Always heed the Daedric Fun Tip.

2098: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow adorable artist:Plague_of_Gripes beautiful character:Katia_Managan chiaroscuro featured_masterpiece green_eyes smiling snow

Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow adorable artist:Plague_of_Gripes beautiful character:Katia_Managan chiaroscuro featured_masterpiece green_eyes smiling snow
showing 10 of 13 comments

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Sasquatch_boote: 3kawaii5me

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Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: I wish 4Kawaii8me

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tronn: I think Plague is one of the few artists who have realized how grotesquely large Katia's eyes really are, and draws them accordingly. Great job!

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AMKitsune: @tronn: There's a sweet spot in the 'eye largeness scale'. Plague Knows that sweet spot better than most and his art is all the more adorable for it.

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KillerfishSG: Featured masterpiece? :P

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doodlemancer: nice~~~

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Tahrey: DAAANG, Plague. The Kawaii level in this picture is almost TOO DAMN HIGH.

@Man_Of_Mer - he's so modest about his abilities as well, is the more amazing (or possibly distressing?) thing. If you watch his youtube videos the self deprecation almost gets annoying as he knocks out another awesome piece like this in a single sitting. And apparently the Prequel pieces are almost all done as practice studies rather than anything serious O_o

Also, making a character cuter by REDUCING the eye size, I think this must be a first?!

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Tahrey: @Man_Of_Mer
OK, i'm new to this, obvs that's not how you quote someone's name into a post. Let's see if I can do it correctly. Maybe it needs to be the first thing in a reply? Or you just write it out without an @, such as Man_Of_Mer ?

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Tahrey: wtf

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Tahrey: @Tahrey:
...oh, right. Like that. Derp.

2101: Katia's_Thief_Tunic artist:POMA character:Katia_Managan fire frowning monochrome self_inflicted_burns sketch

Katia's_Thief_Tunic artist:POMA character:Katia_Managan fire frowning monochrome self_inflicted_burns sketch

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POMA: gotta work on problem zones (aka hands and eyes) now

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Mezhik: @POMA: Здорово!

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Tahrey: IDK, @POMA ... I kinda like the eyes as they are. Nice and expressive :)

Could do with some kind of appendages of any kind though o_O

2094: artist:POMA character:Rajirra monochrome sketch

artist:POMA character:Rajirra monochrome sketch

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POMA: Soo, Daedric Fun Tip, huh? Pretty clever.. and fun for sure :3

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Geravind: Btw, why those tips are encrypted now? If this one remembers right, earlier they were readable.

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OppoQuinn: @Geravind: I can read them just fine.

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bluedraggy: I always just copy/paste to this description window myself.

2093: Eyetia character:Sigrid portrait

Eyetia character:Sigrid portrait

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Geravind: Глаза анимэшно большие.
Мордатость не сильно соответствует комплекции остального тела.
Руки... Руки! (мыли?) Запястья -- натурально самое тонкое место, даже под таким углом, даже в таком платье.

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Ilita: Geravind: Глаза анимэшно большие.
Мордатость не сильно соответствует комплекции остального тела.
Руки... Руки! (мыли?) Запястья -- натурально самое тонкое место, даже под таким углом, даже в таком платье.
Вроде нормально, только правый глаз странно расположен, а про руки- может там броня:-) (и советую писать понятней, гуглпереводчик такое не осилит).

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Radian: Crazy russian talk in da house!
@Ilita: В общем-то он правильно написал. Это не Морровыид чтобы броню под одеждой носить, да и Сигрид она без надобности. Про правый глаз соглашусь, его надо бы сделать уже.
А еще мне платье понравилось, шикарно цвета подобрал.

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Man_Of_Mer: Если ты не можешь побить их присоединись к ним. Я использую переводчик, так что это , возможно, не имеет смысла. Я также не знаю, что вы все говорите.

