
Dramatic Descriptions

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AMKitsune: Well, the next update is going to be a 'flash' update .
...I'll see myself out.

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AMKitsune: You may fail spectacularly now, but keep it up and one day you'll be soaring across the plains with more swagger and grace than any other Khajiit in the land!

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We all knew she had it in her.

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AMKitsune: @Pepsidude: It was only a matter of time...

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AMKitsune: "You see this? I put it here and I can do the same to you."

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AMKitsune: @Merfn4d: So Katia's essentially a magic cat and Bronwyn's at least 1/4 magic dog. They seem to be getting along surprisingly well considering.

Also for a 'first ever semi-serious fanart', you've done a pretty nice job
Keep up the good work.

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AMKitsune: "Hey George"
"Hey Steve"
"You OK there George? You've been scratching yourself nearly all day."
"I don't know. I woke up this morning and just had this itch that I can't get rid of"
"Where does it itch the most?"
"Right about here" *gestures toward his back*
"Let's have a look here... Ah, there's your problem."
"What is it Steve?"
"You've never going to believe this George, but I think you've got Khajiits."
"What? No, that can't be right. Seriously? Gods, how embarrassing..."
"Looks like you'll need to get one of those Khajiit collars. That or drops."

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AMKitsune: @Kazerad: As you say, many things in TES are different to out own reality, either to further it's fantasy setting by differentiating it from what we know to be normal, or to facilitate other aspects of its lore.

"For a piece of art to hold significance or persuasion for an audience, according to Plato and Aristotle, it must have grounding in reality"

As you also mentioned, vampirism (or it's predecessor, Sanguinare Vampiris) is considered a 'disease' in TES which is a very 'medical' way of describing it. many other depictions of vampirism in other media don't seem to go into much detail about what it actually is. just that 'if they bite, you become'. Most people who hear vampirism described as a disease will subconsciously think to themselves "Hey, I know what a disease is!"

Also, as unlikely as it may sound, the concept of the planet containing a giant clockwork mechanism isn't beyond comprehension. It's technically possible which is why it's a believable concept.

With the exception of magic (which children are exposed to from a young age, so they understand the concept of it), the world of TES is really quite grounded in reality. Sure, the settings, creatures and customs may seem alien to a new onlooker, but they're not too beyond what we're familiar with to prevent us accepting this world and everything in it. This is one of the reasons why I could never get into homestuck. While the story started off in what seemed to be a relatively normal world with normal rules, as soon as they started integrating arbitrary 'game mechanics' into the world, I wasn't able to engage with the world and couldn't stay invested (Other's love it though, so maybe that's just how I see things).

This is one of the reasons why fantasy (when done well) can be so brilliant. It can be grounded in reality enough to allow casual onlookers to understand the world whilst also having parts that are radically different to our reality, giving them something new and amazing to experience.

It's also a bit like the technobabble used in star trek. While in no way factual, it provides a small way for a viewer to connect to the world using their understanding/knowledge of the terms being used as a bridge between the factual world and the fictional.

I'm not saying that all works have to be instantly understandable, but it certainly helps.

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AMKitsune: @Terence_Fletcher: This kind of complexity also adds to the lore angle that magic should take many years of dedicated study to master. I suppose many aspects of 'mage-hood' could be likened to real world fields of study. Destruction magic would just be the manipulation of energy and application of physics, restoration would be the medical application of telekinesis (or similar)on a cellular (or for masters, molecular?) level, alchemy is quite simply chemistry, illusion could be some sort of direct manipulation of an individual's brain activity or the creation of psychoactive drugs within a target (imagine making an enemy drowsy and confused by changing a small portion of their blood into ethanol. If that were possible though, you could just instantly poison someone if you wanted). Alteration's a tricky one though. Things like magicly moving an object with your mind would be much harder to try to explain away with modern science. The only thing that I could come up with would be if the mass of an object were somehow reduced to that of the surrounding atmosphere (rendering it effectively weightless) by temporarily banishing some of it's protons to another plain of oblivion (while keeping it's molecular structure intact) then increasing and reducing the temperature of different sides of the object to cause it's surface molecules to collide more or less violently with the surrounding atmosphere resulting in the object changing velocity.

