AMKitsune: Drugs Alchemy: It'll take you place you've never imagined.
I really hope there's going to be substantially more of this to come, because it's as funny as it is well made (which is very, just to be clear)
AMKitsune: @Zargothrax: As long as your not adding new tags that have never been used here before (except artist tags, series names and so on), and the ones you are adding are suitably appropriate, then please, by all means go ahead.
More comprehensive tagging makes life easier for everyone (who wants to search for/blacklist stuff)!
@lapma: From the thumbnail, I initially thought this was a reference to the time Katia jumped out of a window and dinged up her leg for a bit. The fact that she was seemingly hopping on it and looked happy about it admittedly caused some confusion XD.
AMKitsune: And that, my dear miss Weave, is why you don't give in to peer pressure and do something just because someone else does so.
Unless of course, you really didn't care that much in the first place and just put on an act of hesitation to seem respectable. You sneaky, sneaky lizard you.
AMKitsune: @APayne1776: Let's see here... The manual says that if your Katia becomes unresponsive, press her nose for 5 seconds to initiate a soft reboot.
AMKitsune: @Zargothrax: Thanks, but nah. The comments are a good enough place for it. You managed to find it, right?
@KuroNeko: I'm glad you like it as much as you do, but as far as 'animation' goes, it's just a little squash and stretch to make the two of them bounce along a path somewhere. I was imagining how they'd move when I first saw your picture and jumped to the conclusion that they'd bounce along.
AMKitsune: @damrok4321: But it's no longer a precious scribble. It's not more of a precious drawing now. Even better!
One thing to point out though. I don't think the pads on Katia's fingers extend down their full lengths.
AMKitsune: Whenever I try focusing that hard, all that ever happens are ideas and solutions. Not once has anything moved because of it.
I'm probably just not trying hard enough...
AMKitsune: Sooo, any indication of who the artist is?
Also, I initially though that this was a comic where Katia was shooting Katia with some kind of shrinking ray until she's small enough to fit in a hat.
AMKitsune: This feels like you've taken one of Makkon's paintings into the 3rd dimension, and that's very impressive! Besides small things like her slcera not quite reaching as far as her eyelash-line things and the lack of the lighter fur colour on her chest, I don't really know what more could be done to make this better! Perhaps a little tweaking of how the light reflects and scatters on the various surfaces (subsurface scattering, right? I'm really not good with 3d terminology), although that might just be because of the t pose and lighting in this particular image. I'd really love to see what you can do with this model in the future (assuming it's pose-able and not a static model).
AMKitsune: Following on from KuroNeko's comment, her torso feels a little long compared to her arms and legs. Also, her head kind of looks like it's angled in a different direction to what she's supposed to be looking at (her arms facing away from the viewer while her head faces slightly towards.)
hopefully this helps visualise my (and possibly KuroNeko's) observations.
That aside though, her arms, legs tail, expression and fire are all pretty much spot on. Keep it up!
AMKitsune: In this alternate universe, AGGY just has to be their Slimer. That one ghost that has no ill intentions and just hangs around the main cast, but in this case, spouting apparent nonsense and breaking the laws of physics instead of flying around and leaving slime everywhere. You know it makes sense!
AMKitsune: This legitimately looks like some kind of otherworldly scene. The baron land, unusual architecture and colourful view of space make it look like something out of a sci-fi set. Well, to me at least. Turn the brown into green grass and it turns right back into a night scene from oblivion (Cyrodiil has grass EVERYWHERE).
AMKitsune: One day, I'm going to have to ask KuroNeko to put together a zip file of as of yet, unseen pictures called "Instant Adorableness: open in case of emergency" because these are always so uplifting! I don't know if I'd be able to hold off on breaking the figurative glass though. I don't have that kind of self restraint
AMKitsune: You know, it's only just occurred to me how simple yet amazingly effective the colouring on her dress is. Especially for something in a traditional medium, to get partial transparency like that, really impressive.
AMKitsune: The first thing that popped into my mind when I saw the thumbnail for this was cats don't dance. I can see the lackadaisy connection, but I've never really followed that comic, so it's not the first connection I made.
Still, all very good pictures in their own rights. Great job.