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Geravind: @Man_Of_Mer: Oh, no, no! Don't use that headless google-translator. It's inadequate like drunken zombie.
This one meant: her eyes are too big, like anime-style; her face is a bit fat accordingly to her skinny body; her wrists looks unnaturally log-shaped. And yes, the color-scheme is cool.

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Geravind: @Ilita: You mean her LEFT eye actually, right? XD
Sorry, when this one writes in russian, there so many puns happen, that any translator will get drowned...
Khajiit will try his best.

2075: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Sneak artist:Todo_Deygulash character:Katia_Managan character:Plague_of_Gripes merchandise modern_clothing

Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Sneak artist:Todo_Deygulash character:Katia_Managan character:Plague_of_Gripes merchandise modern_clothing

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Gren: So... Katia is stalking this guy or what?

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Man_Of_Mer: Does plague really have chiseled abs?
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TemporaryFace: @Man_Of_Mer: Everyone has chiseled abs in fan art.

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Nefel: @Gren: Someone requested a drawfag do a picture of Plague creeping on Katia changing. Drawfag did this instead

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Sasquatch_boote: If I ever do art of myself, I promise I will depict myself as a Dorito and Mountain Dew wielding neck beard, saftey-hatted with the finest fedora in all the lands. Please hold me to it.

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doodlemancer: apart from the missing nipples he's looking pretty good

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AMKitsune: Katia's serious face means things are getting serious.

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Vidiotdragon: After working on that fence for so long, you bet he probably does.

1635: artist:POMA character:Katia_Managan firearms text

artist:POMA character:Katia_Managan firearms text

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CaptainLackwit: This will end poorly yes, but the bullet definitely won't curve back at her.

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POMA: Just came up with idea of placing a trademark sign for Kazerad's Backfire Disastrously™ Should have thought about it earlier.

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Maroc: Lol Mythbusters did this, scary thing is it will curve
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MetalC0Mmander: @POMA: You can edit tags even if they are already added.

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VashTheStampede: Telekinesis

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Cool_Username: Dat ACME reference.
*Slow claps*

2081: Hand_to_Hand artist:Radian character:Katia_Managan claws digitigrade green_eyes painted_underwear practice teeth training very_casually_underdressed

Hand_to_Hand artist:Radian character:Katia_Managan claws digitigrade green_eyes painted_underwear practice teeth training very_casually_underdressed

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Radian: I tried to make some more dynamic pose.

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Geravind: Why it's so... uh... predatory faced? It does not look like Katia.
That right elbow is disfigured a little... Generally, good shaping!

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Radian: @Geravind: She is on hard training. Also, I was focused rather on paws and figure.

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DestinedFateX: I'm sorry, but doesn't Katia have Plantigrade feet? I mean, I understand Khajiit physiology is bizarre and all, but digitigrade Khajiit have not been seen since Morrowind, and Kazerad draws Katia with Plantigrade feet. Now that I think of it, it could be that every Elder Scrolls game takes place in a slightly different reality; if the ES world is a playground for the daedric princes/other gods, then what I said may be true. Sorry 'bout the tangent. TL/DR: Katia is canonly plantigrade.

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POMA: Bethesda made almost human-like khajiits back in Arena and Daggerfall, then they decided to make khajiits more bestial and solved it by giving khajiits sub-races. Don't mess with reality$ it's pretty linear in TES.

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Radian: @DestinedFateX: Oblivion Khajiit have human-like feet (and looks awful, in my opinion), but in Morrowind they are digitigrade. In comic Katia's feet somewhat between plantigrade and digitigrade, so I think both are legit.

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Gren: @Radian: Nope, Katia is fully plantigrade --> http://www.prequeladventure.com/this/story774.gif
Also, I think Oblivion's khajiits were the coolest of the series (Morrowind ones were horrible and creepy while Skyrim ones were too adorable, when they were supposed to be frightening).

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Gren: BTW, nice drawing. I dunno why but I find athletic girls as the sexiest among all women.

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Radian: @Gren: I mean something like this: http://i.imgur.com/VmNCcHs.jpg I can't call it fully plantigrade, but I probably just confused term.

