of messed up eldritch horror, but with Sheogorath involved who disapproved of how un-funnyly it represents madness.
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@lapma: Damn, I forgot about that, will finish it sooner or later. Not a terribly high-effort drawing, it's more like this one. And I might have exaggerated on the triggering part, it's definitely not weirder than this.
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@AMKitsune: Aww, she's even prettier in color. And nice job changing the color of the wings to be closer to mysticisms representation in the comic.
@TempIntel: Well, she's allergic to that, on the other hand... @ADudeCalledLeo: she can spread misfortune instead of pixie dust. And light everything aflame.
@Whistle: Thank you.
@lapma: For YOU dear moderators. And for me for being lazy to draw clothes but didn't want to tag my drawing 'questionable' for nudity. (and I don't really like the aesthetics of the painted underwear. It's good for memes though)
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I remember on my playthrough Dagoth Ur took an ebony arrow of slaying to the face and died... Turns out he's not invincible, he just refreshes his hp to max (or some value) every frame, which means that he appears invulnerable, but if you deal more damage to him in a single blow than his max HP he can die. And the ebony arrows of slaying from Solstheim deal 5000. So this is how you can kill a God.
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Nice comic btw, the expressions and the gestures are very expressive, event with their simplicity. Especially Katia on the last panel XD
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Btw I didn't think it'd be here, but the original is also on the booru. >>2410
Guoh's sketches are pretty damn amazing.
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a plasma gunadorableness.- Reply
@Tabby_Catface: A cat that can't climb a tree. He brought dishonor to his ancestors. Also that was goddamn hilarious
@Tejo: The general procedure of uploading a fixed version of an image is reporting you own uploaded image and in the description have a link to the new one and explain that you'd like to exchange it to that one. The mods take care of the rest.
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@bluedraggy: Thanks! Originally wanted to upload this monochrome, but finished it anyway, and I'm glad I did because the coloring and shading of this one was surprisingly painless.
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