Always heed the Daedric Fun Tip.

Dramatic Descriptions

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Kazerad: katia has found the world of HUGE quest, and now it is hers!

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Kazerad: I think the text makes this pretty Questionable. I would call it outright "adult" if not for the sheer banal immaturity of the pun afterwards negating it somewhat.

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Kazerad: I feel like this has to be marked Questionable, at least, if someone is making her less of a noodle.

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Kazerad: The pictures you drew are adorable but I think I kinda have to delete the one of Katia trying to get into Stephane's pants. It wasn't /explicit/, but I think it still kind of pushed some boundaries.

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Kazerad: @TemporaryFace: But it's foggy outside and we need something with a glowing red nose to light up the Fanart page!

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Kazerad: @Gren: Holy shit, I've known Grape over Steam for months and this whole time I just thought he really liked fruit.

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Kazerad: You know I am just noticing now how many images are tagged "Stranger Danger".

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Kazerad: @TemporaryFace: Hey, I'm trying! I promised myself I wouldn't make the chicken wings until the update was done.

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Kazerad: @MetalC0Mmander: Be nice! >:

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Kazerad: @Zokva: But I see your comment! >:

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Kazerad: Guuuuys stop telling eachother how to find bartender porn! I deleted a bunch of comments here.

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Kazerad: @Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: The same reason people eat Oreo cookies the WRONG way.

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Kazerad: @Unidentified_BA: BA I give you full permission to be vigilante with the Featured Masterpiece box. I didn't give you all this power so you could /not abuse/ it.

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Kazerad: If you have to question whether or not something is questionable, then I think it's demonstrably questionable by definition.

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Kazerad: @yugijak: (it's drawn by the author of Carribean Blue! So, yes, he's probably been reading his own comic a lot)

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Kazerad: @Gren: Eh, sure, I guess it does have the required level of badassness, and I have had that current one up there for a long time.

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Kazerad: I literally JUST got the joke about why every image with dragons or Skyrim things is tagged "anachronism".

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Kazerad: @Man_Of_Mer: I went to a Prequel thread on 4chan. Someone asked me to draw a Skyrim character in Prequel's style. I drew the Objectively Best Follower.

Then someone started lamenting how there were no Khajiit marriage candidates in Skyrim, so I, uh... drew Derkeethus again. Someone uploaded that here too.

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Kazerad: @stupid_smelly_greedy_cat_people: And I immediately followed it up with a picture of him posing naked on a bed, wearing a pair of fake cat ears and saying "I can be your khajiit tonight".

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Kazerad: These Skyrim things are not really Prequel related, but they're still Elder Scrolls related and I drew them for a Prequel forum thread so I guess I'll let them stay.

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Kazerad: Someone asked me to draw a Skyrim Khajiit.

I don't know what they were expecting.

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Kazerad: Before anyone asks, that's not cheese. I just dyed some icing yellow.

Also, they are gluten-free and lemon-flavored.

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Kazerad: @CoolestUsername: I drew it, yeah. This bottle of mango juice is apparently getting passed all over.

I got another bottle and actually drank it. It's not even that good.

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Kazerad: @makingfailure: Yes it is.

(For anyone who's curious: after visiting a 4chan Prequel thread, I mentioned I had to leave to go shopping. Someone asked me to pick them up some mango juice. So I did, and mailed it to them)

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Kazerad: Aww, this is cute. (but is that a rock being wielded Rust-style? That particular element becomes more funny than cute)

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Kazerad: @Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: Yeah I'm gonna remove the Questionable tag on this one. Partly because it's not that Questionable, and partly because the partial covering on the image list makes it look way more Questionable than it actually is.

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Kazerad: @KCid_AmA_i: @KCid_AmA_i:
why is this a conversation that is happening D=. Why do people know these things. Why.

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Kazerad: Oh my god yes =D. You are the best.

Like, seriously, you guys have no idea how honored I am when people do cosplays. Somehow, every single cosplayer does a different costume and takes a different angle with it. I don't know if that's intentionally coordinated, or coincidence, or what, but it's so neat to see.

