AMKitsune: There's something a little magic about seeing your favourite characters in real 3d space. It's even better when they look as good as this! I hope we'll be seeing shots with both Katia and QW in them. That would just be something else entirely :D.
AMKitsune: What's wrong with the image size? It's a good high resolution without being 'stupid high' resolution. The best of both worlds.
As far as critique goes, the only things that I can see that could use a little work are the shapes of her head and neck. As they are, her neck's a bit on the wide side and her head seems oddly shaped and positioned relative to her neck (her head strangely melds into her torso). Kazerad has a good example of a profile shot of Katia's head on this 'drawing guide'
Besides that though, everything else's brilliant. The pose and clothing are spot on, the lighting's soft but believable and the 'blinding effect' matches the comic while having it's own eerie 'realism' about it.
AMKitsune: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: How about little Katia snuggling up to a 'Blanket of arcane protection', happy in the knowledge that the bad monsters and royalty can't get her? As much as I don't want to counter Kazerad's suggestion, I feel the need to offer a non-bloody alternative.
AMKitsune: @Kazerad: You were a good boy, magic dog soul.
Ever loving and loyal to the end.
Loving and loyal, even beyond.
Though bound and trapped, you served without question.
Without complaint.
Without choice.
And what of when you encountered a cat?
Most would have barked and chased.
Few would have ignored.
You served.
Ever loving and loyal to the end.
May your new-found freedom guide you to pastures eternal in the hearts and minds of those you've touched.
You were a good boy, magic soul dog.
You were a good boy.
AMKitsune: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: I think I have to agree on this one. While it's an excellent picture and by no means sexually explicit, the 'ass-centric' nature of the image coupled with the fact that she's naked here pushes this image just over the threshold of what I'd consider suitable for this booru. However, going back and re-reading the upload rules, this image does seem to fall under that questionable category as it's contains neither explicit nudity or sex. One aspect of the image that throws its position on this booru into question is the part of the upload TOS that says 'no weird fetish stuff' (or words to that effect) and I can see how people could categorise this as such. What does everyone else think? Again, it's a very well done picture, possibly not suitable for here though.
AMKitsune: @Kazerad: Ok, I've changed the program to suggest 'flash' instead of 'flashy'. Also, going on what I remember of our previous conversation, I've added a Daedric fun tip linking back to this page. I've tried to keep it as in keeping with the theme of the other tips as possible. Although, as the only tip that has a hyperlink in it, it does stand out a little. Hopefully it meets your standards.
AMKitsune: Everyone post your favourite non-Canon combinations!
From the top down, mine's 3,1,3rd colour,3,---,2,2
There's just something seemingly tropical about it.
AMKitsune: As Geravind said, her torso is a bit on the long side, but besides that, your anatomy is pretty much spot on. The subtle shading really adds nicely to the picture to.
AMKitsune: While particularly gory stuff isn't really my thing, this is really cool. I don't think I've seen anyone give Katia those little 'whisker nubs' while keeping the Prequel art style. Very cool indeed.The lineart is (literally) a little rough around the edges, but that's more of a technical problem than anything and is something that you'll find your own way of dealing with in time. Great job :D. (One thing that I'd suggest that may help with cleaning up your lineart would be to use an art program that uses layers. If you used MS Paint for this, you might want to have a look at a program called Paint.NET)
AMKitsune: @TemporaryFace: Hmm, while not exactly as you've suggested it, I think I've got something that does a similar job. I've also added the 'flashy' tag. Because if my pestering Kazerad to get this booru accepting flash files to accommodate this very program happened to result in the creation of a new tag, I'd be a bit silly not to include it. Update coming soon.
AMKitsune: @Man_Of_Mer: When I started making that, I had no idea how much work it would actually take to get the program to have a believable quantity and variety of responses. The basic framework's there, but damn, if I learnt one thing from that, it's that trying to parse conversational English is hard. I'm probably not going to do any further work to it as I'm never going to be able to give it enough responses that I'd be happy with it. At this point, it's more of a learning experience than anything else.
