Obey all rules or suffer unimaginable consequences.
6777: Quill-Weave's_bedroom artist:lapma blushing character:Katia_Managan impure_thoughts pineapple
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Rick2tails: no! bad katia!
Tabby_Catface: why not thought, let the kitty have some fun if it won't destroy her entire life of course
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Yeltsa_Kcir: (´。_。`)
8344: Khajiit artist:rollanan black_eyes blood character:Katia_Managan erect_tail lockpick rags rude tears text
8511: Khajiit adorable amulet_of_mara artist:Filthypaladin beautiful black_eyes character:Katia_Managan smiling wedding
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showing 10 of 13 comments
Jig_Bigga: @Rick2tails: Her wedding dress might be a bit revealing, so yeah..
also nude weddings wtf?? those exist?
bluedraggy: TBH I've seen a lot more revealing wedding dresses irl. Cat cleavage doesn't rise to the level of questionable imho. A great work by FP btw. He could really drop the Filthy at this point and become Respectablepaladin and he'd still get my follows.
Vidiotdragon: I do?
Nicros_Man: She is so cute and beautiful! I wouldn't mind at all to marry her.
Jig_Bigga: @Nicros_Man: Genuinely. She’s an absolute SWEETHEART! Seeing her overcome her alcoholism, and climb up from complete rock bottom is just so heartwarming, she really is just a beautiful woman (and a really sweet person overall)
Jig_Bigga: @Nicros_Man: EXACTLY! She’s such a sweet princess, I can’t help but just want to protect her and give her all the love and affection in the world
ADudeCalledLeo: ...huh, this was never uploaded?
Anyway someone post the followup of Katia about to get Friday the 13th'd |
6181: Papers_Please character:Katia_Managan crossover modern_clothing pixel_art text
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Un_Mapache: I fkn knew it
KuroNeko: Ah, I see Katia found a job at the Morrowind border, keeping all those filthy n'wah out.
Zargothrax: This is unexpected. Maybe Elisa KATsenja would've been more fitting role for her though, especially considering Katia was trying to cross the border in the comic as well.
lordbeacatm: wheres update?
damrok4321: lol I recently started to watch Jacksepticeye playing papers please and now it shows up here. How the fuck life knows my interests and always puts something relative here!?
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Yeltsa_Kcir: Yes Welcome to Grestin border checkpoint, Papers please, No Royalty.
4408: Colovian_Fur_Helm Safety_hat animation artist:Baz1S artist:Kazerad character:Katia_Managan drugs extended_neck inconsistent_rendering rags text
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showing 10 of 23 comments
Grape: @realbboy: Yeah, I get that space totally does have directions, but I'm willing to ignore a significant portion of real world science to let the universe-hat exist
Vidiotdragon: *slow clap*
GoodIdeasAreOverrated: Jesus christ what is wrong with us
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Irixue_Lirium: Gotta move that cat up.
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Yeltsa_Kcir: TF2 Got a new class!
4771: Khajiit animation artist:Bluedraggy artist:Kazerad artist:LuminosityXVII artist:rick_astley crossover khajiit_racism meme song_and_dance text
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showing 10 of 11 comments
LuminosityXVII: I salute thee, comrade.
madmanransom: y tho
Kazerad: @bluedraggy: As in, no objections to me deleting the other?
(Also sorry I didn't get a chance to listen to the song earlier, I saw you asking me to! I was just busy)
Enheldor: @bluedraggy: @Kazerad: I like the other picture just because of the bait and switch! That's how rick rolls are meant to be experienced.
bluedraggy: Totally fine with me Kaz. Either way. I fully expected the other to be pulled anyway. And kinda glad you didnt on the stream as it wouldn't have had LuminosityXVII's enormous contribution.
LuminosityXVII: Hehehehe
bluedraggy: Ack! I forgot to put you in the tags LuminosityXVII! No way I'm taking the blame for that all alone! :)
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Yeltsa_Kcir: don't read my name backwards.
7899: Khajiit black_eyes character:Katia_Managan hoodie hoodie_katia modern_clothing pixel_art portrait rude
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Rick2tails: Katia at 17 trying to be badass edgelord? XD
Joshsn0tter: cutee
Vidiotdragon: cat and bird
Zargothrax: Is it even possible to tattoo fur? I bet it's just painted on.
the image link in the first comment made me giggle a bit
Joshsn0tter: thats paint
ADudeCalledLeo: rude
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Yeltsa_Kcir: They toppled the Royal Family.
8514: Khajiit adorable artist:rollanan black_eyes character:Katia_Managan dress missing_tail
8513: Khajiit abstract adorable artist:cheesestick187 black_eyes character:Katia_Managan happy
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cheesestick187: kaz recently showed off the patented "katia bouncy ball." is it worth it?
Zargothrax: @cheesestick187: Is this what we are talking about? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6F3sUlz3XSM
spatuladoom: This is definitely the Katia ever
8516: 3D Katia's_wizard_robe Khajiit TES_Oblivion anvil character:Katia_Managan civilization screenshot
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