Did anyone recognize it? Also, is that eyeliner to make your eyes look bigger? That is creative as heck, I've never seen that before.

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Kazerad: Quick! Other moderators, it's time for a discussion panel. Is the joke too risque?

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Kazerad: @Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: Okay, I admit I laughed.

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Kazerad: I got a fixed version from JJR and used magic (the admin panel) to replace it!

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Kazerad: Hahahahahaha yesss

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Kazerad: @Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: I was more labeling it Questionable because of the innuendo and also a really bad pun. And because it makes Gripes' drawing more sexual than it was probably intended to be.

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Kazerad: I am so, so sorry. This was my response to http://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/1208

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Kazerad: @Unidentified_BA: And here I thought I had finally found someone who shared my sense of stupid TES humor. But it turns out it was just me, from like a few months ago.

I feel like there is the inspiration for an amazing romance story here, where someone with a memory problem becomes their own penpal and slowly falls for themselves.

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Kazerad: Who added "my sexy clone?" That is clearly the bartender. He looks nothing like Katia.

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Kazerad: This was uploaded seven months ago and I forget if the "slaughterfishnet stockings" tag was added by me or someone else. That is an amazing tag, though. Even if it was mine.

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Kazerad: @Mediocre_Scrublord: Yeah, that comment was too racist so I deleted it.

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Kazerad: @Mediocre_Scrublord: It's a floating peg!

Also wow, you guys are dicks. I think this simplified style is kind of cute.

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Kazerad: I want to say "this makes more sense in context", but no, it doesn't really.

Someone in a Prequel thread on 4chan knew I liked vests and linked to http://www.duluthtrading.com/store/mens/mens-outerwear/mens-work-vests/82014.aspx . I misinterpreted the cutters in the pocket as "hotdogs in an open chest pocket for hands-free snacking".

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Kazerad: @Tack: The resolution on home theater systems really isn't that high. Like, most of them are about equal to what computers had 10 years ago, or what a phone has now.

I can't think of anything that would actually need a wallpaper this big, but I am content to believe Prophet Lord is just a forward thinker. This is a wallpaper for people ten years in the future.

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Kazerad: @tjk: I know you were joking about the secret pornographic fanart section, but I'm pretty sure Shimmie actually has a built-in ratings system we're not actually using, and it's set so anything rated "explicit" is only visible to administrators. This site could be full of porn and you would never know.

In all seriousness though, I'm content with my nothing-higher-than-questionable limits, as well as my funny pineapple censorship on the questionable thumbnails.

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Kazerad: Aww, I think it's cute. It's like a teddy bear, except cuter. Bears are terrifying.

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Kazerad: I tagged it Quill la Quill

Fight me, moderators

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Kazerad: @Mediocre_Scrublord: It's Aggy's misremembered version of Katia! Because no character, even a double-fictional one, is too minor for fanart.

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Kazerad: @tronn: I am more getting a vibe of "That thing that just happened is DEFINITELY not my fault."

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Kazerad: Aw, be nice. "Four year old" is much closer to how I draw.

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Kazerad: You tried and did well!

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Kazerad: @tjk: I am not sure "great art" is quite the right word for it. The joke of the thread was basically that I was posing as Sweetie Belle from My Little Pony, doing these really simple and childlike drawings with crayons, glitter, and construction paper. To add to the illusion I put custom labels on the glue and crayons and occasionally had her "hooves" (two jumbo marshmallows) appear at the bottom of the pictures.

Given the nature of 4chan's /mlp/ board I was half expecting the requests to be nothing but pornography, but it actually ended up being pretty cute and innocent. People sort of fell into character and started firing off little taunting requests like "draw your crush" or "draw a picture of yourself so we know what your cutie mark is".

If you're just here for Prequel, you weren't missing anything.

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Kazerad: Oh come on, why does the standing pose have the "looking badass" tag and this one doesn't? Accurate tagging, people! I can't fix all your errors!
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