AMKitsune: @TemporaryFace: At this stage, how the program works is pretty much set in stone as it uses quite a complicated (and by that I mean poorly organised) method for managing all the tags. Sure, I could make the actual tags appear on screen, but they would have to serve a practical purpose besides looking nice. I've tried to keep things (for the user) as non-technical and simple as possible. I've added in little bits of flavour text here and there but hopefully nothing that'll make a user think "What's this? do I need to click this? What does this mean?" One of the biggest problems with trying to develop something like this is that it's so easy to get used to your own design choices that you can forget that other people don't necessarily know how everything works or what it's all meant to do.
Although looking back at it, having the tags in some way displayed along with the question could be useful for actively teaching users about tags that they may not have known about before. I might be able to add something along those lines in if I can find a good place for it that wouldn't cause any confusion or clutter the UI.
AMKitsune: @TemporaryFace: Unfortunately, while that was something I considered to begin with, there isn't really anywhere that I could find that an 'ongoing tag list' would fit well. Plus, with recent developments in how it's coded, the actual list of presented tags is actually generated after the quiz is over (removing the redundant 'human' tag if present, adding additional tags if specific pairs are found and alphabeticly reordering all of them).
AMKitsune: @Kazerad: While I'm by no means an expert in booru managament (in fact, I know next to nothing about it), I've seen that the shimmie2 booru (that this one is based on) has flash files on it and they all appear to have the same, assumedly default thumbnails ( (Note that, for me at least, the linked page does not render properly for me in firefox but works fine in chrome). So if they can do it, it should also be possible here to, right? I haven't been able to find much in the way of documentation for how to run and manage these boorus (and the page that lists all the booru extensions on shimmie2, while listing the 'handle flash' plugin, doesn't appear to have any documentation for it. There may be a simple option to turn these thumbnails on, it might be more complicated than that or there may be something slightly wrong with installation of it that only effects flash thumbnails.
Either way, if it helps, I could always try to contact the owner of shishnet and ask them about this.
From a 'content management perspective', It would be a much cleaner setup if you were able to host any and all files submitted on the booru itself instead of relying of off-site hosting. But of course, that's just me imposing my file management ideals. As it's your booru, the decision is ultimately yours.
Also, while it feels a bit wrong to outright ask for this, if you decide to keep SWF functionality (and this tagger flash ends up staying here), would you mind making me an admin so I could personally update the file whenever needed? If not, that's fine. I always have Mikey available on steam for the occasional file change. It would just be quicker and less work for him.
AMKitsune: @CaptainLackwit: Thank you very much :D. I'm hoping to keep updating it as new tags are created and whenever problems or bugs are brought to light.
AMKitsune: @Gren: Thank you for pointing these things out. Seriously, I've never been able to get many people to test these sorts of things and report back their findings. Chances are there are still more bugs and things missing but at least you're little list is no longer amongst them.
As soon as I can get hold of MikeyTheFox, I'll ask him to replace the current one with my updated one (Hopefully some time tomorrow).
When The new version is uploaded, you'll be happy to know that:
The human tag should no longer show up in the final tag list.
Stephane wasn't even in the list of tags. I'd completely forgotten him. Needless to say he's in there now complete with a little picture.
The typo in the "Digitigrade" tag has been fixed.
I'm probably going to ask to become an admin on here simply so I can update this file myself without having to pester others to do it for me.
AMKitsune: @Kazerad: The file upload and display seem to work perfectly. There appears to be a slight problem with the thumbnail (or lack of in this case). I'm aware that other boorus tend to use 'default thumbnails' for 'un-thumbnailable' formats like flash and other video formats. This booru is not displaying any kind of preview image but is instead trying to fit the submissions tags into that thumbnails space instead. It looks a little awkward, but at least it's functional. As always, while I've tried to keep the program as grammatically correct, Americanised and bug free as possible, if anyone finds any bugs or spelling/grammatical errors, I'll more than happily get that sorted and pester MikeyTheAdmin to replace the file (I understand that people in his position can do that sort of thing). Now I just hope that someone unsure of how to tag their upload might come across this and find it helpful. As a community, we can build a better Booru!
