AMKitsune: I just realised that my original version didn't credit Kazerad for the actual original that this Katia came from. I suppose that if edits like these 'inherit' the artists of their predecessors, that means that Kaz is partially responsible for this pic as well!
Also, holy shit! I wasn't expecting to see this today. I think you've actually done a better job of the lighting that I did. Great work!
AMKitsune: Absolutely disgusting. To think that Quill-Weave would have such an inappropriate image of a personal friend is extremely disappointing. We all know she respects her friends enough to at least opt for the painted underwear version instead
AMKitsune: My headcanon for the surprisingly human facial hair is that as they grow older, some Khajiit choose to make themselves look more rugged by dyeing parts of their face. I refuse to believe that their fur colouration naturally forms in such specific patterns!
Unless, that's how it naturally is for them and humans decided to start trimming beards to match the Khajiit look many, many years ago. Both options as unlikely as the other! (I'm going to stick with the dyeing option)
AMKitsune: All joking about 'being her own worst nightmare' aside, that's a really good look for her.
@Toryu-Mau: That's no reason not to make your own version. Go forth and draw! (then show you made please)
AMKitsune: So... Many... Cats! (and other people)
Were these all applied with iron-on printer printer paper, or were they printed directly onto the shirt? Either way, this must have taken a while to put together!
AMKitsune: I'm also curious as to why this isn't part of the pool. It's part of the series after all, and the story wouldn't make sense with a chapter missing, right?
AMKitsune: @Vinarto: Calm down, it's not their fault. This is something that was decided long after the booru was first set-up and there's nothing on the 'sign-up page' about uploading 'OC only' artwork. This is something that Kazerad ideally needs to address. Until then, the best we can do is ask people not to upload 'OC only' art as and when it happens.
AMKitsune: @DOOMGUY11: Frost Resistance Such an effect probably has warming properties. Too much warming could possibly lead to fire. This is also Katia we're talking about. If something can go wrong, it probably will.
AMKitsune: Quite the suspenseful chapter! Very good for the most part, it's just a shame that the few occasions where you audibly hesitated with words kind of broke the sense of immersion for a brief moment. It's a minor thing, but it's a shame for something so engaging to be brought down by something so easily fixable. Also, 3.1MB woo! You'll probably be able to break the 20 minute mark at this rate.
AMKitsune: Another great chapter. I'm glad to see those export settings helped. 2.2 MB's pretty good, especially considering the length of this chapter. Do you think you'll put all of these in a pool when you're done? If there are going to be 12 of these as you said earlier, it would make continuous listening much easier, especially if these submissions end up getting spaced out as you post them.
AMKitsune: @bluedraggy: I was initially concerned when you said there'd be more sound effects, but I evidently had no reason to be. This was even better than the last one. I'm also glad that I haven't actually read the full version of the story. It makes hearing it a completely new experience. I just wish it didn't end so abruptly. (honestly, I'd have preferred if it just kept going, but all things have to end at some point. Now to simply await the next update)
AMKitsune: @Rick2tails: Nah, in order to qualify as a 'flea market knock-off', the product needs to either be misspelled in some minor way, use slightly wrong colours or reference/crossover with a completely unrelated property. It's not a proper knock-off if it doesn't fulfil at least one of these criteria in my book.
AMKitsune: @Toryu-Mau: You see what you made me do? If anyone asks, this is your fault.
I'm sorry SaintDumos, I couldn't help myself...
On a more serious note though, this would be such an amazing way to troll someone who routinely wears a helmet. With enough imagination, there's no end to how expressive you could make them
AMKitsune: @bluedraggy: That was really good. Especially for a first attempt. There were a small handful of parts where character lines didn't quite feel like they matched up to their accompanying description ("blah blah blah" person said gruffly and whatnot), but all in all, that was a brilliantly clean recording, the occasional sound effects were a nice touch and the length of the recording felt good as well. Quite lengthy, but not so much so that it outstayed its welcome.
AMKitsune: @Sashimi: (I had this nice comprehensive reply written out by accidentally refreshed the page and lost it all. To say I was pissed would be putting it lightly . Here's a couple of those points.)
