Submit images and feed on the tears of mortal cats.

Dramatic Descriptions

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AMKitsune: You can do it Katia! We believe in you!

...ah, who am I kidding? She'll be back at the bottom before she knows it XD

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AMKitsune: @LuminosityXVII: Couldn't it contain an update instead? That would also be good.

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AMKitsune: Huh, wow. Normally, I wouldn't think something as stylised as this would work as a Katia picture (you know how when a character's drawn in such a stylised manor that they no longer resemble the original character they were meant to be any-more?), yet it really does. Stylisticly unique and easily recognisable at the same time. Fantastic work.

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AMKitsune: @furnut: Oooohhhh, why much you always draw such adorable Katias? You've mastered the cute in a way that few others have.
Also, thanks for unknowingly giving me a prime opportunity to do a Bluedraggy (without shading).

(I actually tried colouring the lines this time, instead of just turning them completely black. Not really sure if it made much of a difference. It's too late at night for me to really tell XD)

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AMKitsune: @LuminosityXVII: I'll get the Calpol 6+ and a box of tissues. Someone else, fill a hot water bottle and fetch one of those Lego sets.

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AMKitsune: @lllxBL4ZExlll: Good to hear, though unfortunately, you can't take that for granted these days.

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AMKitsune: @lllxBL4ZExlll: But does that really matter? As long as good intentions are being wished, why should their validity be based on whether someone celebrates an event or not? Someone could wish me a happy thanks-giving and that would be lovely. I don't really do the whole thanks-giving thing (not being American), but it's still a nice sentiment.

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AMKitsune: @_Noxygen_: Sounds like might be a phone thing then. As far as the booru's concerned, you have just as much right to upload stuff as anyone else here. I tried uploading something the other day, and that worked fine, so I can only assume it's either something to do with your ISP or, more likely, the fact that you're trying to upload from a phone.

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AMKitsune: @_Noxygen_: You should be able to. What exactly happens when you try?

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AMKitsune: @Killyellowcatnow: Or, alternatively, do neither of those things.

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AMKitsune: @Kazerad: I prefer to think of them as 'sawn-off staffs of candlelight'.

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AMKitsune: @YeOldeCuckolde: Love, that's how.

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AMKitsune: @Raydio: Don't let that stop you.

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AMKitsune: @hxka: Isn't this pretty much the exact opposite of a widescreen version of the linked image? Seeing as it's no wider but even taller? Still, very pretty.

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AMKitsune: Mother knows best. Now eat them all up, or you won't grow up to be big and strong.

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AMKitsune: @Azure: Why hurt their bodies when you can hurt their feelings, right?

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AMKitsune: Oh my! So this is what Katia gets up to to pass the time between updates. Not exactly what she had in mind when she arrived in Cyrodiil, but at least it helps her keep fit?

(it's hard extracting clean colour data from layers that have been butchered by gif dithering...)

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AMKitsune: This really just goes to further the argument that cats are basically little, derpy people. Like gnomes, except we feed them, they speak an unintelligible language and they're questionably hairier.

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AMKitsune: "Now to do something truly evil..."
*slightly tilts picture frame*

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AMKitsune: "fun time in the bucket" could have numerous different meanings, if you know what I mean.
Whatever the case though, Katia clearly wasn't expecting such a... hands on experience.

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AMKitsune: gpainfox55, I've just checked and this seems to be a 51 frame long video file embedded in a flash. Would you mind at all if I reformatted it to a 2 frame gif (to take up less space and so more people can see it)? (also cropping out the black bars if you wanted)

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AMKitsune: "Hahahaha... It thought I was... That I was going to... HAHAHAHA! Oh, it's too precious."

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AMKitsune: Ear infections are a serious medical condiment.
What else do you think doctors and nurses dips their fries in?

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AMKitsune: @EKToRNo and @MrCoopy: Two depictions of the same scene, and you know what?... This is fine .

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AMKitsune: @Kazerad: fixed it.

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AMKitsune: @Raydio: If I had to guess, I'd imagine that's due to a limitation of how the sprites are used. There's probably a limited width and height for each frame of animation, which would make adding a tail somewhat tricky.

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AMKitsune: Or a higher res version of the old microsoft office assistants.
"It looks like you're planning a break-in. Would you like help?"

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AMKitsune: This looks like one of those 3d renders from a 90's PC game and I love it!

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AMKitsune: @Makkon: Huh, I'd been wondering why the shading was so different with this one, and now I know!