Also, if it's not too much to ask, would you (Kazerad, upon having had the chance to read this) mind removing my 2 comments from this? I feel pretty bad about leaving comments that have nothing to do with image above. Many thanks.
AMKitsune: @tronn: There's a sweet spot in the 'eye largeness scale'. Plague Knows that sweet spot better than most and his art is all the more adorable for it.
AMKitsune: @Kazerad: While you're here (or at least 'were' here), is there any chance that the fanartbooru will be getting SWF support at any point in the future? I know there's talk of web browsers discontinuing support of the platform, but besides the fanart tagger, there's a really good Katia dress up game being produced by another fan that I'm sure he'd want to upload here if he were able. I don't know if it's something you may have previously looked into or what the impact of the plugin on the server would be, but I've had a look on the Shimmie2 site and there does indeed appear to be an SWF plugin available for the booru. I've No idea if you'll ever see this, but it's probably better than trying to catch you on Steam XD.
AMKitsune: While we're on the subject, do any admins out there know if we'll be getting SWF support on this booru at any point? My Image tagging helper program is pretty much complete at this point. It just needs a home now. I asked Kazerad about it a while ago but haven't had a reply yet (I'm just going to assume it's going to be a while). If not, I'll see if I can find somewhere else for it (for the time being at least).
AMKitsune: Yeh, her torso is a bit on the thin side, but besides that, this is a pretty fantastic picture. It's cartoony but still has good anatomy, pose and expression.
AMKitsune: You know, this picture just emphasises the fact that this is one of the most beautiful 'sneaking outfits' around. That's not saying much as most stealth suits are just black. Even so, as bazelini said, this is beautiful in it's own right.
AMKitsune: @MetalC0Mmander: I can't see why not. Hasn't this already held that position? I know that for a time, featured masterpieces were bestowed a tag to commemorate them as such. Doesn't seem to be the case any more.
AMKitsune: @tjk: Also, she doesn't really measure things as she seems quite happy 'guestimating' distances by eye, so we probably shouldn't take her 'measurements' as fact.
AMKitsune: She's too small to be left homeless. Won't anyone come forward and adopt her? She doesn't need much. A little bit of food, a little drink, a warm bed and a roof over her head.
AMKitsune: Hmm, I'm not sure 'crossdressing' is an appropriate tag for this situation. "Outfit_swap" perhaps?
Admins, come forth and share your thoughts.
AMKitsune: @Man_Of_Mer: Composition wise, it's very well done. What I would suggest with the quantities of snow, is that the 'patchiness' of the snow on the trees tends to indicate that it has been snowing but the snow is starting to melt in patches. Now in this picture, your Khajiit seems to be sitting quite high up on the mountain, so Id suggest almost entirely covering the trees with snow (as at that height, the snow seems like it hasn't melted in a long time and if the scene is set at the height on the mountain where the snow does regularly melt, the ground 'not-Katia' is sitting on doesn't quite reflect that). To be honest, while seeming like the more 'accurate' thing to do, with this pixely art style, it might leave the trees a bit indistinguishable.
The other thing that I would suggest would be to add some extra details to the valley below. Nothing overly detailed that would stand out against the simplicity of the rest of the picture, but perhaps some patches of forest, a town or two and a few roads/paths to join them? While it might not directly suit the scene in this picture, I suggest it because you would get a greater sense of depth if you could place a few extra points of interest in the mid and background. The background objects having very little detail (almost just blobs at that distance) with light washed out colour. The mid-ground detail having a level of detail and saturation somewhere between that of the background and the foreground (in this case the trees).