AMKitsune: I know that those are pineapples sunglasses, but I can't help but see Katia as having bushy green eyebrows here .
On the flipside though, that's a really clever use of the crisscross pineapple texture for shutter shades.
AMKitsune: Dremora 1: Hey, should I go kill that furred one over there? Dremora 2: What? No, don't be stupid. Look how it's not running in fear like the other mortals. It's either from another plane of Oblivion like us or it's powerful beyond measure. Dremora 1: Alright, what about the ghost next to it then? Dremora 2: Don't even think of trying to hurt AGGY. He's a good friend of mine. Plus, I doubt you could hurt him even if you tried. His definition of 'injure' isn't exactly standard, so it's not as if your weapons would have much if any effect. Now stop asking stupid questions and go set that building on fire!
AMKitsune: @Jadezzar: ...How? Genuinely, how could such a thing be achieved? The static panels, text and animated gifs to a lesser extent could be easily replicated (Moiré animation to the rescue!), but what about the flash/html animations and games? Would they have to be rewritten as mini choose your own adventure stories with dice rolls to emulate good and back luck in the gameplay segments? This actually sounds like the sort of thing Kaz would try as an experiment for shits and giggles and then discard once he's had a go at it.
AMKitsune: @KuroNeko: If I may, I've got a few observations that you may find useful.
The angle of her head seems very high for reading the book in its current position. It feels like it would be more natural and relaxed for her head to be tilted further down.
Given that she looks like she's holding the book with both hands, the flipping page seems a weird in its stiffness and motion. It would make sense if it were 'flicked' from one side to the other (although that would involve a degree of page bending while on its way) or if she was turning the page by hand, but as it is, it looks like the page is turning by itself. A possible alternative for a scene like this could be for her to close and reopen the book. It's hard to say without actually seeing it in motion, but that feels like it should convey the 'turning the page' message.
Finally, I always imagine lizard tails as being attached to their host body at their widest point, but the tail here seems to taper off to a narrow point before connecting to the body. Perhaps that's a stylistic choice on your part, in which case, don't mind this, but it just strikes me as seeming a bit 'wrong'.
That aside though, a very nice image. The imperfections and 'wiggle' that come from individually drawn frames like this are just so endearing and she looks so engrossed in what she's reading. Actually, that raises one last tiny suggestion. In instances where the inside of a book is visible, perhaps covering the pages with some 'fake text' squiggly lines could help make it more readily apparent that they're actual pages? It's easy enough to tell once you look at the animation as it is, but the blank pages probably aren't helping much in that regard.
AMKitsune: @PermanentFace: There's a weird bug that I only managed to uncover a day or so ago. Turns out that the web server doesn't like it when the source field contains "http://". Something to do with a security setting I have no control over. If you ever encounter this problem again, just remove that part from the source, leaving www.whatever and it should work for you.
AMKitsune: @MinnoSimmins: Oh god yes! I thought this reminded me of something but I couldn't for the life of me place it. Thank you for settling that for me.
She certainly needs a little more peace and tranquility in her life. Don't we all?
(if this isn't a conscious reference/crossover, it's an extremely good coincidence)
AMKitsune: @KuroNeko: You're very welcome. I'm just sorry that the previewer let you down like that. It was a recreation of the site's own bbcode system built in javascript, so it was never going to be perfect.
That's not really good enough though, so I built a new comment previewer that uses the site's native code to preview your comments now, so there shouldn't be any instances where its results differ from an actual posted comment. Fingers crossed at least.
AMKitsune: This is probably typical of me at this point, but I'm more curious about the paper used than the anatomy involved. It looks like some strange combination of lined writing paper and squared graph paper. What is it actually meant to be used for?
AMKitsune: Congratulations on seeing this through to the end. The fact that you even changed medium near the end there really goes to show that you meant business.
Out of all of them, I'd have to say that my favourites are pleased, shocked/surprised, confident and disgusted.
AMKitsune: Absolutely brilliant! The timing and motions work so well together. It's just a very minor shame that some of the time is taken up with static frames, but for a hand drawn animation like this, that's perfectly understandable.
AMKitsune: SCARY CARD? Oh boy, that's the best kind of CARD!
