AMKitsune: @Guardian: Paint tool SAI (That's it's full name) is a favourite of many 'drawing' focused artists. It has built in brush brush stroke smoothing capabilities which can help make your lines and curves look smoother with less judder and roughness. It also has special 'lineart layers' on which you can draw your lines and then click and drag the points of the lines around as you see fit afterwards. Very handy.
The biggest downside to SAI is that while it does what it does very well, it lacks quite a lot of the features found in 'more comprehensive' image editors like photoshop. You may not need or want these features right now, but it's something to bare in mind.
Moving onto photoshop, if you can get hold of it, that's one of those 'once you have it, you'll technically be able to do pretty much anything with it' kinds of programs. While it has got drawing and painting features and tools built in, it's primarily a photo editor, so as far as layering brush strokes and creating lineart goes, many people prefer SAI. Then again, some people swear by photoshop and use practically nothing else. It's one of those personal preference and 'what you're used to' kinds of thing.
Given how much Photoshop costs (and if you can't get hold of a cheap copy), I understand that the Gnu Image Manipulation Program (or GIMP for short) is essentially an open source (FREE!) version of photoshop with most of the the same tools and features.
Generally speaking, those are the sorts of programs that most digital artists seem to gravitate towards as they can offer a wide variety of oppertunity for creating art of all kinds of different styles.
Programs like graphics gale are, to my understanding at least, limited more to sprite based art. I've asked Kazerad himself about his experience with it and he said that "It's optomized for sprite animation. For PRequel, it's honestly probably not the bestchoice", so while you can make larger pictures with it, you might find it easier in the long run to use something else.
Quite honestly, there is no simple 'best program' to use. Try to get hold of as many different ones as you want and try them all. Some people stick with one program while others use multiple programs for different purposes. I've seen recordings of drawings by PlagueOfGripes where he draws the lineart in SAI and then moves over to photoshop to finish the colours.
Experiment. You'll find something that works for ya.
AMKitsune: QW's probably going to be pretty pissed off at Katia for that, but it was probably her fault for buying the catnip in the first place, so she can't get too angry...
AMKitsune: @korblborp: I REALLY wish you could scan this to .
It would just be so much more awesome with crisper details.
Still, it's pretty awesome even as it is .
AMKitsune: Not sure why, but this art style seems oddly familiar. Strange, as I don't think I'm particularly familiar with the artists work.
Still, amazingly cute stuff.
AMKitsune: The line-work and detailing on those wings are just magnificent.
(although now I can only imagine her clumsily knocking into everything and everyone with them.)
AMKitsune: @unknown_victor: That's because when I made this, Katia was broken into 4 (and a bit) layers. Her tail, torso+limbs, head and eyes. The eyelash that you can see is part of the head layer so while it can bee seen extending from her head on one side, it's not visible from the other.
(the 'and a bit' layer was just a little additional shading below her breasts to make her a little less 2 dimensional)
@furnut: You're very welcome. Thank you for wanting to use it.
AMKitsune: @furnut: You're very welcome. We do have some pretty obscure tags so it's perfectly understandable to not quite 'get' them all (I'm still discovering new ones all the time!).
AMKitsune: @MetalC0Mmander: Whoops, That 'yoyo' thing was a mistake. It should work properly from now on.
@noskilloreffort: I'm glad to hear it was useful. Now I'm anxious to see this as a spray in an in-game setting.
AMKitsune: @Drowsy-fox: As protofun said, the fact that you made this on a phone is amazing.
Regarding your internet situation, have you ever tried setting your phone up as a wifi hotspot and connecting your laptop to the internet that way? Most newish phones seem to let you do that out of the box, but if yours can't there are apps (free ones) that should let you do that. Just search for 'tethering' and you'll find more about it.
AMKitsune: @unknown_victor: I fail to see how her head position would cause her any discomfort here.
See what I mean?
Also, that pineapple juice it going to end up in a great big, sticky mess. I don't know about you, but I don't really fancy the idea of cleaning tacky fruit residue of a throne made entirely of swords.
AMKitsune: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: There are a plethora of generic enemy designs to draw from when it comes to Oblivion (the game). Even more if you expand your scope to include all of Tamriel. In that sense, a lot of the design work has already been done for you. You've got things like rats/skeevers, wolves, mudcrabs, bandits, goblins, skeletons, cultists and necromancers. The list goes on and on.
AMKitsune: @unknown_victor: Normally, a matter like this could be easily explained with a basic explanation of the genetics of sexual reproduction. However, in a world where the phases of the moon (and for a time, it's very presence (or lack of)) can effect the eventual outcome of a conception, I'm going to have to hang up my science hat and say
AMKitsune: Isn't this what all adventurers strive for? A nice home to hang up your boots (do people even do that?) at the end of a long day of adventuring, a nice fireside chair to fall into and a mounted collection of the rarest and most valuable artefacts in the land to admire.