Of course, the inclusion of any background, mid-ground and foreground elements have to make sense (ideally) and feel right in the context of the picture. If you feel that there's something that you could insert to help give a sense of scale, it couldn't hurt to see how it looks. In this instance, a town/village would probably go better in the mid-ground as it would have to be so small in the background that no-one would be able to tell what it is.
As for shading, there isn't really any here. But if you wanted to add shading to this kind of picture, I'd suggest a simple 2 tone shading (which I suck at and couldn't give any meaningful advice on).
As for physics, every-thing's on the ground and nothing's floating away, so all seems well here (although this is Tamriel, so the laws of physics don't really apply here...)
These are just my thoughts. Make of them what you will.
AMKitsune: @OrsaTheSimurgh: Thanks. I'm glad you like what I did with it :D. The first time I tried cleaning up your original, it ended up looking like an old 90's 3d computer model. Not good at all. At least this way, it can retain the details and overall style of the original whilst having a slightly different look and feel.
AMKitsune: @OrsaTheSimurgh: Well, I tried but I couldn't come up with anything that could compare with your original (without deviating far from your original style, which I'd rather not do). Oh well, I gave it a go and leaned something new in the process. Turns out that the sketchy lines are an important part of the overall style in this case.
AMKitsune: How in gods name can you make a character look so adorably cute and epicly badass at the same time?
What you've achieved shouldn't be logicically possible. Yet here it is.
If you don't mind, I'd like to have a go at doing a little work on this. Cleaning up the lines and such.
AMKitsune: Wow...
As soon as the current one's been there for a while, this needs to become a featured masterpiece.
I really, really hope wee see more from this artist.
Makkon, if you see this, did you get the embossed canvas texture from somewhere of did you make it yourself?
AMKitsune: There's just something about Plague of Gripes emulating the Prequel art style that just so... Gah!
It's like the Prequel we all know and love, but higher res.
AMKitsune: I love how these look like sets of mages robes that have been altered for a hardcore adventurer/traveller. It could also fit the Prequel art style very nicely to.
AMKitsune: Thanks for pointing out the confidence. I can never quite find it on my own :(. I can't pinpoint what it is about this design that I like so much. It might be the simplicity, the fact that it looks like it 'could' be in an Elderscrolls game but (to the best of my knowledge) isn't or it might just be the fluff. Whatever the reason, it's a great design and I wish you the best of luck when Kazerad comes to choosing his favourites.
AMKitsune: After seeing this, I really hope Katia finds something like this in the box with the cloak. It's just the sort of thing that I could see happening in the next update.
AMKitsune: While I'm yet to see anyone wearing a pinstripe waistcoat in an (un-modded) Elderscrolls game, it's certainly a very well though out and functional design. I don't think I've ever seen anyone consider 'spell ports' in gloves before. Also, I think you might have forgotten to add 'imp leavings' to the boot resistances. It's one of the lesser known dangers of exploring Tamriel bare foot.
AMKitsune: I think this is one of the few pictures that I can actually call a collaboration. (normally the artists don't even know about my edits until I've finished them XD)
AMKitsune: The Cloak of Gray Tomorrow. A cloak so old, worn and generally 'hobo-esque' that people can't help but completely ignore the wearer. It's really quite ingenious.
AMKitsune: @Olaffson: Sorry, could you point out the bad quality for me? My eyesight's not what it used to be and I can only see a really well done drawing/painting with an awesome design and lots of crisp detail. (I could easily see this being used in the comic. It fits the lore so well.)
Dramatic Descriptions
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As far as critique goes, the only things that I can see that could use a little work are the shapes of her head and neck. As they are, her neck's a bit on the wide side and her head seems oddly shaped and positioned relative to her neck (her head strangely melds into her torso). Kazerad has a good example of a profile shot of Katia's head on this 'drawing guide'
Besides that though, everything else's brilliant. The pose and clothing are spot on, the lighting's soft but believable and the 'blinding effect' matches the comic while having it's own eerie 'realism' about it.