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AMKitsune: Continuity accurate or not, this is still adorable, even if she has just been caught.

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AMKitsune: This pretty much applies to all of your work on the update, so I'll just say it here.

Oh... My... GOD this was all so beautiful! The whole hiatus thing aside, I'm glad Kaz decided to go down the path of using a painted/realistic graphical style for the update. It's just so atmospheric and stylish. It goes without saying, but fantastic work.

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AMKitsune: @CyVoltage: Technically speaking, she was also invisible. This looks better than a seemingly empty cavern though.

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AMKitsune: Assuming that she doesn't see this herself, please tell your daughter that these are some of the most expressive Dodgers that I have ever seen and greatly look forward to seeing (and from what you say, also 'reading about') more soon.

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AMKitsune: @Sashimi: Right click, view image. That's as high-res as it gets I'm afraid (to try to match the originals aliased look).

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AMKitsune: @Sashimi: and a little colour.

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AMKitsune: @Raydio: Honestly, I hate the term simply because of its generalised application and negative connotation. As you say, the term tends to be applied to people regardless of how 'into' their interests they are. In my mind, it's as useless and harmful a term as if all people who enjoyed watching sports were called 'sporties', but the term was mostly associated with the sorts of sports fans that get drunk and violent. Sure, they exist, but it's hardly fair to group all sports fans together under the same banner as them. As far as I'm concerned, the same goes for 'furries' (but less a case of being bundled with aggressive fanatics and more-so 'sexual deviants' and other such 'weirdos').

Sure, I get that people tend to generalise things they don't have much of an understanding of, and that's just a natural human way of processing information, but my god can it be inaccurate and needlessly detrimental.

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AMKitsune: @Rick2tails: So cute. I don't have a sandwich though... Would this do?

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AMKitsune: If she doesn't get that book to QW, disappointment.

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AMKitsune: @GoodIdeasAreOverrated: ...Because she's a right bitch?

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AMKitsune: @realbboy: Perhaps there's some truth to the statement, but the part about 'self-deprecation is a hallmark of quality art' just really rubs me the wrong way. Sure, it's often the case that artists can be the harshest critics of their own work, but to link how 'good' a piece is to how 'bad' the artist feels about it/their abilities can't be a good way of looking at things. Sometimes artists are overly critical of their works, sometimes they're not. That doesn't necessarily have any baring on the ability of the artist.

@bluedraggy: Shut up Bluedraggy, your colourings are good and I doubt you can convince us otherwise.

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AMKitsune: I thought I commented on this earlier? Must have not clicked the button...

Anyway, these are some nice keyframes (if my understanding of traditional animation terminology is accurate). It's like an animatic for a fully rendered cutscene! Awesome stuff.

Also, who's the mystery person who's been looking for her? WHO???

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AMKitsune: Assuming an outfit switch (for whatever reason), this could actually make sense. I'm sure Katia wouldn't be all that happy to see Rajirra again and Rajirra would probably want to try to appear as friendly and approachable as possible, considering their last encounter.

@Raydio: No, yes, sort of? You can embed images with bbcode, so there's little stopping anyone from making their own edits, uploading them somewhere else and them embedding them here.

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AMKitsune: @comkiller: That's twice as questionable as usual! Does that make it the most questionable picture on the site? Pfft, nah, of course not.

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AMKitsune: @fastolaf: Surely they must do. Why ever else would Quill-Weave look so happy here? She's clearly enjoying a frozen treat on a hot day.
(It's actually a little strange to see her this happy. Normally she's either concerned or expressionless)

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AMKitsune: At least there's no confusion over whether this is questionable or not.

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AMKitsune: @Pronin: Featured masterpieces don't necessarily have to be 'masterpieces' in the traditional sense. Sometimes they're highly detailed works of art as you might expect, sometimes they're featured because of a funny, cute, clever or unique idea.

That variety doesn't lessen the value of being featured, but stops the position from ending up constantly being 'more of the same' and makes it something that anyone can potentially get.

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AMKitsune: If this 'art school' is anything like the stuffy, up-tight art schools that come to my mind when I hear the phrase, I can just imagine them saying "No, we only accept proper pictures of cats and such, not this fantasy rubbish..."

(I have an unhealthy preconception of formal art tuition establishments)

Eugh... I seriously hope that isn't the case and that they're open to any and all interpretations of the theme, because this is a damn good picture in its own right!

This may be a bit late, but let us know how you get on. I'm rooting for you!

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AMKitsune: Is that... a self censoring Katia model? Clever.
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