(If you can afford the property or download a modded/DLC player home that is XD)
AMKitsune: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: In this case, I'm pretty sure the casually_underdressed tag was warranted. it's meant to be used when a character's wearing 'something', but not much (or something that's particularly revealing, like this sheer shoulder drape thing). You might be confusing it with the 'very_casually_underdressed' tag (Easy mistake to make. I didn't even know there were 2 different versions until earlier today) which is for nudity.
Sure, northing's technically 'on display' here, but what little clothing there is fits the description.
AMKitsune: Katia: Wow Quill-Weave, you're sure looking Jurassic today! Have you done something new with your scales?
QW: Why, yes I Have. I'm trying out this new scale polish. Thanks for noticing.
AMKitsune: I absolutely love this art style. Something about it's simplicity combined with the rawness of the medium. Whatever the case, it's great stuff (made all the better by the fact that it was so cleanly scanned to).
AMKitsune: @Kazerad: Fair enough. It's a shame that 4chan content has a limited life to it. Once these things go, unless the content's reposted elsewhere (or saved), that's it. gone forever...
AMKitsune: @unknown_victor: Aside from the slightly iffy body proportions (which have already been mentioned above), there's not much that I can see wrong with this scene. There's not much motion behind her pose so I imagine her standing in place lifting the axe's handle to try to gauge the (substantial) weight of the thing. That axe has to be meant for some kind of monster or Daedra, right? Surely neither Man nor Mer would be able to wield that thing in battle (and that includes muscle-bound Orcish highwaymen ).
On the note of 'weight' however, one thing that I'll suggest is that given how heavy the business end of that axe looks, unless katia was abnormally strong in this scene, the axe wouldn't be resting on the edge of it's blade as it currently is but would have rolled onto its flattest section (a bit like when a similar scene is shown in Grim Fandango
To give you a rough idea of how that might look in your scene, I made a quick edit showing the axe head at more of an angle (I'm afraid you'll have to forgive the shoddy edit job. This was never meant to be a pretty edit )
In this case, the angle of the axe head isn't in perfect relation to the angle of the held portion of the pole (because I'm lazy), but this is just to give you an idea of how it might look with an added sense of weight.
AMKitsune: Makkon, your mastery of light and form is clearly in a league of it's own amongst Prequel fans. Your eye for detail is simply extraordinary.
Do you ever live-stream/record your creative process by any chance? I ask because it would be an experience to see something like this being created in realtime. If it only takes you a few hours to create something as impressive as this piece of yours, how long must it take to make something like the image above and (what I must assume to be quicker) images like the sort found in this?
AMKitsune: @Nyflex: Seems that the emoticon system doesn't like hyphens. Sorry about that. It should work for you the next time you try.
@Makkon: I'm a bit late to the party here, but my god... I don't know if there's anything I can really say to accurately describe how incredible this is. I knew you were a fantastic artist, but this just took your Prequel artwork up to a completely different level.
AMKitsune: @notabigthreat: It should be a pretty accurate count. The program actually counts how many tags it has before telling you. If I were to add more or remove some, the number would automatically adjust to compensate. Also, I seem to remember that some questions won't show up unless you answer 'no' in some cases. So try as you might, I don't think that you'll ever be able to get every tag in one result.
AMKitsune: @notabigthreat: Many thanks for the feedback. The typo's been fixed (It never even occurred to me that dissable was wrong. That's my spelling for ya). I also 'fixed' the quickmode button problem. Upon restarting, it resets the program to 'regular mode' (it is a combination of restart and reset after all). Still, at least the buttons text should be accurate at all times now (with proper spelling to!).
Also, to begin with, I thought your little slogan at the end there was a list of typo's. I was looking through them trying to find where they were in the program until I though "what does edification even mean?". A good indication that I didn't even include it XD.
AMKitsune: @Nyflex: You certainly did. Before I go ahead and replace it though, are you aware that your new version over on DA is smaller that this one here? Just thought I should bring that up in case it's unintentional.
AMKitsune: @Nyflex: Sure. The best way to usually request a replacement is to use the 'report image' button over to the left (that way, all moderators get notified of it). Just mention that you'd like the image replaced and include a link to wherever you're hosting the new version (dropbox, imgur, another art site or anything like that).
AMKitsune: A fully grown Orc lifted with one hand? Someone's been working out. Or maybe it's just the suspiciously Daedric looking arm that's doing all the work. Whatever the case, I wouldn't want to be on the bad side of that arm or the business end of that glaive.
AMKitsune: Isn't that just typical? She finally gets that brown paint out of her fur and now she's stuck with this?
The life of a badass is truly fraught with obstacles to clean fur.
AMKitsune: Is there anything more badass than matching full-body armour and weaponry? If there is, it's not springing to mind.
Speaking of armour, I can't help but imagine that this could have been in some way inspired by the Nightingale armour with a little influence from Ratchet and Clank's Caronox armour.
Whatever the case, amazing design!
Dramatic Descriptions
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This looks like it could be the beginning of a notepad based mini comic.
