Only fools seek to voice their distaste. Enlightened beings use the blacklist to shun such distractions.

2068: Sneak TES_Skyrim anachronism artist:8Aerondight8 character:Katia_Managan criminal_scum glowing_eyes yellow_eyes

Sneak TES_Skyrim anachronism artist:8Aerondight8 character:Katia_Managan criminal_scum glowing_eyes yellow_eyes

- Reply
Sasquatch_boote: I'm really impressed with that detail on the outfit.

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8Aerondight8: Thanks, I have OCD! :)

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Geravind: Wow! Her outfit is really deeply detailed. Awesome!

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Forensey: Ow the edge

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8Aerondight8: @Forensey: Sorry, it's not baby proofed so all the edges aren't padded. :)

1831: character:Katia_Managan lined_paper_club modern_clothing monochrome musicality sketch stringed_instrument

character:Katia_Managan lined_paper_club modern_clothing monochrome musicality sketch stringed_instrument
showing 10 of 14 comments

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Sasquatch_boote: @grape thanks. When i post an image i have no idea which direction it will face, but apparently, its never right. I tried to psych the demon that messes with my posts out by doing a landscape, but that failed miserably.

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VashTheStampede: Excellent!

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Man_Of_Mer: The hands are very postured. Hands usually take me hours. Very nice.

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Sasquatch_boote: @VashTheStampede thank you!

@Man_Of_Mer by some miracle of nature the hands took me like five minutes. I did a quick sketch of them and they were just right. I wish i could say that for the rest of this.

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VashTheStampede: Oh, I was quoting Bill and Ted.
Still, great work!

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Sasquatch_boote: In that case, party on dude

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VashTheStampede: (Terrible guitar solo)
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MetalC0Mmander: So can anyone help me and tell me if this is an helmet or not?

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Sasquatch_boote: Nope, sorry bro.

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Gren: @VashTheStampede: Solo battle with Soldier, that'd be epic.

227: Homestuck Katia's_wizard_robe artist:Jack_Jackington character:Katia_Managan crossover smiling

Homestuck Katia's_wizard_robe artist:Jack_Jackington character:Katia_Managan crossover smiling
- Reply
MetalC0Mmander: Need your help again. Helmet or hat?
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TemporaryFace: Hat

185: Katia's_wizard_robe artist:Scotty_Arsenault character:Katia_Managan magic_fire red_eyes

Katia's_wizard_robe artist:Scotty_Arsenault character:Katia_Managan magic_fire red_eyes
- Reply
MetalC0Mmander: Huh. Didn't know the guy behind Commander Kity was reading Prequel.

982: adorable artist:Cider character:Katia_Managan painted_underwear questionable sketch

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MetalC0Mmander: Cider?

1541: Khajiit character:Katia_Managan portrait smiling

Khajiit character:Katia_Managan portrait smiling
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Lazy_Fat_RissianRS: Okey, you delete this terrible background(you known what background I meaning)
But, why you do not put the color completely and exactly?
If you do not understand what I am a creature, LZF / Rs = RoninSmall

- Reply
Mezhik: I tried, turned out more worse)))
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Lazy_Fat_RissianRS: @Mezhik:
Well, at least you tried)
rather strange that we do not speak the native language: D

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Mezhik: @Lazy_Fat_RissianRS: Ooh, yes. C nastupaushim!;)
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Lazy_Fat_RissianRS: @Mezhik: phahaza, c nastupauhim i tibua! Ded moroz podaril noski mne, vecho starui perdun vse isportit:D

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sandwich_lord_: I think this is very good drawing but I can draw equal to that

- Reply
Mezhik: @sandwich_lord_: I used galaxy note

2060: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic Marksman Speechcraft character:Katia_Managan firearms missing_tail text

Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic Marksman Speechcraft character:Katia_Managan firearms missing_tail text

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Kewot_Rokar: Again, if someone could please help with tagging, that'd be great. This took 3 hours because of how drawing a gun sometimes can be hard not to make it a micro one.
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TemporaryFace: I figure Speechcraft is probably the closest thing to Bluff currently on file.

- Reply
Kewot_Rokar: @TemporaryFace: Thanks.

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Radian: Well, I spent like 3 hours only for rough sketch, so there is nothing bad about this (or I just slowpoke).
That gun will be big surprise for Sigrid.