I hope that was of some help.
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*rhythmically bangs fists on table*
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Ever loving and loyal to the end.
Loving and loyal, even beyond.
Though bound and trapped, you served without question.
Without complaint.
Without choice.
And what of when you encountered a cat?
Most would have barked and chased.
Few would have ignored.
You served.
Ever loving and loyal to the end.
May your new-found freedom guide you to pastures eternal in the hearts and minds of those you've touched.
You were a good boy, magic soul dog.
You were a good boy.
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From the top down, mine's 3,1,3rd colour,3,---,2,2
There's just something seemingly tropical about it.
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Also, her eyes! HNNG!So shiney!
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Although looking back at it, having the tags in some way displayed along with the question could be useful for actively teaching users about tags that they may not have known about before. I might be able to add something along those lines in if I can find a good place for it that wouldn't cause any confusion or clutter the UI.
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Either way, if it helps, I could always try to contact the owner of shishnet and ask them about this.
From a 'content management perspective', It would be a much cleaner setup if you were able to host any and all files submitted on the booru itself instead of relying of off-site hosting. But of course, that's just me imposing my file management ideals. As it's your booru, the decision is ultimately yours.
Also, while it feels a bit wrong to outright ask for this, if you decide to keep SWF functionality (and this tagger flash ends up staying here), would you mind making me an admin so I could personally update the file whenever needed? If not, that's fine. I always have Mikey available on steam for the occasional file change. It would just be quicker and less work for him.
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As soon as I can get hold of MikeyTheFox, I'll ask him to replace the current one with my updated one (Hopefully some time tomorrow).
When The new version is uploaded, you'll be happy to know that:
The human tag should no longer show up in the final tag list.
Stephane wasn't even in the list of tags. I'd completely forgotten him. Needless to say he's in there now complete with a little picture.
The typo in the "Digitigrade" tag has been fixed.
I'm probably going to ask to become an admin on here simply so I can update this file myself without having to pester others to do it for me.
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Also, if it's not too much to ask, would you (Kazerad, upon having had the chance to read this) mind removing my 2 comments from this? I feel pretty bad about leaving comments that have nothing to do with image above. Many thanks.
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Admins, come forth and share your thoughts.
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The other thing that I would suggest would be to add some extra details to the valley below. Nothing overly detailed that would stand out against the simplicity of the rest of the picture, but perhaps some patches of forest, a town or two and a few roads/paths to join them? While it might not directly suit the scene in this picture, I suggest it because you would get a greater sense of depth if you could place a few extra points of interest in the mid and background. The background objects having very little detail (almost just blobs at that distance) with light washed out colour. The mid-ground detail having a level of detail and saturation somewhere between that of the background and the foreground (in this case the trees).
Of course, the inclusion of any background, mid-ground and foreground elements have to make sense (ideally) and feel right in the context of the picture. If you feel that there's something that you could insert to help give a sense of scale, it couldn't hurt to see how it looks. In this instance, a town/village would probably go better in the mid-ground as it would have to be so small in the background that no-one would be able to tell what it is.
As for shading, there isn't really any here. But if you wanted to add shading to this kind of picture, I'd suggest a simple 2 tone shading (which I suck at and couldn't give any meaningful advice on).
As for physics, every-thing's on the ground and nothing's floating away, so all seems well here (although this is Tamriel, so the laws of physics don't really apply here...)
These are just my thoughts. Make of them what you will.
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Again, thanks for letting me upload this.
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What you've achieved shouldn't be logicically possible. Yet here it is.
If you don't mind, I'd like to have a go at doing a little work on this. Cleaning up the lines and such.
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As soon as the current one's been there for a while, this needs to become a featured masterpiece.
I really, really hope wee see more from this artist.
Makkon, if you see this, did you get the embossed canvas texture from somewhere of did you make it yourself?
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It's like the Prequel we all know and love, but higher res.
The outfit and cloak aren't bad either. ;D
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