2085: artist:POMA balalaika character:Katia_Managan monochrome musicality sketch stringed_instrument

artist:POMA balalaika character:Katia_Managan monochrome musicality sketch stringed_instrument

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POMA: too tired for clothes.

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Sasquatch_boote: Im pretty sure thats the excuse most nsfw artists give for drawing lewd things.
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MetalC0Mmander: I know it's a joke but I feel it would work better if the picture was less sketch and more questionable.

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Geravind: Two questions:
why she's holding the instrument "left-handed"?
she's sitting... on what?

Looks pretty cool.
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MetalC0Mmander: She could be abidextrous.

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Nefel: >she's sitting... on what?

Nothing, she's doing horse stance.

2084: Colored Shameless_product_placement anachronism artist:Man_Of_Mer bed character:Katia_Managan crown drugs dwemer_technology headphones ink knock_off modern_clothing musicality red_eyes

Colored Shameless_product_placement anachronism artist:Man_Of_Mer bed character:Katia_Managan crown drugs dwemer_technology headphones ink knock_off modern_clothing musicality red_eyes
showing 10 of 26 comments

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tronn: Your reasoning isn't very solid, TemporaryFace. You can very well have both 'sports' and 'baseketball' as tags at the same time, it's not like the tag cloud is going to run out of space. In fact, having lots of synonyms makes it more robust. For example I might remember that the picture I was looking for had a crying cat in it, but if I don't remember that the tagger had chosen only 'tears' as the sole tag then I'm out of luck - going through 'sadness' would include the majority of the pictures in the archive after all.

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Sasquatch_boote: I decree on this day that all tags are created equal. No longer shall one tag be favoured over another. Both the generalized tag and the specific tag may live in harmony. This shall be the law of the land, and all shall abide by this rule.

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Sasquatch_boote: In the wake of this new law, i motion that tags that may be considered comical in nature if of a high enough caliber and would have potential to be replicated.

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Man_Of_Mer: Great, amazing. Can we focus on my piece now?
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TemporaryFace: @tronn: Having lots of synonyms makes it cluttered and messy. Efficiency above all else.

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Sasquatch_boote: @TemporaryFace: what is "it"? Isnt it more important that we can find what we need? Thats the point of tags. I have a solution to get rid of all of the clutter: lets tag everything "art" and art alone. That way we will have absolutely no clutter.
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TemporaryFace: @Sasquatch_boote: 'It' is the interface.

But okay, let's suppose we don't consolidate. Encourage rampant synonyms. Who's going to go through the 80+ pages of artwork to make sure all the entries are tagged with every possible way they can be described? I sure as hell won't. And every time someone adds a new, equivalent tag, you'll have to go all the way through again. It's just impractical.

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Sasquatch_boote: @TemporaryFace: each picture should be tagged as thoroughly as possible when posted. We arent striving for perfection, just a more accurate system.

I feel like we are writing the constitution here.

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tronn: Tagging is done on volunteer basis, as always.

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AMKitsune: While we're on the subject, do any admins out there know if we'll be getting SWF support on this booru at any point? My Image tagging helper program is pretty much complete at this point. It just needs a home now. I asked Kazerad about it a while ago but haven't had a reply yet (I'm just going to assume it's going to be a while). If not, I'll see if I can find somewhere else for it (for the time being at least).

2083: Kvatch_arena_armor character:Katia_Managan

Kvatch_arena_armor character:Katia_Managan
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Protatoe: Dramatic description of epic proportions!

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Kazerad: Oh noo, you put her on paper! Now that she is no longer trapped in a computer screen, who knows what harm will come to the world?

(Seriously though, nice redraw. I'm gonna fix some tags, though, since that's actually the Kvatch armor. None of these outfits have official names, the people who tag images just come up with vaguely consistent systems).
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Protatoe: I hope it doesn't accidentally catch fire!

Thanks for fixing the tag! :)
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