Elitism wasn't the best term to use on my part. I'd probably use something more along the lines of 'perceived superiority' now. For the reasons you gave, it makes sense for Rajirra to view Katia as having been through less than herself and not being as developed and 'valuable' a person as herself. (much like how a survival expert might look at a city dweller trying to survive in the jungle and think "God what a useless failure. They won't last a day out here alone. I'm glad I'm better at life than they are.")
Also, the part about her making a 'thought out' choice to leave as opposed to an instinctive one failed to consider 'snap decisions'. Choices made under time pressure, but not based on fight or flight instincts alone. Still, given the extra time to think that came after Rajirra left, I'd have hoped that she'd reconsider her actions and go back to do the 'right thing', but evidently that wasn't the case.
Finally, I don't hink anyone has been under the impression lately that Sigrid and Gro-Upp are 'nice people'. It's just that the only one of these three that has left Katia in a position where she had to actually fight for her life was Rajirra (the fact that the fight was actually player controlled and difficult to 'win' (get a good time) made it feel even more life threatening than other threats in the comic). Not intentionally, but that's still what happened. The kicker is that so far, we've seen no evidence of Rajirra displaying any signs of remorse for her actions. For all we know, she could be sitting at home crying her eyes out now after realising what she's done. This would undoubtedly change peoples view of her, but as far as we can see, she just ran off and that was that.
I've only recently woken up, so apologies if this is hard to read/incoherent or just plain wrong.
AMKitsune: @Toryu-Mau: Or, you can click the image a few times to fit it to your screen (or set the image size in the "Image Controls" panel on the left)
AMKitsune: OK, well seeing as everyone's having their say, I'll have mine as well.
Based solely on what we've seen of her in the comic, I sit on the "Rajirra's a self centered bitch" side of the fence.
For a start, ever since we first meet her, she's either been rude or dismissive of Katia.
Possible cultural BS aside, this is not how you inform someone making an attempt to speak your language (for your benefit) that they're doing a poor job of it.
And just to make sure there's no doubt that this response is unwarranted, this was in reply to Katia greeting her with
"Good hunting, clanmate! My name is Katia Managan!"
"This one severely doubts that. What does it want?"
"Just wanting to chat? It has been long time since I met another Khajiit. My Ta'agra is maybe rusty."
"Every word it speaks rapes the language of its ancestors. Violently rapes it with a thorny, Khajiit cock. My ears beg for death. Death which they are denied."
"I am sorry, I did not understand that. You use simpler words?"
"Aaaraaaraaargh. Fine. What does it want?"
"Just saying hello?"
"Or so it tries."
There's being grumpy, or not wanting to engage with people, but this is just plain brash and offensive.
Trying to talk to her again resulted in:
"I have never known other Suthay-Raht. Would you like to hang out later? Hang out and do Khajiiti things?"
"Khajiiti... things? It means like, share moon sugar? Knock over a bank? Or is it coming on to me?"
"I am very sorry, I did not understand you again. You use simpler words?"
"No. Just no."
"Aww. Okay."
Katia clearly isn't exactly up to scratch with Khajiit culture and speech, so wouldn't the sensible thing for Rajirra to do in this situation be to assume Katia's a little oblivious to the meanings of what she's saying? I mean, you wouldn't take offence if someone who's clearly struggling with the English language happily and enthusiastically told you "this thing is shit!" when they likely meant "this thing is the shit!". You'd hopefully politely inform them of their mistake and carry on.
The third and final interaction with Rajirra in excelsior was the shortest.
"So maybe sometime we could-"
"No. I'm very busy."
At this time, Rajirra was seemingly randomly wondering around the lower right corner of Kvatch. (this is probably just a limitation of npc's in the game, but that very much makes "I'm very busy" seem more like "I'd rather be doing anything else right now")
The point that I feel needs to be taken away from this first encounter is that, besides a less than perfect attempt at speaking her language and a couple of minor cultural fauxpas, Katia introduced herself in as positive and friendly a manor imaginable.
The response to which was an effective "I don't care, you speak terribly, go away."
