Think before you post. Not even Stendarr will forgive you.

Dramatic Descriptions

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AMKitsune: @CaptainLackwit: annyeongo-o's, I believe.

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AMKitsune: @Thebaconator3: From an Imperial shopkeeper of course!

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AMKitsune: @mhonnie: Thanks. It's only a quick, silly little animation, but I'm glad you like it .

If you want to put it on Tumblr, sure, feel free.

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AMKitsune: @Geravind: I've just found, there's a more official laser dot here.

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AMKitsune: @Geravind: Strange. It's still working for me. Must have either been a temporary problem with the dropbox servers or some kind of network problem on your end. Whatever the case, the image does exist and works fine for me.
Maybe check back later and it'll work for you?

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AMKitsune: @Geravind: There it is!

(that should keep her entertained for hours)

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AMKitsune: Many thanks to Mhonnie for letting me upload a coloured (albeit simply so) version of THE BEST FUCKING CRACKER EVER! (or at least, the ingredients to make it...)

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AMKitsune: @makingfailure: Well, at one point, Kazerad posted about one on a 4chan prequel thread. The most recent one was announced in the disqus comments on the comic instead.
It might be easier to just 'follow' him on picarto (https://picarto.tv/Kazerad) so you can get email notifications when he goes live (That's what I did).

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AMKitsune: @Suro: Don't worry. He made it clear that he doesn't intent on drinking to that extent again (or at all for a while). In his words, his next stream (whenever that is) is going to be a "sober stream".

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AMKitsune: @DavidTheZettaNerd: "What's the big deal with these things anyway? It's just a big black rectangle with a load of little lettered squares underneath."

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AMKitsune: Casting such powerful spells without the use of any stat enhancing enchanted gear of his own... This is but a glimpse of the sheer might and power that the fabled enchanter possesses.

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AMKitsune: Many thanks to Furnut for letting me upload this. His original was just so adorable (and well shaded), I had to have a go at adding a little colour.

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AMKitsune: @Suro: I had an email informing me of another stream a little while ago which I missed to, so yeh, that's quite possible.

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AMKitsune: @Baz1S: Picarto, I believe. No 'VOD' for us I'm afraid...

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AMKitsune: @Suro: Damn it, I recently found out about that livestream to. Why did I have to not know about it until it was too late?

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AMKitsune: This is amazing! While what you've got so far is simple and quite limited, what is there is really well polished and runs nicely.

I'd also love to see this develop into something greater. It certainly looks like it has the potential for it .

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AMKitsune: "Wait… books are just a thing you can MAKE? Any time you want?"

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AMKitsune: Looks to me like they're having a nice laugh while telling tipsy stories in some hot springs. Nothing too wild or sexual in any way. Sure she canonicly can't hold her drink and often ends up completely shit-faced once she starts, but this scene looks nothing like that.

Katia must either be drinking something very light here, or this is an alternate reality where she can handle her booze .

Whatever the case, it's nice to see them both having a good laugh (Whoever he is. Nameless Nord? Fan character? Who knows?)

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AMKitsune: Katia casts 'adorable pose' [AOE spell: 15 meters]
2 x bandit(s) receive 'heart attack'
1 x necromancer(s) receive status effect 'diabetes'

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AMKitsune: Oh, if only this were a real game...
SuperVaderMan, however long you may have spent on this, it can't have been "too long" as it's absolutely perfect!

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AMKitsune: "Oh... bother... Now I'll have to re-clean this knife before I can use it again. What a mild annoyance..."

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AMKitsune: "... and after Katia's newly assigned therapist suggested screaming at something to help release her pent up stress and frustration, she decided to take out her anger on one of the few things that she could always rely on to be there for her... her ass.

Once her friend Quill-Weave learned of this new exercise, she promptly took to joining in at every opportunity."

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AMKitsune: @Baz1S: That's good to hear, because that's pretty much what I was going for XD.
@THE-RAGING-OVERLORD: Thanks, but I'll let you in on a little secret... Most of this was animated by recording me franticly bouncing my mouse around the screen to make them hop around. The only but that I really 'manually' animated was the slight rotation as they move. I'm lazy and not ashamed to admit it .
@Toryu-Mau: Thanks. For some reason, the more frames per second something has, the more hypnotic it gets. I was almost tempted to make this a 60 fps animation (as opposed to its current 30 fps), but that would have doubled the file size and not many programs have a good time playing back 60 fps gifs at the proper frame-rate, so it's probably best left as is.

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AMKitsune: @itblobboy:Kaz says "the very end of the last day in the last timezone". So as long as it's still the 28th of august somewhere in the world, you're still good to go.

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AMKitsune: Not an actual entry as I kind of broke the rules using strokes around the characters and their 'sticks'.
Still, I had fun with it, so who really cares? XD

(those of you fluent in the language of interpretive dance will surely appreciate the intricate plot points and surprise twists in the story told here)

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AMKitsune: The "No Delay" option is pretty much useless. It leaves how the animation is played up to the player in question. For firefox, it plays these frames at a 'firefox defined default speed' (if you're using firefox right now, that's the speed you'll be seeing). My desktop image viewer (Irfanview) happens to interpret the gif differently and play it super quickly.

For smooth movements, you really want frame durations of 0.04 seconds or less while not using the "No Delay" option. (of course, you could use higher durations if you wanted, it's purely down to personal taste)

To give you an example, I took your 'slow' gif and changed the durations of the frames to 0.03 seconds each.

Much smoother (I hope that's how it appears for you anyway...)
This basically forces your image viewer to display the animation at the rate you specified and not to use it's own.

I also lowered the number of indexed colours used when exporting the gif which, for pixely images like this, can be a great way of reducing the file size without loosing detail. You'll find the options for that when exporting your gifs through the 'save for web' menu.
(your original was 2.73mb while this newly optimised version is only 779kb.)

