Spanking is reserved only for mortal punishment, not fanart.

Dramatic Descriptions

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AMKitsune: @FoolishMippard: What is an 'e', if not a 'p' with worse posture?

Also, I shudder to imagine what horrifying things she's reading there.

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AMKitsune: Ok, not a work of art, but a novelty with a story.
I was flipping through stacks of my old CDs the other day, and came across my old copy of kidpix studio (only 90's kids will remember).
Of course, it goes without saying that it wouldn't run on a modern windows 10 installation, so in an effort to get this, and a few other old programs running, I installed a windows 98 virtual machine, got it all working, installed kidpix, and ta-dah! Quite possibly the first Katia ever drawn in software from the 90's. (that isn't being constantly updated to work today. actual 90's software)

Fun facts: The undo button (no keyboard shortcuts here) undoes once, then back forwards again when pressed. You get one undo, so it pays to not be too fast and loose with your strokes.
And secondly, due to the limited colour palette, some of the lighter shades of colours are just 'regular' coloured, mixed with white in varying dither patterns to give the illusion of lighter shades. Unfortunately, the fill bucket tool doesn't understand this, and will only fill in solid areas of the same pixel colour. That means good lock trying to change any areas that were previously filled with a dithered pattern!

It's so easy to forget how good we have it these days, software wise.

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AMKitsune: This katia = Q.T.π

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AMKitsune: Personally, I love these long, multi-panel gifs simply for the technical feat of having multiple, independent animations all playing simultaneously on the same timeline.
As for webp support, I suppose that depends on whether the web server has the capability to generate thumbnails for them like it can other image formats. Thinking about it, this web server was set up long before webp was even a twinkle in it's creator's eye, so the back-end image manipulation software probably doesn't even recognise webp as a format!

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AMKitsune: @TheGibusGuy: Lid somehow catches fire.

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AMKitsune: @Jig_Bigga: @Rick2tails: With your powers combined, I dub this... Adorablep!

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AMKitsune: @Kibermozgai: I don't know if you noticed, but putting a youtube link in the source field adds a little button below the preview image, letting you view the video right here on the page!

Also, that's some very expressive animation. Fantastic work.

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AMKitsune: The composition and rendering here are simply fantastic!
I have to wonder if it was based off of any kind of reference, or if it was all just made from imagination. Either way, spectacular work.

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AMKitsune: I absolutely lover her dumb 'no thoughts, head empty' stare.

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AMKitsune: The Katia=Lemon part is honestly my favourite.

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AMKitsune: @bluedraggy: It already is.

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AMKitsune: That... was... FANTASTIC! (there's a little personal bias here, but not that much.)
Fun story, art, and clever use of playing with the image borders aside, I'm impressed that you managed to cram so many individual animations into a single, large gif.

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AMKitsune: Take two aspirin, and call back if it still hurts in the morning.

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AMKitsune: From the thumbnail, I thought she found a shit ton of 'cheese'.
Eh, ammo's ok as well, I suppose...
(at least she can now turn a certain green bandit into swiss cheese.)

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AMKitsune: With that treasure, she summons a different treasure... A new* friend!

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AMKitsune: @bluedraggy: (I also corrected the spelling, which in hindsight wasn't even necessary if you'll never see the tag)

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AMKitsune: Oooh, it took me a while to understand what's going on here, but I get it now. (I just couldn't parse the camera and camera flash in my mind for a while)
The composition and anatomy are spot on. The only thing that really hold it back in my opinion would be the lack of contrast. I understand that this is meant to be a faded of sepia photograph, but to give a quick example, the flash of the camera should probably be as bright as the 'camera' can handle (given that it would be overexposed), so no other 'non-lightsource' parts of the image should be as bright.
Another example would be the photographer's left (our right) arm, where it's mostly the same shade as their shirt, so can visually blend in a bit. Did you by any chance make this in full colour to begin with then desaturate it? Because if that's the case, even if areas are visually distinct with colour, desaturating them can sometimes remove that visual contrast.

Once again though, fantastic posing and anatomy. I look forward to seeing what you make next.

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AMKitsune: "Get in the fucking Numidium Katia"

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AMKitsune: "Would you care for a freshly baked sweetroll?"

