Betray your fellow mortals by reporting violated rules. Your continued existence is your only reward.

Dramatic Descriptions

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AMKitsune: I'm going to imagine that those great piles of shinies were made up from the pocket change of all the monsters and bandits that this Katia's slain.
Unlike the Khajiit stereotype, it's nothing but good honest money.
(although with that much cash lying around, you'd think she'd invest in a comfier looking throne...)

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AMKitsune: Damn, Katia got tall, and confident.
I love the edge bloom and how the light shines though her clothes in places. It really gives the whole image a sense of 'other worldly grandeur', if that makes any sense.

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AMKitsune: Well this makes about as much sense as anything else that mad god says or does.
If I had to guess though, I'd imagine this scene might sound a little something like this
After all, one's barking mad and the other's a, well, a 'cat like person'.

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AMKitsune: The detail in that cross section is certainly impressive (if not a little concerningly detailed). Almost as if you drew this with a reference before you...
Have you been slaughtering other dimensional deities for your artistic benefit again?

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AMKitsune: @DistantRoarOfWar:
Thank you both very much :).

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AMKitsune: Not only do you make her an awesome badass here, but she's poking her tongue out a bit to! You've somehow successfully combined baddass with derp.
Bad-derp? Derp-ass? Whatever the case, it's undeniably brilliant!

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AMKitsune: Damn, by the time the comic updates, we'll have gotten so used to this new 'Badass Managan' that 'Regular Managan' will seem like even more of a noodle armed pansy (and pansy that tries her best though, and that's what counts).
@KillerfishSG: YES! I don't really follow the whole Warframe thing but if you're putting your hand to it, it's probably going to be awesome.
@Geravind: Probably modded.

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AMKitsune: Does this remind anyone else of Safe Seth's Magic Show (old flash animation) by any chance?

I can just imagine this little Katia spinning around, bouncing up and down, dancing and doing silly little magic tricks.
(I'm just going to pretend that the last part of that animation with the dragon thing doesn't apply here...)

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AMKitsune: @unknown_victor: It's... Missing!
Perhaps she lost it in an epic battle of divine proportions (thus adding to her current 'bad-assery').

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AMKitsune: Pepperoni? Pfft, peasant.

Ham and Pineapple master race FTW!

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AMKitsune: Katia Managan: Casual collector of Daedric artefacts (and heads).

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AMKitsune: Made this ages ago after seeing someone else's edit of katia playing with a ball of wool (or yarn).

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AMKitsune: I can't help but imagine Katia doing some kind of 'happy dance' in that last panel.

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AMKitsune: @notabigthreat: There. Hopefully that's the right one this time. In the future, you'd be better of using the 'report image' button to request a replacement (as we're far more likely to see a flagged image than a URL in a potential wall of text). As far as replacing your own images goes, this is a booru and just like other boorus, it's built for uploading images and commenting on them. Not much more than that. That's the role of 'social art sites' like Deviantart and Furaffinity.

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AMKitsune: Of all the things to possibly point out, I can't stop thinking about how, in this context, that pearl earring makes absolutely no sense!
Also, I completely agree with ASW here.
All in all, amazing stuff (if not a little stylistically removed from the comic).

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AMKitsune: @notabigthreat: Admin beseeched. What can I do ya for?

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AMKitsune: That face is simply adorable! Those eyes especially. So shiny!

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AMKitsune: I can only take so much sweetness and have melted into a puddle on the floor. Please send help.

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AMKitsune: This is so cool. I'm not entirely sure what it is, but it's still cool :D

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AMKitsune: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: So who's the real peasant then?
#Merchandise Philosophy

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AMKitsune: That's it. There's nothing else to learn. Levelling up's useless and no enemy can stand in her way. Katia has achieved the ultimate understanding of the most painful magic there is. As long as Katia only ever encounters shirtless opponents, she'll never have to worry about a fight ever again.

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AMKitsune: How could I accurately portray how utterly adorable this is?

That'll do.

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AMKitsune: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Do you have your merch yet?

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AMKitsune: @Tahrey: It's probably the eyes.
And possibly the over abundance of yellow.