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AMKitsune: @fate109: Animating gifs in photoshop is a little strange because, as Kazerad said, they can have a variable frame-rate with some frames lasting longer than others if you wish (which can be excellent for keeping the file size down). The downside to this is that you have to define frame durations in seconds (or 'less than seconds' for quick frames). I'm not sure if you're aware, but if you click 'other' when choosing a frame duration, you can choose whatever duration you want. So, if you wanted to have your animation running at 24 frames per second, you'd just need to work out 1 (second) divided by 24 (frames) which gives you 0.0417 as your frame duration. For technical reasons, I'd strongly advise against ever using 0 for a frame duration as many programs will skip over these frames as fast as possible, effectively playing the animation at super speed.

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AMKitsune: @fate109: Create your animation and save it as an animated gif file (making sure that it's under 3.5 megabytes, as that's the upload size limit for this booru), then upload it using the 'upload' form which can be found near the top right hand corner of the main page of the booru. When uploading it (or afterwards if you forget), be sure to include "Long_gif_Contest" as a tag so that it can be easily grouped with the other submissions.

That's about it really.
Happy animating!

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AMKitsune: @posauneninja: By setting a profile picture on this site here

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AMKitsune: @AMKitsune: Pfft, never mind then. In the time it took me to get a response ready, you'd already sorted it out XD.

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AMKitsune: @PlaceHolder: I've just asked Kazerad and his response was "That's not very gif!". If you can find a way of converting the swf into a gif with a limited colour pallet, that might be enough to get the file size down. That and reducing the overall resolution and/or length of the animation.

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AMKitsune: Working title of "Room With a View (of Oblivion)".
While it was initially very cool to see the panels literally ripped apart to reveal the 'otherworldly somethingness' behind, now that I can make picture move in strange and interesting ways, I fancied having a go at making it even more 'otherworldly'.

I also checked and this is actually a smaller file than the largest panel in the comic (being panel 1677 at 1.44MB)! Go me for finally getting a grasp on the concept of optimal file compression!

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AMKitsune: @Mezhik: A soon to be ball of fluff!

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AMKitsune: What could paw-ssibly go wrong?

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AMKitsune: There we go. That should be a little better now.
Better leg movement, a head the moves with the rest of the body, additional rainment details, a tail that's actually attached to her spine now, a less stretchy back and just because I can, a transparent background (which makes practically no difference here whatsoever XD)

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AMKitsune: @MetalC0Mmander: While there are a few little things that now occur to me as not being right (like her tail not matching up with her moving torso and her head staying at the exact same height all the time), her back isn't standing out too much to me. However, what you're seeing might be unnatural stretching between her static neck and moving hip areas. It's the little things like this that I'm currently missing that would make this all the better. Thanks for voicing your views.

(Then again, it might also just be because the original image had quite a sharp curve in her back which isn't translating too well into animation. Who knows?)

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AMKitsune: While I'm on this 'learning to animating things' kick, I decided to have a go at animating one of Cider's 'non comic panel' drawings.
I wanted to have a go at seeing how it would look if I tried animating a full body pose. This image seemed the best to use as it looked like there would be lots of balancing involved.
Before starting though, I had to break the image up into its 'component parts' (tail, arm, lifted shirt thigie and everything else) and convert it all into a more pixely style (to make it easier to recreate parts of the image that were once hidden, like the tail behind her leg).

I think I might have gone a bit overboard with the motions here and could have used toning them down a bit. Then again, I suppose 'overly gestured motions' are something that's done in cartoons from time to time, so maybe I'll just use that as my excuse? XD

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AMKitsune: Ha ha ha... Oh, I made myself sad...

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AMKitsune: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon:
Many thanks
While I'm glad to hear that you think they're good enough for it, I'd also imagine that it would be very unlikely, and that's ok. As we've all seen, the comic's had these kinds of fancy animations in it before from time to time, so it's not as though 'Kaz & co' can't do this themselves when they need to. Not much need for my input there.
Took me a while to catch on, but do you mean those 'motion comic' things? I've only ever seen banner and box adds for those, but they do look pretty interesting.

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AMKitsune: @forestOverlord:
Thank you all very much. I really wasn't expecting this to receive so much of a response.

It's the 'jiggle'. Hypnotising, isn't it?

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AMKitsune: Avert your eyes, lest they be offended by the visible dithering and less than optimal frame-rate.

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AMKitsune: Besides the whole 'glowing' thing, I wanted to see how well I could animate a distortion effect whist keeping the aliased look intact in after effects. Turns out, you just need to set everything to draft quality when rendering! (additional gradient dithering achieved via photoshop gif export)

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AMKitsune: Oh yeh, and the image is that small because anything larger would have been above the upload limit.

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AMKitsune: I think that's the last version of this I'll be uploading.
As with the last one, high-res video's in the source.

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AMKitsune: @Baz1S: Isn't it just? It's still better than my (non-existent) spoken Russian though.

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AMKitsune: Это хорошо , чтобы увидеть вашу модель в движении . Это делает его , кажется, так гораздо более реальным.
Как вы сделали этот глюк эффект ближе к концу видео ? Было ли это сделано вручную или предустановленный какой-то ?

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AMKitsune: While we're posting video links, I might as well throw this in here.

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AMKitsune: Just adopt it as a 'pet'. I'm sure it'll fare much better than your old ones...

(It won't. It'll die and everyone will celebrate)

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AMKitsune: @furnut: It's relevant to the site, topical and I'm in a good mood/have time to spare. Eh, why not?

Happy birthday Stubble Dragon .

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AMKitsune: So cute!
This looks like it could be the beginning of a notepad based mini comic.
If only, if only...
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