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1343: The_Amazing_World_of_Gumball character:Katia_Managan crossover

The_Amazing_World_of_Gumball character:Katia_Managan crossover

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pT-Asotil: She has taken over nicoles life.

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Bob: Mildly disturbed.
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MetalC0Mmander: Well I guess both of them can't get anything to go right for them.

1340: artist:Plague_of_Gripes beautiful character:Katia_Managan character:Rajirra smelly_peasant

artist:Plague_of_Gripes beautiful character:Katia_Managan character:Rajirra smelly_peasant

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Mediocre_Scrublord: Ragira? Who is this clown?

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makingfailure: Plague always delivers awesome art in top speeds.

Those peasant teeth though.

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pT-Asotil: This had me chuckling.

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AMKitsune: This had me laughing hystericly.

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VashTheStampede: Hyuk

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Diocletithik_Nagnaresh: exhibit A: me on GMOD with all the resources i could ever desire
exhibit B: me on GMOD trying to use wiremod

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Sasquatch_boote: This is accidentally hilarious and im not going to tell you why.

1288: Sneak artist:Mediocre_Scrublord character:Katia_Managan character:Sigrid criminal_scum ninja

Sneak artist:Mediocre_Scrublord character:Katia_Managan character:Sigrid criminal_scum ninja
showing 10 of 11 comments

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Gren: cat burglar...posing like a chicken

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Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: So if she's catwoman, does that make ASOTIL batman?

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Man_Of_Mer: The way you draw her face creeps me out.

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Man_Of_Mer: Oh and no tail.

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Mediocre_Scrublord: shit
I never rememeber the tail

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Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: @Man_Of_Mer: @Mediocre_Scrublord:It's just hiding behind her is all.

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Mediocre_Scrublord: it's gotta be sneaky. The tail is sneakier than her

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Bob: @Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi:

I'd say Asotil is more in lines of judge dredd.
Cause everything he does is by "dah lawl."

Also is it me or does anyone else imagine him having patrick warburton's voice?

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Man_Of_Mer: Nah, I just think of the classic "CRIMINAL SCUM" voice.
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MetalC0Mmander: I just remembered how impossible it is to sneak without the proper skills or equipments. At least in fallout.

1563: artist:rektum beach character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave merchandise questionable sunset swimsuit wallpaper

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Man_Of_Mer: O_O

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Francix: 0///0 *nosebleed*
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Uzi_Man_: Bravo, sir. 10/10

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Fineas: Wow, that's really something. Gorgeous.

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furnut: hot damn.... love that round soft curving supple......................sunset.

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Skoon: Argonian butt 10/10

2034: NASCAR Shameless_product_placement anachronism artist:jacobc62 character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch

NASCAR Shameless_product_placement anachronism artist:jacobc62 character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch

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jacobc62: So I recently readded Katia back to my racing league. Decided to draw her in her racing suit.

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tronn: She looks racy!

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POMA: But that's racist!

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Man_Of_Mer: Gotta go fast?

2028: Katia's_wizard_robe artist:protoss722 character:Katia_Managan monochrome painted_underwear sketch

Katia's_wizard_robe artist:protoss722 character:Katia_Managan monochrome painted_underwear sketch

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Sasquatch_boote: I could really get down with this style. I'd like to see more of it.

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Man_Of_Mer: Same here. Has that Sunday comic strip feel.

2025: artist:Radian character:Katia_Managan painted_underwear questionable very_casually_underdressed

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Skoon: A sexy cat-person be her.

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Mediocre_Scrublord: She has very powerful knees

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Nefel: That right one's expression is perfect

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Radian: @Scrubby: This is your fetish?
Colored version: http://i.imgur.com/kzoX5SB.jpg

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Mediocre_Scrublord: @Radian http://bigkneelover.deviantart.com/gallery/

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Sasquatch_boote: @scrub i think i just wet myself with semen

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Radian: @Scrublord: Wow,so hot.

1972: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow_(contest_entry) artist:Makkon character:Katia_Managan clothing_design

Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow_(contest_entry) artist:Makkon character:Katia_Managan clothing_design

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Makkon: This round, used the colors from NickTaken's outfit, as well as a few similar variants.

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CaptainLackwit: Oh that first one is killer man, I love it. The soft, light blue is just great.

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Nasi: Why not featured masterpiece? Is this some sort of antiMakkon policy?

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Unidentified_BA: @Nasi: Speaking personally, I've been trying to avoid featuring anything involving a cloak suggestion. I didn't want to give the impression that one design is being favored, or that anyone even had a choice in the matter aside from kazerad himself.

That being said this linked one is best and should win every award.

2024: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow_(contest_entry) artist:UberTWOhpTeam character:Katia_Managan clothing_design

Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow_(contest_entry) artist:UberTWOhpTeam character:Katia_Managan clothing_design

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Geravind: Marvelous!
This one wants to hug her. :3

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Man_Of_Mer: That's the last thing I'd do to someone looking that badass.

2019: Dark_Brotherhood artist:Radian character:Katia_Managan green_eyes modern_clothing

Dark_Brotherhood artist:Radian character:Katia_Managan green_eyes modern_clothing

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tronn: The Dark Brotherhood has busy hands, it seems...

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Man_Of_Mer: So, do they know what happened last night when she blacked out?

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an-id-is-used-to-feed-Katia: How thin she is?Pay attention to her left hand.

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tronn: There's a reference sheet drawn by Kaz here somewhere; Katia is like a twig, with noodly limbs and a bad posture.

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Geravind: Looks cool.
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