Honestly, this kind of pseudo-science is complete bullshit when you really think about it, but it's still pretty fun to write XD.

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AMKitsune: @Terence_Fletcher: You could, but then you'd have a DNA snapshot with about 20 years worth of degradation on it. For example, I'm 27 (still relatively young) and a small patch of the skin on my chin has lost the ability to produce coloured hair. Basically, I've got a small patch of white hairs in my beard because the dna in the cells at their bases have degraded over time to the point where the cells are no longer able to produce the pigment found in other hairs. Of course, there's a good chance that replacing all DNA with an 'earlier snapshot' would cause the individuals 'developmental body clock' to be wound back to. While they wouldn't necessarily shrink to a smaller size, loose muscle mass or regain a childlike voice, things like beard growth and more 'mature' bodily processes may stop (until the DNA thinks it's ready for it again, I really don't know though. This is all very theoretical and coming from someone with a relatively basic understanding of genetics).

Thinking about it, taking a 'prime of life' snapshot as you suggest would probably be the best bet.

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AMKitsune: @Bluedragon: I don't know what the lore has to say on the matter, but I'd like to imagine that healing magic acts as a sort of 'short-cut to natural healing'. If a person would recover from something over time (like a wound), healing magic will reduce the time taken to seconds instead of weeks and months.

Things like ageing related ailments or missing limbs wouldn't be covered because they're not something you typically recover from over time.

I mean, if healing spells could somehow reverse the process of a persons DNA deforming as they get older, people would never die of old age, instead staying in a state of perfect genetic health (and there are plenty of old people in Tamriel, so that's clearly not the case).

However, just imagine if there was a spell where you could capture a snapshot of a child's DNA and then periodically through their life, cast this spell on them to 'refresh' their dna to it's more original, less deformed state! That would be like a spell of eternal youth! (except without being trapped in a child's body)

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AMKitsune: Aww, sad cat
Your scanner may be a little on the fuzzy side, but your drawing skills certainly aren't!

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AMKitsune: You're right, that is a very tiny argonian.
You know what this calls for...
Assume the master blaster position!

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AMKitsune: Introducing the Quill of Animus.

Coming soon to all reputable mages guild locations!

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AMKitsune: For a second there, I though the 'middle row' Katia was holding a rapier. Now I can't help but think that with the dignified way you pose her (i.e. standing up straight), she'd possibly look even more badass fencing. Move over Sword-Dog, here comes Sword-Cat!

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AMKitsune: The very concept of Bob Ross painting a sad cat... I can't quite wrap my head around that one.

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AMKitsune: I don't know how long I've been watching this for now, but however long it's been, I don't feel the need to stop any time soon!

Also, if she was a pixel or 2 closer, she'd be flicking that cake all over the floor and walls!

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AMKitsune: @AMKitsune: Eh, maybe it's not too bad actually.

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AMKitsune: @Enheldor, @Rick2tails, @Armored-Struggle-Wagon and @CaptainLackwit: Thank you all very much!

@MetalC0Mmander: Pfft, no, not enough bandages. You can still see her tail.

@makingfailure: Bloody hell, I'm more honoured that you'd feel that way about me throwing a bit of colour onto one of your pictures!
I just had a quick go at changing the colours to match these pyromancer robes and I'm glad I didn't try it to begin with. Too little colour variation, too many small details and too much emphasis on textures and shading for me to come close to doing justice to it. Well, I don't think so, but that's a matter of personal preference.

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AMKitsune: Creator and creation having a drunken argument. Probably at a place that seves mexican food and has wifi not meant for live video streaming.

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AMKitsune: Christmas day and Katia's feline intincts kick in as she's more enthrawled by an empty box than any of the actual presents. Quill-Weave's there to and looks like she's about to smack Katia with a wrapping paper tube for some reason. Maybe it's an Argonian thing?

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AMKitsune: Confetti rain! Some stay dry while others feel the pain, confetti rain!

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AMKitsune: @qstDaeday: BatManagan?

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AMKitsune: Wasn't too sure what MakingFailure was going for with this particular interpretation of Katia's wizard robe so I just made it mostly one colour.

Also, I think I might have somehow managed to shade her face well here. I'm not sure how I managed it, but a result's a result so I'm happy.