Generally speaking, I'd call a response like that a bit assholish.
Another great example of what I believe is a sense of eliteism on Rajirras part is right at the bottom of this update where she finishes with
"Unless there is something else Khajiit wishes to waste this one’s time with?"
Come on. How much more clearly can someone suggest that they're more important/better than you than by outright stating that you're wasting their time?
On the next page, suggestion submitter 'Sans-sanity' made a pretty good point about Rajirra possibly feeling as though her position as the 'town Khajiit' (and all the jobs that come with it) is being threatened by Katia's presence. Maybe she acts this way towards all other Khajiit who pass through town? We don't know, but she would appear to get on well enough with the Khajiit bartender who saw fit to exclude all Khajiit from his tavern with the exception of himself and Rajirra. Could there be romantic reasons for this, or is it just because they get along like normal civilized people do? What's a matter for the shippers.
The page after that has a nice little section where, when asked 'what the plan is' for dealing with the imp infested attic, "She tells you that she is planning to go in there, run the imps out – or through – and get a reward. For both of your sakes, she hopes you pull your weight and aren’t useless."
It should be noted however that this page also elaborates on how Rajirra is now in Cyrodiil because she 'fled' from her previous home. "A functional Khajiit runs away from danger, not headlong toward it" as she put it. We don't know the details of what happened in her past, but I think we can safely assume that it was pretty damn unpleasant for her to flee to another province with little in the way of plans for the future. Is a shit past a valid excuse to act like an asshole towards someone? Life can really fuck people up if given the chance, so it's impossible to know what she's been through and how it's effected her. Still though, is it ever acceptable to let the memories of the past effect your present interactions with others so negatively?
Skipping ahead a bit to the last time we see Rajirra in the comic, the moment that cements most peoples opinion of Rajirra is when she runs out of the imp fight, leaving Katia alone.
While many people put this down to her being terrified and fleeing for her life, the flash game actually shows her glancing at Katia before slowly scooting away from Katia before bolting out of the room and sealing the doorway behind her with her spear.
These do not appear to be the instinctive acts of someone terrified for their own life. These look more to me like thought out actions. Rajirra clearly saw that the threat that she perceived as minor was in-fact greater than she'd anticipated and decided to get out of their. That's fair enough. Most sane people would do the same. The big issue is that she willing trapped Katia behind whilst preventing the imp from following her. This complete lack of regard for Katias life is further evidenced by the fact that Rajirra doesn't even come back. Even after the lengthy boss battle, Rajirras spear is still left blocking the door. If any aspect of her actions were being driven by a primal fight or flight response, it should surely have settled by that point, allowing her to realize what she did and go back to either see if Katia was ok or try to get some kind of additional help.
No. Whilst leaving Rajirra specifically told the shopkeeper downstairs that she was "leaving you her weapon and an expensive Summon Storm Golem scroll while she ran to get her poisons". A clearly self serving excuse designed to do nothing but but allow Rajirra to maintain her 'good image' with the shopkeeper while buggering off and leaving Katia to die for all she knew.
I could accept Rajirra 'not being such a bad person' if her current standoffish ways had any apparent, valid cause, but they don't (as far as I'm aware). If her actions after witnessing the imp boss were out of sheer, unbridled fear, but they really didn't appear that way to me.
Whether she's just like this with Katia, or with all other strangers, Rajirra appears to act in the belief that she only needs to care about number one, herself. It's sad that life would lead someone to that mindset, but it's still a mindset that a person can hold and other people are well in their rights to call them an asshole for it.
That's why I think Rajirra (up to this point) is an asshole.
AMKitsune: @bluedraggy: Well now that you've told everyone about it, I've had to get it presentable and make sure it at least [i[kind of works[/i].
For anyone interested, you can now preview comments, PM's and fanfics over on the 'text formatting guide' help page.
And I'm sorry to say, but no, I haven't really had a decent chance to sit down and read through this yet. I hope to at some point though.
AMKitsune: @Toxic: Ok, I get it now.