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AMKitsune: It's funny. Even when using your non-dominant hand, good understandings of proportion and posing can practically (and in some cases, completely) carry an image by them selves. No steady hand or dexterity needed.

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AMKitsune: @rollanan: This video hurts me every time. Don't drop the cat! She has no feet to land on.

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AMKitsune: This mysterious 'Jack' makes just the sweetest Katias.

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AMKitsune: @Jig_Bigga: The trick, in this case, was making the base of the hairs a little narrower than normal (the make them slightly less 'quill' like, and more like fine hairs), and to enable hair dynamics, letting the animation play for a few frames so that the hairs fall into a more natural position. Oh, and randomising the length of the hairs so that they're not all exactly the same.

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AMKitsune: @Zargothrax: When I said I wanted to 'paws' the render, I didn't expect the whole computer to catch on fire!
@spatuladoom: Oh... My... God. How did I not remember this and make the connection myself? It's perfect.

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AMKitsune: I was farting around with Blender hair simulation, a decided to make a derpy little Katia.
Look at that little face. Not a single thought behind those eyes.

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AMKitsune: Deep as in 'low pitched' meow, or deep as in 'philosophically insightful' meow?

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AMKitsune: And this is exactly why you bring your own pack of crackers with you on any long-haul voyage.

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AMKitsune: Blender left, opentoonz right?
I have very limited experience with grease pencil, and the left looks more like grease pencil.

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AMKitsune: Katia beginning to regret taking astral-plane physics instead of food science.

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AMKitsune: @rollanan: Tracing an oblivion asset? Five minutes in the dungeon! (With snacks. We're stern, but fair.)

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AMKitsune: @xatishXD: And you're only posting them here now? These (and the other page full) are simply precious. So much so, that we'll forgive the crime of not sharing them sooner

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AMKitsune: @NewFace: Soooo.... you're not sure if not sure if racist? Sounds like a 'yes' to me then.

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AMKitsune: I have to imagine she's thinking to herself "I get the maid uniform... but was the bell really necessary?"

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AMKitsune: Young lady! Mind your language. Honestly...

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AMKitsune: @rollanan: Mermaid Managan!

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AMKitsune: Absolutely amazing. 3D renditions are always a treat when they appear, but to also include the model itself, that's a step above and beyond.

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AMKitsune: You modelled the boat? Well there goes any respect I ever had for you or your work. Such a shame to, if only you cared enough and weren't so lazy...

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AMKitsune: Now I simply have to ask how this was made.

My first guess would have to be that you 3d modelled the pier, then drew over it with your normal vector program, adding in the boat and Katia, then painting the shading and texturing on top of that.

My second would be that you didn't use 3d, but instead used some kind of perspective guides.

Third, and least likely, would be that you just freehanded the whole thing. No references, no guides.

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AMKitsune: She seems understandably perturbed by the implications of the giant glowing text.

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AMKitsune: I need to add, the original version of this had next to no thought or effort put into it, and was generated as a shit-posty reply to a discord conversation. Hence the additional fingers, tails, e.t.c.

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AMKitsune: Ah yes, it's good to see Rollanan's evil twin 'Wollanan' back at it again.

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AMKitsune: I appreciate the addition of raw-unblended Katia. The main pic looks like it has a lot of potential, with what appears to be some very nice modelling, but unfortunately the lighting (or lack there-of) really holds it back. It's next to impossible to see what's going on besides the lantern, part of the bad, and the lower half of Katia.

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AMKitsune: @lapma: That feeling when you don't have to worry about being considered royalty, as you're instead worshipped as a divine being (in the ancient Egyptian sense. Not referring to any of the more dedicated fans.).

Adorable stuff as always.

@rollanan: I can think of a sum total of 0 reasons why you shouldn't.

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AMKitsune: I was going to ask why you replaced her hand (wearing a glove, or perhaps a mechanical hand after some workplace accident?), but it then occurred to me that those aren't necessarily 'her' arms, and that this minifig could have come with its own yellow arms.

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AMKitsune: That looks more painful than it has any right to.

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AMKitsune: @rollanan: I've seen evidence on this very booru to the contrary.

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AMKitsune: I have to admit, this is one instance where your simple art style tripped me up a little. To begin with, I couldn't tell if Katia was holding a couple of feathers, or flipping someone off. Then I saw the 'magic fire' tag, and now it all makes sense.
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