If only, if only...
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The biggest downside to SAI is that while it does what it does very well, it lacks quite a lot of the features found in 'more comprehensive' image editors like photoshop. You may not need or want these features right now, but it's something to bare in mind.
Moving onto photoshop, if you can get hold of it, that's one of those 'once you have it, you'll technically be able to do pretty much anything with it' kinds of programs. While it has got drawing and painting features and tools built in, it's primarily a photo editor, so as far as layering brush strokes and creating lineart goes, many people prefer SAI. Then again, some people swear by photoshop and use practically nothing else. It's one of those personal preference and 'what you're used to' kinds of thing.
Given how much Photoshop costs (and if you can't get hold of a cheap copy), I understand that the Gnu Image Manipulation Program (or GIMP for short) is essentially an open source (FREE!) version of photoshop with most of the the same tools and features.
Generally speaking, those are the sorts of programs that most digital artists seem to gravitate towards as they can offer a wide variety of oppertunity for creating art of all kinds of different styles.
Programs like graphics gale are, to my understanding at least, limited more to sprite based art. I've asked Kazerad himself about his experience with it and he said that "It's optomized for sprite animation. For PRequel, it's honestly probably not the bestchoice", so while you can make larger pictures with it, you might find it easier in the long run to use something else.
Quite honestly, there is no simple 'best program' to use. Try to get hold of as many different ones as you want and try them all. Some people stick with one program while others use multiple programs for different purposes. I've seen recordings of drawings by PlagueOfGripes where he draws the lineart in SAI and then moves over to photoshop to finish the colours.
Experiment. You'll find something that works for ya.
Also, nice scene here
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It would just be so much more awesome with crisper details.
Still, it's pretty awesome even as it is
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Making a Cat Fly: the Adventure
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I suppose I'll just have to make do with this for the time being.
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Still, amazingly cute stuff.
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(although now I can only imagine her clumsily knocking into everything and everyone with them.)
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Or was it ultimately worth it?
That's for you to decide...
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(the 'and a bit' layer was just a little additional shading below her breasts to make her a little less 2 dimensional)
@furnut: You're very welcome. Thank you for wanting to use it.
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That aside, as ASW said, fantastic stuff. Your scenes and the ways you draw characters in them are always adorable.
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"Long live the Mythic Dawn"
"Hail Lord Dagon"
There are just so many possibilities!
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@noskilloreffort: I'm glad to hear it was useful. Now I'm anxious to see this as a spray in an in-game setting.
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Regarding your internet situation, have you ever tried setting your phone up as a wifi hotspot and connecting your laptop to the internet that way? Most newish phones seem to let you do that out of the box, but if yours can't there are apps (free ones) that should let you do that. Just search for 'tethering' and you'll find more about it.
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See what I mean?
Also, that pineapple juice it going to end up in a great big, sticky mess. I don't know about you, but I don't really fancy the idea of cleaning tacky fruit residue of a throne made entirely of swords.
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(If you can afford the property or download a modded/DLC player home that is XD)
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Sure, northing's technically 'on display' here, but what little clothing there is fits the description.
On a different note however, Awwww, How sweet X)
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QW: Why, yes I Have. I'm trying out this new scale polish. Thanks for noticing.
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On the note of 'weight' however, one thing that I'll suggest is that given how heavy the business end of that axe looks, unless katia was abnormally strong in this scene, the axe wouldn't be resting on the edge of it's blade as it currently is but would have rolled onto its flattest section (a bit like when a similar scene is shown in Grim Fandango
To give you a rough idea of how that might look in your scene, I made a quick edit showing the axe head at more of an angle (I'm afraid you'll have to forgive the shoddy edit job. This was never meant to be a pretty edit
In this case, the angle of the axe head isn't in perfect relation to the angle of the held portion of the pole (because I'm lazy), but this is just to give you an idea of how it might look with an added sense of weight.
I hope this was of some help.
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"You do take the Khajiit’s sweet machete, though!"
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Do you ever live-stream/record your creative process by any chance? I ask because it would be an experience to see something like this being created in realtime. If it only takes you a few hours to create something as impressive as this piece of yours, how long must it take to make something like the image above and (what I must assume to be quicker) images like the sort found in this?
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@Makkon: I'm a bit late to the party here, but my god... I don't know if there's anything I can really say to accurately describe how incredible this is. I knew you were a fantastic artist, but this just took your Prequel artwork up to a completely different level.
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Also, to begin with, I thought your little slogan at the end there was a list of typo's. I was looking through them trying to find where they were in the program until I though "what does edification even mean?". A good indication that I didn't even include it XD.
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Katia needs only to hear 'puns of cat'.
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The life of a badass is truly fraught with obstacles to clean fur.
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Speaking of armour, I can't help but imagine that this could have been in some way inspired by the Nightingale armour with a little influence from Ratchet and Clank's Caronox armour.
Whatever the case, amazing design!