@fastolaf: Ahem *adjusts monocle*, I think you'll find the proper term to be 'eau de toilette'. Much more dignified and marketable XD
AMKitsune: @Tabby_Catface: I like to imagine that she's working as a magician on some sort of cruise liner, doing tricks like the linked hoops and making doves appears. Her audience consists of mainly accomplished mages though, so no-one's particularly impressed.
Dramatic Descriptions
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DrugsAlchemy: It'll take you place you've never imagined.I really hope there's going to be substantially more of this to come, because it's as funny as it is well made (which is very, just to be clear)
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More comprehensive tagging makes life easier for everyone (who wants to search for/blacklist stuff)!
@lapma: From the thumbnail, I initially thought this was a reference to the time Katia jumped out of a window and dinged up her leg for a bit. The fact that she was seemingly hopping on it and looked happy about it admittedly caused some confusion XD.
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Unless of course, you really didn't care that much in the first place and just put on an act of hesitation to seem respectable. You sneaky, sneaky lizard you.
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@KuroNeko: I'm glad you like it as much as you do, but as far as 'animation' goes, it's just a little squash and stretch to make the two of them bounce along a path somewhere. I was imagining how they'd move when I first saw your picture and jumped to the conclusion that they'd bounce along.
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One thing to point out though. I don't think the pads on Katia's fingers extend down their full lengths.
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I'm probably just not trying hard enough...
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Also, I initially though that this was a comic where Katia was shooting Katia with some kind of shrinking ray until she's small enough to fit in a hat.
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hopefully this helps visualise my (and possibly KuroNeko's) observations.
That aside though, her arms, legs tail, expression and fire are all pretty much spot on. Keep it up!
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"... no"
"... they're empty, aren't they?"
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Still, all very good pictures in their own rights. Great job.
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On the flipside though, that's a really clever use of the crisscross pineapple texture for shutter shades.
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Dremora 2: What? No, don't be stupid. Look how it's not running in fear like the other mortals. It's either from another plane of Oblivion like us or it's powerful beyond measure.
Dremora 1: Alright, what about the ghost next to it then?
Dremora 2: Don't even think of trying to hurt AGGY. He's a good friend of mine. Plus, I doubt you could hurt him even if you tried. His definition of 'injure' isn't exactly standard, so it's not as if your weapons would have much if any effect. Now stop asking stupid questions and go set that building on fire!
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The angle of her head seems very high for reading the book in its current position. It feels like it would be more natural and relaxed for her head to be tilted further down.
Given that she looks like she's holding the book with both hands, the flipping page seems a weird in its stiffness and motion. It would make sense if it were 'flicked' from one side to the other (although that would involve a degree of page bending while on its way) or if she was turning the page by hand, but as it is, it looks like the page is turning by itself. A possible alternative for a scene like this could be for her to close and reopen the book. It's hard to say without actually seeing it in motion, but that feels like it should convey the 'turning the page' message.
Finally, I always imagine lizard tails as being attached to their host body at their widest point, but the tail here seems to taper off to a narrow point before connecting to the body. Perhaps that's a stylistic choice on your part, in which case, don't mind this, but it just strikes me as seeming a bit 'wrong'.
That aside though, a very nice image. The imperfections and 'wiggle' that come from individually drawn frames like this are just so endearing and she looks so engrossed in what she's reading. Actually, that raises one last tiny suggestion. In instances where the inside of a book is visible, perhaps covering the pages with some 'fake text' squiggly lines could help make it more readily apparent that they're actual pages? It's easy enough to tell once you look at the animation as it is, but the blank pages probably aren't helping much in that regard.
Keep up the good work!
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She certainly needs a little more peace and tranquility in her life. Don't we all?
(if this isn't a conscious reference/crossover, it's an extremely good coincidence)
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That's not really good enough though, so I built a new comment previewer that uses the site's native code to preview your comments now, so there shouldn't be any instances where its results differ from an actual posted comment. Fingers crossed at least.
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Out of all of them, I'd have to say that my favourites are pleased, shocked/surprised, confident and disgusted.
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Fantastic job
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@fastolaf: Ahem *adjusts monocle*, I think you'll find the proper term to be 'eau de toilette'. Much more dignified and marketable XD
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