In that case, I'd vote for the realistic style with a caveat. Desaturated Katia still looks like she only in partial light. Perhaps see how she looks with a little desaturation, but significantly less darkening? The darkening doesn't make her look any more realistically lit to me, just darker.
Then again, this all depends on how much colour variety the environment is going to have. If areas are going to be pretty monotone, the original style might be better. If there's going to be a good amount of variety though, the more subdued, detailed look could work better.
Style wise, would I be right in saying that this is kind of like comparing the bright, cartoony style of the excelsior update to the more subdued, painterly style of the infiltrate update?
AMKitsune: They both look good for different situations. The first set looks as though it would be found under bright sunlight, whereas the second looks more like she's in a more shaded area (like next to a tall building or in a forest.)
It's impossible to really say which would work the best for general use without knowing the context. What sorts of colour pallets are you planning on using for environments and other characters? How do both of these sets of Katias look in one of those environments?
AMKitsune: @Toryu-Mau: Think about it though, in a world where magic exists, you could just enchant it all do do 1 point of frost damage and 1 point of healing per second on wearer. Instant self cooling clothes! (hopefully the frost damage's minor enough that it doesn't actually hurt though)
AMKitsune: (I think I made the streams of blood look a little too much like some kind of resident evil-esque neck tentacles. That or party streamers with bonus confetti.)
AMKitsune: Those look like pretty intricate armour designs.
It's a pity the pic's a tad blurry and low contrast, but the underlying drawings look solid.
AMKitsune: I like a nice bit on pineapple on a pizza as well.
Although I'm more confused/impressed right now by the fact that Katia can hold up a pizza that's already been cut into segments with no apparent plate/tray beneath it.
Also, who puts a whole pineapple slice in the middle? Is that normal?
AMKitsune: Absolutely badasss! (well, as badass as an on-model Katia can get XD)
Although she might want to hold that thing a little further away form the business end. Staffs probably have really long 'handles' for a good reason.
AMKitsune: A little while ago, Kazerad posted a quick picture of Katia presenting two options for a theoretical follow-up picture on 4chan. A bucket for her to build a sandcastle, or an inflated inner-tube for her to go swimming. I wanted to see her build something, but a sandcastle seemed far too 'regal' for her tastes, so she built a nice respectable sandhouse instead. (Well, respectable to us perhaps. Quill doesn't seem particularly impressed with Katia's weird ways)
AMKitsune: I'm not entirely sure what you mean by 'rubber hose style', so this was what initially came to mind.
This is made in flash I presume? I look forward to seeing how you go about animating her
AMKitsune: Cyrodiil may have a decent selection or robes and dresses, but do you know what it's sorely lacking? Hats!
Nothing says "I value my head, the contents within it and how it's perceived by others" quite like a good hat. (Helmets also work, but aren't half as fashionable.)
AMKitsune: @PermanentFace: Thanks, although I can't take credit for the idea of putting stuff on her tail that doesn't belong there.
Dramatic Descriptions
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Also, holy shit! I wasn't expecting to see this today. I think you've actually done a better job of the lighting that I did. Great work!
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We all know she respects her friends enough to at least opt for the painted underwear version instead
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Unless, that's how it naturally is for them and humans decided to start trimming beards to match the Khajiit look many, many years ago. Both options as unlikely as the other! (I'm going to stick with the dyeing option)
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I really shouldn't type when I'm tired
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@Toryu-Mau: That's no reason not to make your own version. Go forth and draw! (then show you made please)
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Were these all applied with iron-on printer printer paper, or were they printed directly onto the shirt? Either way, this must have taken a while to put together!
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It wouldn't be a classic bond style story without a bit of romance though, would it?
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He was so nice too.
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Such an effect probably has warming properties. Too much warming could possibly lead to fire. This is also Katia we're talking about. If something can go wrong, it probably will.
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I'm sorry SaintDumos, I couldn't help myself...
On a more serious note though, this would be such an amazing way to troll someone who routinely wears a helmet. With enough imagination, there's no end to how expressive you could make them
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Elitism wasn't the best term to use on my part. I'd probably use something more along the lines of 'perceived superiority' now. For the reasons you gave, it makes sense for Rajirra to view Katia as having been through less than herself and not being as developed and 'valuable' a person as herself. (much like how a survival expert might look at a city dweller trying to survive in the jungle and think "God what a useless failure. They won't last a day out here alone. I'm glad I'm better at life than they are.")
