Brevity is the soul of wit. In essence, make anything the comes from your whelpling fingers be succinct, and that you don't overstay your welcome. Writing for too long can...

Dramatic Descriptions

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AMKitsune: The lack of symmetry makes it look more arcane (in my opinion). I don't know about you, but I'd imaging that a mage crafting something like this would be more concerned with functionality that aesthetics. Also, clever placement of blue markings.

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AMKitsune: Good god, These are some nice outfit designs.
I particularly like the far left design.

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AMKitsune: Well, at least she's being sad with dignity and poise.

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AMKitsune: But... She's already had a towel outfit.
No, wait, I'm thinking of that bed sheet.
She's worn a tapestry and a bed sheet but not a dirty old towel yet.

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AMKitsune: I don't know if it the proportions of the cloak or what it is, but this cloak design seems strangely... adorable? Maybe I'm just picturing Katia in it (which strictly speaking shouldn't be possible. She'd be invisible of course). Either that or the thick lines, smooth curves or simple colours. Whatever the reason, it's cute and I love it!

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AMKitsune: @Sasquatch_boote: Not only does that look really comfy, but it also a really interesting design to. It has that 'unique item' look, like a Daedric artefact given by a Daedric Prince.

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AMKitsune: @diachromatic: Don't care. It's still cool, stylish and mysterious. It looks like it emits an aura of success and competence. (Maybe Katia'll absorb some of that. Gods know she could use some.)

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AMKitsune: Yeh, it's not that good in itself, but maybe a better designer than myself (pretty much anyone XD) will get some ideas from it.

I couldn't help making up a little back-story for it.

(I was half tempted to upload a transparent PNG with nothing in it to begin with. You know, on account of it being invisible)

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AMKitsune: I like to imagine that this is her 'lounging around the house in the middle of a hot summer' shirt.
You know, what with it having a 'ghostly chill' and all.

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AMKitsune: Come on Katia, stop being so body conscious. We all love ya for who you are, not what you look like (although you are pretty damn adorable, it has to be said)

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AMKitsune: @POMA: What are you talking about? This is great. Sure, I've never heard of Disciples II so this 'may' be off model, but it's still a great picture. Her right arm (as we see it) seems a little off, but that might just be because of how you posed her hand (hands on hips are tricky hands) or that her arms are a little too short for her torso.

Still, I love it :D

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AMKitsune: @Kody1993: We need more traditional art around here. I look forward to seeing the finished product :D

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AMKitsune: @Man_Of_Mer:Maybe its Maybeline?

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AMKitsune: ...Hang on a sec. Is Katia wearing anything under that apron? At least she's happy, I suppose.

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AMKitsune: Now we just need Katia with Magician's Red.
Oh yeh, and this is a fantastic picture. Just though I'd mention that.

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AMKitsune: I feel so conflicted seeing this. Everything I though I knew about Argonian authors and questionably competent Khajiit, gone. Everything besides the fact that they're still adorable.

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AMKitsune: I can't remember who previously said this and I'm paraphrasing here but "if the questionability of an image is being questioned then the image is by definition questionable".

Personally, I think it's a lovely picture and see the scene as more of a loving display of affection (whether it says 'platonic' or not) than anything sexual and as such do not consider it questionable in my own mind. However, many other people won't see things in the same way and will see a more sexually suggestive scene with 'the naked cat lady embracing and nibbling the body pillow of the naked lizard lady".

For this reason, I'd suggest leaving the image being rated 'Questionable'. It's not as though being so prevents people from being able to view it. It just gives them a clear 'heads up' of what to expect before clicking the thumbnail.

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AMKitsune: @Mr_Darkwraith: This is what happens when a fantastic artist decends upon a small fandom. Everyone's making their nice little pictures and whatnot when all of a sudden, BAM. Someone comes along that comparativley blows everyone elses work out of the water. Hopefully, in time, I'd like to be as good as Plague. Untill then though, I'm happy enough being able to enjoy these wonderful pictures.

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AMKitsune: How is everything you draw so adorable? Seriously, I'd trade my 'technical photoshop knowledge' for the ability to draw 'adorable' in a heart beat. How long do these kinds of pictures usually take you to make anyway?

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AMKitsune: Christmas may be over but the presents keep coming :D

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AMKitsune: Daww, she looks so warm and happy. SomeDork, you've outdone yourself.

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AMKitsune: How about Katia in a sleeping bag, roasting a marshmallow on a stick over a camp fire? Idealy having her be warm, comfortable and happy but you could set her marshmallow on fire if you wanted.

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AMKitsune: @SomeDork: Many thanks.

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AMKitsune: Also, can we get a source on this? I'd like to talk with the artist if at all possible.

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AMKitsune: "This one does not care for the sky ice."

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AMKitsune: To whomever made this, I salute you.
I hope the admins have a list of future featured masterpieces because this needs to be on it.

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AMKitsune: @POMA: Damn, you beat me to it (and with a damn good job too. You don't suck at shading). No matter, I'm sure I'll finish my version soon enough.

Also, I agree entirely. This is amazingly well done.

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AMKitsune: a quick edit of a picture from Kazerad's lego donation thingie and now that it's over, I might as well put it here.


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AMKitsune: I want to describe my feelings about this picture but there aren't any good words for the levels of 'Dawww' that I'm experiencing.
I'll just have to settle for "Daww, look at da sweet widdle face wiv da big wound eyes. Too cute"

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AMKitsune: Damn it Abrikos, you can't just make a page full of adorable Katias then freak everyone out with the last one. It's just not right. Although, you've probably earned the right to it. After all, the cute vastley outweighs the creepy. Good job on that :D

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AMKitsune: Now for the next episode of 'Katia eats the in-edible'. This week featuring antlers, dust, human limbs, insects and much more.

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AMKitsune: I'm so conflicted right now.
On one hand, seeing Katia cold and hungry makes me sad.
On the other hand, seeing someone who looks practically identical to Katia enjoying a nice big fish by an open fire makes me happy.

Lesson of the day: Share your fish.

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AMKitsune: Thank you for this beautiful scene.
This art is amazing, as is it's artist.

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AMKitsune: "Love Kitten" sounds like one of those overly lovey-dovey pet names to me.

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AMKitsune: I don't care when it happens, but this has to become a featured masterpiece.

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AMKitsune: @Mediocre_Scrublord: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evNi4_2qHPY
Close enough.

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AMKitsune: This is so becoming a dungeon in the Minecraft server.

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AMKitsune: Call me naive, but surely snorting carbonated anything has got to be up there on the 'nose burn scale' with any other 'nasally consumed products'.

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AMKitsune: Damn this 'no snacks' diet of mine. Damn it to Oblivion.
Oh well, at least we don't need to actualy 'eat' Katia to get a diabetes inducing hit of sweetness.

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AMKitsune: The more I see this new character, the less I come to believe that 'fur lengthed' head hair is a normal Khajiit thing.
That being said, Katia's no 'normal' Khajiit.

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AMKitsune: This had me laughing hystericly.
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