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AMKitsune: @Tahrey: We already actually have a sketch tag. Having an additional tag for finished images might be a little overkill though (seeing as most of the images uploaded here are considered 'complete'). Also, you've hit the nail on the head with your definitions there. The knock-off tag should only really apply to images that are based off of/edited from someone else's work. It's not really an edit or recreation if it's simply a continuation of work on a currently ongoing project.

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AMKitsune: @POMA: It's basically for anything that's either an edit/heavily inspired recreation of something else. We used to have 2 sepperate tags but there were slight issues with them often being used interchangebly and for the 'wrong reasons', so we merged the tags into one 'cover all' tag that could be used for anything that could be considered a derivative work.

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AMKitsune: That point where you're so tired, you're effectively drunk.

Go to sleep Katia, before you do something stupid...

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AMKitsune: This cat's named Katia, so why not also look like Katia?

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AMKitsune: @Adroma: Or in this case, just long hair.

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AMKitsune: I always love seeing when people mix Katia's outfits together and create 'her adventurers robes' (as I've come to calling them). As an outfit, it looks like just the sort of thing an adventure bound mage could be seen wearing in an actual elderscrolls game. Fantastic stuff.

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AMKitsune: You can keep yer filthy Skooma, it makes our bellies bleed.

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AMKitsune: @RoninSmall: Not at all. If your sketches are anything like this, I can only imagine that the booru would be more than pleased to have them here. :)

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AMKitsune: @RoninSmall: That pose is really nice. Simple yet dynamic. As far as criticism goes, there are 3 things that are apparent to me that feel worth mentioning. Firstly, as I believe Radian mentioned above, her torso is a little long compared to the rest of her body. You'll see in the image below that I've edited a version of your picture to have a slightly shorter torso. I probably haven't given her the best torso length possible, but I'm sure you'll get the idea of what I was trying to achieve. Secondly, I increased the size of head just a little bit. This could very well just be personal preference, but I felt that her head was just a little bit too small. Whether that's because I'm used to her normal cartoonish proportions or whether her head seemed disproportionately small by human proportions, I'm not entirely sure. Finally, while I haven't made any adjustments relating to this, the way her robes contour to her body and the number of visible folds gives me the impression that the robes are made of a very light material like silk or something like that. I'm not sure if that's the look that you were going for or not, so I'll just bring that up as an observation.

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AMKitsune: I'm getting a weird 'diversity mural' vibe from this (and its sister picture) and I'm not sure how to feel about that XD.

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AMKitsune: @YUKAN: There we 6 sticks of 'cheap chalk like substance' before she started. Now there are 9 yet none were added! Explain that with your science.

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AMKitsune: @katiaaitak: Despite what many may say, tracing can be (and often is) a good way to memorise certain styles of drawing (which can later be adapted into a style more of your own) and get comfortable with a particular medium, be it pen and paper or digital.

You can almost think of it as the artistic equivalent of stabilisers (or 'training wheels' as they're sometimes called). In time, you'll find yourself relying on direct references less and less until you eventually find yourself not needing them at all.

One thing that I would suggest though, when remaking or creating something that's heavily inspired by someone else's work, it's generally good practice to be as upfront about it as possible. I've found that a great way to go about that is to both credit the original artist and provide a link to their original image. While some people will understand that you're using images like this to improve your abilities, there are many people out there who'll jump on it for being a rip off (in the actual sense, not the tongue in cheek sense that we have here as a tag).

By doing this, your viewers would be left with no doubt what your intentions were when creating your image.

On a personal note, I usually try to get the permission of an artist who's work I'm working on/editing before I upload my version. I'm not certain that this is necessarily needed, but given that the work's mainly that of the original artist (in my eyes at least), I prefer to make sure that they know and are OK with someone else uploading their own version of the original work. So far, I feel that I've been extremely fortunate with everyone I ask saying yes so far. It would seem that most people are OK with it as long as you offer to be open and transparent about the derivative nature of your image. Again though, that's just something that I choose to do out of respect to the original artist. How you go about it would be entirely up to you.

Also, that's some nice clean lineart and colouring there. What program are you currently using?