Also, the part about her making a 'thought out' choice to leave as opposed to an instinctive one failed to consider 'snap decisions'. Choices made under time pressure, but not based on fight or flight instincts alone. Still, given the extra time to think that came after Rajirra left, I'd have hoped that she'd reconsider her actions and go back to do the 'right thing', but evidently that wasn't the case.
Finally, I don't hink anyone has been under the impression lately that Sigrid and Gro-Upp are 'nice people'. It's just that the only one of these three that has left Katia in a position where she had to actually fight for her life was Rajirra (the fact that the fight was actually player controlled and difficult to 'win' (get a good time) made it feel even more life threatening than other threats in the comic). Not intentionally, but that's still what happened. The kicker is that so far, we've seen no evidence of Rajirra displaying any signs of remorse for her actions. For all we know, she could be sitting at home crying her eyes out now after realising what she's done. This would undoubtedly change peoples view of her, but as far as we can see, she just ran off and that was that.
I've only recently woken up, so apologies if this is hard to read/incoherent or just plain wrong.
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Based solely on what we've seen of her in the comic, I sit on the "Rajirra's a self centered bitch" side of the fence.
For a start, ever since we first meet her, she's either been rude or dismissive of Katia.
Possible cultural BS aside, this is not how you inform someone making an attempt to speak your language (for your benefit) that they're doing a poor job of it.
And just to make sure there's no doubt that this response is unwarranted, this was in reply to Katia greeting her with
There's being grumpy, or not wanting to engage with people, but this is just plain brash and offensive.
Trying to talk to her again resulted in:
Katia clearly isn't exactly up to scratch with Khajiit culture and speech, so wouldn't the sensible thing for Rajirra to do in this situation be to assume Katia's a little oblivious to the meanings of what she's saying? I mean, you wouldn't take offence if someone who's clearly struggling with the English language happily and enthusiastically told you "this thing is shit!" when they likely meant "this thing is the shit!". You'd hopefully politely inform them of their mistake and carry on.
The third and final interaction with Rajirra in excelsior was the shortest.
At this time, Rajirra was seemingly randomly wondering around the lower right corner of Kvatch. (this is probably just a limitation of npc's in the game, but that very much makes "I'm very busy" seem more like "I'd rather be doing anything else right now")
The point that I feel needs to be taken away from this first encounter is that, besides a less than perfect attempt at speaking her language and a couple of minor cultural fauxpas, Katia introduced herself in as positive and friendly a manor imaginable.
The response to which was an effective "I don't care, you speak terribly, go away."
Generally speaking, I'd call a response like that a bit assholish.
Another great example of what I believe is a sense of eliteism on Rajirras part is right at the bottom of this update
where she finishes with
"Unless there is something else Khajiit wishes to waste this one’s time with?"
Come on. How much more clearly can someone suggest that they're more important/better than you than by outright stating that you're wasting their time?
On the next page, suggestion submitter 'Sans-sanity' made a pretty good point about Rajirra possibly feeling as though her position as the 'town Khajiit' (and all the jobs that come with it) is being threatened by Katia's presence. Maybe she acts this way towards all other Khajiit who pass through town? We don't know, but she would appear to get on well enough with the Khajiit bartender who saw fit to exclude all Khajiit from his tavern with the exception of himself and Rajirra. Could there be romantic reasons for this, or is it just because they get along like normal civilized people do? What's a matter for the shippers.
The page after that has a nice little section where, when asked 'what the plan is' for dealing with the imp infested attic, "She tells you that she is planning to go in there, run the imps out – or through – and get a reward. For both of your sakes, she hopes you pull your weight and aren’t useless."