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AMKitsune: @Carl: It may be unconventional, buy hey! Whatever works, right?

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AMKitsune: @XenoYparxi: But... she's wearing a blanket. According to the comic, that's sort of clothing, right?

Also, looking at this, I can just imagine Khajiit snoring essentially being 'soft purring'.

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AMKitsune: @makimb0: there you go.

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AMKitsune: Now watch as she unknowingly adds in the components for a resist poison potion...

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AMKitsune: @Rick2tails: In typical sadcat fashion, you'll probably find that the bell doesn't even work. Just you wait and see. She'll keep pressing that button and no one will answer...

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AMKitsune: Dovahbear!

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AMKitsune: @Kazerad: It's more like "Katia's Wizard Cowl".
You could always use the full "Katia's Wizard Robe" tag but also include something like "Incomplete Outfit". That would get the message across.

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AMKitsune: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: You're absolutley right! That may well have been where the original for this was inspired by.

@XLINE: Wow, rude! For a lizard, the very fact that she even has boobs counts as being impressivly endowed.

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AMKitsune: I just noticed that I did a shit job when adjusting the perspective of the image. It was far too tall. This should be better now.

@Baz1S: You're absolutely right! (There are so few in-comic shots of QW's chest colouration, it's easy to forget it all together sometimes XD)

@MetalC0Mmander: No idea. I'd say ask Kazerad, but there's a good chance that he was drunk at the time of drawing, so he might not even remember. It's a mystery!

@furnut: Many thanks :D. Can lizards really cry tears of sadness? If not, just put them outside in the rain for a bit to achieve a similar looking result.

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AMKitsune: Haven't done something like this in quite a while. I got the idea to have a go at 'digitising' this when someone posted a link to a bunch of screenshots of old kaz-streams during last night's bar stream.Honestly, I'm not too happy with the shading (a bit heavy handed and misplaced), but the rest I'm ok with

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AMKitsune: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: 75% weakness to Boot

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AMKitsune: Cat: Sit majestically upon one of those wooden logs then spaz the fuck out for no apparent reason.

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AMKitsune: My money's on Styrofoam packing pellets. Just a box full of Styrofoam packing pellets. While not exactly big enough to sit in, hours of implicitly racist fun none the less

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AMKitsune: @Preston_Garvey: I don't know about other booru's, but that's how it works here (This is quite a basic booru, software wise, so it doesn't have quite as many features as other may have). Also, I asked him about it and Kazerad says that he had to download your image from DA before replacing the version here.

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AMKitsune: @Preston_Garvey: You can't (as far as I'm aware) upload images directly from other websites to here. The only way is by uploading them from the local storage of the computer/device that you're using.

As far as image sizes go, even if you upload an absolutely massive image, when someone looks at it, they can always click the image itself to resize it to fit in their browser. If you want to upload a smaller image though (which load faster and are generally better for older phones/tablets), you can either resize them with some image editing software, scan/photograph the original at a lower resolution (or lower DPI setting).

Or, if you've already uploaded the image to DA, save a copy of one of DA's resized versions of the picture and upload that instead.

For changing pictures already on this booru, only moderators can do that I'm afraid. However, if you want to, you can use the "Report Image" button over on the left to request an image to be replaced (Just be sure to remember to include a link to the new picture that you want it replaced with). In this case, I've gone ahead and replaced this one for you.

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AMKitsune: Why indeed... Why indeed...

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Sorry, it had to be done.

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AMKitsune: Quick, someone with an imagination write up a back-story leading up to this scene! There are questions that need answering!

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AMKitsune: Eh, a job's a job.

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AMKitsune: @Beetleguy: Bonus points if it's actually painted.

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AMKitsune: "Congratulations on your recent win against the Nords. What do you put your team's victory down to?"


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AMKitsune: @EpicSnails:

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AMKitsune: @DarkD: But, if they're 'fresh', shouldn't that mean the swords have only just been forged and should still be at least a little warm?

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AMKitsune: Amazing work!

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AMKitsune: @Vidiotdragon: Because it was evidence that she was #1! Number one what you ask? We may never know...

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AMKitsune: @Argonstersite: You certainly did. Also, I want to see what you'll do with this picture, but I also want the comic to update soon. Can't we have both?
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