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AMKitsune: After drawing a series of cats on my little chalkboard, my sister decided to pull up a reference pic on her phone and draw Katia. The hand doesn't really match, but in her typical fashion, she doesn't really care XD.

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AMKitsune: This actually reminds me of the sort of wallpapers that you used to see people making for the PSP.

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AMKitsune: @Totally_not_a_furry: ...Maybe.
(another option would have been 'trying different ways to climb up a very thin drain pipe but not doing a very good job'.)

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AMKitsune: @KatukovShrugged: Not at all. It may not be a scan, but it's certainly a good clear photo. If you'd like, I could replace this with a re-angled and colour corrected version that's more along the lines of the other scans.

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AMKitsune: @MikeyTheFox: I'm not sure... Whatever it is, I never meant to this to happen!
@-Uzi_Man-: As Adroma said, while you're completely free to express your feelings for fictitious cat people, try seasoning your vocalisations with a pinch of restraint and dash of dignity. We have all sorts of people here, many of whom may find your unbridled honesty a little... disconcerting.
(and yeh, we get the pun. It's just a little too thinly veiled)

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AMKitsune: It's no wonder he's taking so long to break that iceberg apart. He's using a pickaxe light enough to float on water!

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AMKitsune: @The_Knight_Of_Arrt: Not any more it isn't :D

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AMKitsune: @-Uzi_Man-:

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AMKitsune: AvianOverlord, for going to the effort of scanning and uploading such a clean image, you have my utmost thanks :D.

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AMKitsune: Now we just sit back and wait for more images to be posted so that Katia here eventually looks questioningly upwards at the thumbnail above her XD.

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AMKitsune: Ok, I feel that this comment thread's reached the point where this needs saying.
Different people make all sorts of fanart aimed at different audiences. Bare in mind that we're talking about a fictional character here. If seeing fanart that conflicts with your own morals angers or upsets you, you need to be the bigger person and move along to something that you do enjoy. However, if the mere existence of such images offends you in some way, you seriously need to reconsider how you view the world and how you spend your time online because to lesser and greater extents, there will always be people creating content that you don't agree with and there's nothing that can be done about it. For the most part, it's the individual users responsibility to 'shield themselves' from content that they can't deal with.

Luckily, this booru has a strict rule stating 'no sexually explicit material'. Many other sites have no such rule and that's entirely up to the discretion of the site owners.

Just to be clear, there are people who love porn in all its forms, those who'd wish it all gone from the world and those who are mostly indifferent to it. No group is inherently 'right' in its view just as no group is 'wrong'. These are simply views and opinions that people have that don't really effect anyone else. Issues only tend to arise when a person from one group has a go at someone else from another group for not sharing their views.

Many people find Katia Managan sexually attractive. That is a simple fact that, regardless of personal opinion, cannot be dismissed.
Many other people see Katia Managan as more of a 'family member' or vulnerable person to be protected. That also, is a fact that can't be dismissed.

These are two completely polarised view points which, if we were talking about a real person here, would understandably lead to conflict. As it is though, this is all about a fictional cartoon character on the internet.
Look, I understand that some people feel really strongly about this and feel the need to vocalise their position, but for the simple sake to reducing needless conflict in these comments, can we all try to not argue over such an ultimately pointless difference of opinion?

I'm aware that there's been some discussion as to whether this comment thread should be 'cleaned up' or not to remove the argumentative comments. Personally, that's not a decision that I'd make as I don't believe that a site should have to remove comments to give the impression of an open minded and accepting community. I'd hope that its users would be able to bet along without having to refer to others as "sick fucks".

We actually have a tag for this sort of thing now. A tag! "controversial". We shouldn't need a tag for images that have comment threads like this.

Look, there will almost certainly continue to be pictures uploaded here in the future that'll divide opinions. Discussing them is fine. Can we please try to do it a little more open mindedly and a little less argumentatively?
Thank you.

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AMKitsune: @Nefel: I suspect it does.

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AMKitsune: @OppoQuinn: At least you live on the same continent as him...

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AMKitsune: @TemporaryFace: No, this is a horrifying cake monster.
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