Separate multiple tags with spaces. Separate words of the same tag with underscores ("_").

1910: character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC lined_paper_club modern_clothing sketch text

character:Katia_Managan character:your_weird_OC lined_paper_club modern_clothing sketch text
showing 10 of 33 comments

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Mediocre_Scrublord: I have a very loose definition of furry mostly just because it's funny to accuse people of shit

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"I have a very loose definition of... shit."

Tell me more

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Mediocre_Scrublord: your html wizardry is distracting me

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Skoon: @Mediocre_Scrublord: FURSECUTION!!!

Oh shit... now I'm a stereotype... o_o

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tronn: Oh reverend Wolf, I never wanted this to happen.

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Man_Of_Mer: Oh dear. I feel like more and more people here are gonna make hateful comments. We really don't need that kind of community.

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Mediocre_Scrublord: I feel oppressed.

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Bob: ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o) oh.. oh my.

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CaptainLackwit: Haha, this thread fell apart. My oh my.

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reiler12: What a pity. It remains a furnazi.

1920: Khajiit Kvatch_arena_armor artist:Bazelini character:Katia_Managan character:Rajirra envy

Khajiit Kvatch_arena_armor artist:Bazelini character:Katia_Managan character:Rajirra envy

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AMKitsune: Come on Katia, stop being so body conscious. We all love ya for who you are, not what you look like (although you are pretty damn adorable, it has to be said)

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Geravind: Is she looking for her Amulet of Silence?

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Man_Of_Mer: Nothing an illusion spell can't fix!

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sandwich_lord_: Maybe she lost something

1923: Marksman acrobatics artist:SmileK bow character:Quill-Weave

Marksman acrobatics artist:SmileK bow character:Quill-Weave
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Mr_Darkwraith: Very nice work!
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Riddle78: <Drops a "Very Good!" carving>

1922: Katia's_wizard_robe artist:SmileK character:Katia_Managan magic_fire

Katia's_wizard_robe artist:SmileK character:Katia_Managan magic_fire

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tronn: It's like an illustration from old D&D Monstrous Manual!

1911: Kvatch_arena_armor Marksman Quill-Weave:_Research adorable artist:Skoon character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave distress fire_safety magic_fire painted_underwear sketch tears teeth text

Kvatch_arena_armor Marksman Quill-Weave:_Research adorable artist:Skoon character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave distress fire_safety magic_fire painted_underwear sketch tears teeth text
showing 10 of 21 comments

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Mediocre_Scrublord: I used to be but I've been clean for about 3 years.
It was a dark chapter in my life.

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Skoon: @Sasquatch_boote: I am a furry. Brony, to me, is just another branch of that.

But yeah; full-fledged furfag here. :V 'cept I don't dress up or nothin'.

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Sasquatch_boote: Clean huh scrub? Sounds like you were addicted.

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MikeyTheFox: I doubt he's clean if he reads this furfagity of a comic XD

I'm a Furry and a Brony...and I'd like to dress up. All I have a fluffy red tail and I wub it.

Also according to my friends I'm a Foxyfluff >:|

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Skoon: @MikeyTheFox: I have a skunk tail but I use it as a pillow.

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POMA: I use my cat as a pillow, does it make me a furry?

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MikeyTheFox: @POMA: No sorry. Can't be a furry unless you at least have a tail and or a fursona.

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Sasquatch_boote: @Mikey and there you have it folks. A furry: defined.

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Skoon: @POMA: You must task the trials of the five furry gods!

You must seek the blessings of Eric Shwartz, Maxblackrabbit, Doug Winger, The phantom of James Hardiman, and Sonic the hedgehog!


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Kody1993: Couldn't we have just had ayes and nays instead?

1915: artist:POMA casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan erect_tail ghost_shirt non-alcoholic_beverage

artist:POMA casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan erect_tail ghost_shirt non-alcoholic_beverage

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Bob: Still Rated G.

No remote implication of genitals shown.

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AMKitsune: I like to imagine that this is her 'lounging around the house in the middle of a hot summer' shirt.
You know, what with it having a 'ghostly chill' and all.

1919: Khajiit artist:SmileK character:Rajirra green_eyes spear

Khajiit artist:SmileK character:Rajirra green_eyes spear

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CaptainLackwit: Ooh, neato.

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tronn: Oh yes, I love the rasterized effect on this!

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Grape: Someone remove the apostrophe from her name before Pride and Parliament gets here

1913: Kvatch_arena_armor artist:Mediocre_Scrublord character:Katia_Managan

Kvatch_arena_armor artist:Mediocre_Scrublord character:Katia_Managan
showing 10 of 20 comments

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Sasquatch_boote: @mediocrescrublord youre a chubby chaser?

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Mediocre_Scrublord: Slander.

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Sasquatch_boote: Pander.

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Mediocre_Scrublord: oh snap

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Sasquatch_boote: http://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/1680

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Geravind: @scrub: "Whoa, got anything?! And if I'll find?..." (bully, according to the picture)

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Radian: @Geravind: Don't forget appropriate pic!

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Man_Of_Mer: @Mediocre_Scrublord: Well, to me, how you interpret things goes far from how the characters look like (plenty of us do that, I know), and you have drawn some pretty scary panels in the past. With the curves? I understand organic bodies have curves, but you really make them shapely. But that's what makes your style work in a weird but cool way.

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Mediocre_Scrublord: fair enough

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tronn: Her head is really leonine, though.

1918: artist:RoninSmall character:Katia_Managan crafting painted_underwear photo

artist:RoninSmall character:Katia_Managan crafting painted_underwear photo

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Sasquatch_boote: Whaaaaaaat

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Radian: Ты таки поднял свою задницу. Неплохо выходит надо сказать. Правда торчащая арматура мне напоминает сталкеров из Half-Life.
Why not adventurer pose like here?:

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POMA: Well That's weird =\ I can't see Katia that chubby so here is quick2dfix

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Radian: @POMA: I don't agree with you sir! I think head is really good. In your version nose looks too long and narrow.

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RoninSmall: @Radian: я так и думал что никто не поймет. А я ставил тэг "wip". Ну, это каркас, это то, что я просто пока не начинал лепить. Сталкером она не будет...эта "стадия" ее скульпта уже почти прошла

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RoninSmall: @POMA:leave panic ! I purposely left the cage with a reserve for future coasters

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Radian: @RoninSmall: Ну это очевидно, я просто отметил сходство. Давай доделывай, хочу посмотреть на результат.

1916: amulet_of_silence artist:MikeyTheFox character:Katia_Managan modern_clothing teeth

amulet_of_silence artist:MikeyTheFox character:Katia_Managan modern_clothing teeth

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Man_Of_Mer: I... I'd wear that.

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Francix: really good pic :)

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yugijak: ...Wow.
That...that just...wow.

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CaptainLackwit: Things better than women in very large pants: Can't think of anything.

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felipe12305: Shorter pants woudl look better, but it's just an amazing picture..
BTW: From which money she bought those things? :D

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Geravind: "Wow! What can I do for you, lady?"

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Kewot_Rokar: A little reveling, but neat.
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