- Reply
Kewot_Rokar: @Radian: I was going to put Rajirra in front of it, but... LAZY! I am also sick of using ms paint.

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Unidentified_BA: I've seen Clint Eastwood do this pose before I think.

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Kewot_Rokar: Why is it that it took me until now to realize I forgot the damn tail again?

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Radian: @Kewot_Rokar: There is even tag for that case :D

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Kewot_Rokar: @Radian: FINALLY! A TAG FOR ME!

2061: character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch sleepy

character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch sleepy

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POMA: My cat waking me at 5 a.m. for entire week now and I can't go to sleep after waking up so this picture pretty much shows me now.

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Geravind: There is something odd with that line of closed eye...
...Oh, got it! -- lower eyelid is not so movable and it has to be smaller than upper one.
Try harder about her arms...

She's pretty cool anyway. Thanks.

- Reply
SixBelow: I agree with Geravind on what should be worked on in your drawing. Her right arm seems to have good form, but it looks a little short. Her left also suffers from looking truncated and a lack of muscle/tissue definition in the forearm. Extending the upper arms a little should help with the length issue.

Here is a good resource that might help: http://snigom.deviantart.com/art/Arms-and-Hands-Tutorial-44397669

As for the mouth, head, and ears, I find those to be drawn pretty well. I think they show a good understanding of facial structure, especially at that angle (something I struggle at myself).

Hope this was helpful!

- Reply
POMA: It wasn't helpful, i'm an asshole who can't draw but still can pretty much see every wrong line i do. http://i.imgur.com/Gtlapta.png

- Reply
SixBelow: @POMA: Yeah, it's pretty demoralizing when you look at your art and see only mistakes. And odds are, early on, it's filled with mistakes. But keep in mind your skill level and use that as a sort of benchmark. Ask yourself, "Did I do well for me?", and build on it. "[One day, you'll awake] with a new sense of purpose. You're no longer afraid of failure. Failure is just an opportunity to learn something new."

- Reply
POMA: And now it's the moment when you realize I didn't ask for handy tutorials, lifecoaching or any kind of JUSTDOIT. I JUSTPOSTED a sketch. End of story

- Reply
SixBelow: @POMA: Alright, I'll be on my way.

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DestinedFateX: @POMA: "Don't let your dreams be dreams."

2052: anachronism blood character:Katia_Managan character:Sigrid death games knock_off photo questionable revenge

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Jarofmayo: Needed a funny label for my Everdrive GB and felt this picture tronn made would be purrfect. Hope you don't mind...

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Bob: Catassin's creed :P

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KillerfishSG: @Jarofmayo: Huh, I thought MakingFailure drew that...

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tronn: I didn't draw that, just uploaded it.

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Kewot_Rokar: Well, why did this earn a questionable tag? If it is close to porn, I understand, but I don't get it for this.
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MetalC0Mmander: Because of violence probably. But I don't see a questionable tag myself.

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Vidiotdragon: Questionable clarity.

2059: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic Night_Eye Sneak artist:Radian character:Katia_Managan chiaroscuro claws

Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic Night_Eye Sneak artist:Radian character:Katia_Managan chiaroscuro claws
showing 10 of 19 comments

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Gren: OH HELL NO! Sheesh, people won't stop talking crazy-russian-talk. I know what this place is needing: ¡ESPAÑOL! Cada uno tiene que aportar su granito de arena para colaborar con el enredo idiomático.

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Radian: @Gren: ¿Necesitas más idiomas! Requesting some hardcore German. :D

- Reply
Sasquatch_boote: @Radian: nein.
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MetalC0Mmander: @Sasquatch_boote: BOO!!! That was not hardcore german. That was pathetic.

- Reply
Kewot_Rokar: TEACH MEEEEE!

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Sasquatch_boote: @MetalC0Mmander: I was denying your request. Ironically.

If you want some hardcore German, have it:

I was originally going to link you to "hardcore German" porn, but I thought that would have been a little over the top.
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MetalC0Mmander: @Sasquatch_boote: Yes it would have been too much. Thank you for realising that. I mean it's a funny joke until someone actually has to watch hardcore german porn.

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Sasquatch_boote: That stuff will scar you.

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Man_Of_Mer: Må ikke , hvordan man taler tysk. Det er tæt på.

- Reply
Radian: @Kewot_Rokar: Teach you? I actually need someone to teach me :/
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