It should be noted however that this page also elaborates on how Rajirra is now in Cyrodiil because she 'fled' from her previous home. "A functional Khajiit runs away from danger, not headlong toward it" as she put it. We don't know the details of what happened in her past, but I think we can safely assume that it was pretty damn unpleasant for her to flee to another province with little in the way of plans for the future. Is a shit past a valid excuse to act like an asshole towards someone? Life can really fuck people up if given the chance, so it's impossible to know what she's been through and how it's effected her. Still though, is it ever acceptable to let the memories of the past effect your present interactions with others so negatively?
Skipping ahead a bit to the last time we see Rajirra in the comic, the moment that cements most peoples opinion of Rajirra is when she runs out of the imp fight, leaving Katia alone.
While many people put this down to her being terrified and fleeing for her life, the flash game actually shows her glancing at Katia before slowly scooting away from Katia before bolting out of the room and sealing the doorway behind her with her spear.
These do not appear to be the instinctive acts of someone terrified for their own life. These look more to me like thought out actions. Rajirra clearly saw that the threat that she perceived as minor was in-fact greater than she'd anticipated and decided to get out of their. That's fair enough. Most sane people would do the same. The big issue is that she willing trapped Katia behind whilst preventing the imp from following her. This complete lack of regard for Katias life is further evidenced by the fact that Rajirra doesn't even come back. Even after the lengthy boss battle, Rajirras spear is still left blocking the door. If any aspect of her actions were being driven by a primal fight or flight response, it should surely have settled by that point, allowing her to realize what she did and go back to either see if Katia was ok or try to get some kind of additional help.
No. Whilst leaving Rajirra specifically told the shopkeeper downstairs that she was "leaving you her weapon and an expensive Summon Storm Golem scroll while she ran to get her poisons". A clearly self serving excuse designed to do nothing but but allow Rajirra to maintain her 'good image' with the shopkeeper while buggering off and leaving Katia to die for all she knew.
I could accept Rajirra 'not being such a bad person' if her current standoffish ways had any apparent, valid cause, but they don't (as far as I'm aware). If her actions after witnessing the imp boss were out of sheer, unbridled fear, but they really didn't appear that way to me.
Whether she's just like this with Katia, or with all other strangers, Rajirra appears to act in the belief that she only needs to care about number one, herself. It's sad that life would lead someone to that mindset, but it's still a mindset that a person can hold and other people are well in their rights to call them an asshole for it.
That's why I think Rajirra (up to this point) is an asshole.
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For anyone interested, you can now preview comments, PM's and fanfics over on the 'text formatting guide' help page.
And I'm sorry to say, but no, I haven't really had a decent chance to sit down and read through this yet. I hope to at some point though.
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In that case, I'd vote for the realistic style with a caveat. Desaturated Katia still looks like she only in partial light. Perhaps see how she looks with a little desaturation, but significantly less darkening? The darkening doesn't make her look any more realistically lit to me, just darker.
Then again, this all depends on how much colour variety the environment is going to have. If areas are going to be pretty monotone, the original style might be better. If there's going to be a good amount of variety though, the more subdued, detailed look could work better.
Style wise, would I be right in saying that this is kind of like comparing the bright, cartoony style of the excelsior update to the more subdued, painterly style of the infiltrate update?
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It's impossible to really say which would work the best for general use without knowing the context. What sorts of colour pallets are you planning on using for environments and other characters? How do both of these sets of Katias look in one of those environments?
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(I think I made the streams of blood look a little too much like some kind of resident evil-esque neck tentacles. That or party streamers with bonus confetti.)
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It's a pity the pic's a tad blurry and low contrast, but the underlying drawings look solid.
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Although I'm more confused/impressed right now by the fact that Katia can hold up a pizza that's already been cut into segments with no apparent plate/tray beneath it.
Also, who puts a whole pineapple slice in the middle? Is that normal?
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(I'll see myself out...)
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Although she might want to hold that thing a little further away form the business end. Staffs probably have really long 'handles' for a good reason.
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Today I learnt a new term for a thing I new about.
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This is made in flash I presume? I look forward to seeing how you go about animating her
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Now it's a super sweet amalgamation of the two!
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Nothing says "I value my head, the contents within it and how it's perceived by others" quite like a good hat. (Helmets also work, but aren't half as fashionable.)
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