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Dramatic Descriptions

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Kazerad: Aha, I finally found the image this reminds me of:

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Kazerad: Hey mods, I'm featuring this and nobody can stop me!

(just kidding, any of you could stop me. But don't, I like it)

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Kazerad: Hah, you made my art good! You're awesome.

(And sorry to the Russian person who was apparently beaten to the chase)

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Kazerad: @KatiaHentai: I fixed it to its intended rotation.

And thanks for showing up! It was a lot of fun hanging out with you guys.

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Kazerad: @Kewot_Rokar: No, I'm way too familiar with genre tropes to wear a red shirt.

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Kazerad: @Tahrey: 4chan anthropomorphizes their boards; I think it's a carryover from the Japanese Internet, where everything from software to philosophical concepts gets drawn as a teenage girl at least once. The guy in the hat is meant to represent their comic board.

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Kazerad: @Skoon: Skoon! Play nice with the other people. I know the mods are watching these image comments and waiting for you guys to start fighting. We can't let the mods get what they want.

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Kazerad: @MetalC0Mmander: Her proportions are starting to get wonky and she's kinda grappling up Ruby's thigh there. Let's say like 8/10.

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Kazerad: For anyone curious about the context: someone over on 4chan wanted me to bring extra playing cards for him to buy. I posted that I would hold on to a deck for him. It was 4chan though so I had no idea who I was holding onto a deck for.

I did end up selling one to a person claiming to be Anonymous Poster 8351186. So, this image came true.

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Kazerad: Both, occasionally.

This one's me as I slowly lost my drawing ability to alcohol though.

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Kazerad: Fun fact: you can tell how many drinks I'd had by the quality of my signature.

This one was pretty far down the line.

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Kazerad: I'm working on it! Don't give me the sad look, Katia.

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Kazerad: This has been up half a day and still no comments? Shameful, commenters! This is cute, the shiny eyes and gem work well on it.

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Kazerad: @Unidentified_BA: I don't know, that hand could've been used for another weapon.

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Kazerad: Not that the other Valentines Day ones are bad! I can just sympathize with this one because I've done that thing with the box before.

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Kazerad: I am featuring this for Valentine's Day

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Kazerad: Yeah Poma, be nice! Redrawing poses and characters you see is a fundamental part of learning to draw, and posting art for others to see is always better than keeping it hidden away for yourself. Katiaaitak's stuff is cool in my book.

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Kazerad: We'll solve this with a Feature Fight. I'll keep re-featuring the one I featured, BA can keep re-featuring the one he featured.

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Kazerad: Woah, whoops. I forgot I made that post and I was just on my way to bed. Kit, can you upload the new one for me?

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Kazerad: I am going to delete this unless someone in these comments links a version with a Prequel character drawn onto it, in which case I'll consider that fanart.

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Kazerad: Seeing the thumbnail on my phone, I actually thought this was the finished version of ASW's Gaius sculpt. I am not sure which of you that would be construed as a larger compliment toward.

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Kazerad: @Radian: well, the spikes ARE in the right direction for it. The hard part is just the initial puncture.

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Kazerad: You know, I looked into stuff like this, but the problem is that it is very hard (aka expensive) to print all the way around something, like those sleeves or hood. That sort of stuff needs to be done before its assembled, which means you can't just print on an existing base - you need to have someone hare the actual garments.

Merch is complicated! It's why it took me a while.

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Kazerad: I just realized the best part of this image: drunk Katia isn't even holding mistletoe.

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Kazerad: Dear God, that cobblestoning! You have amazing dedication and it leads to cool art :0

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Kazerad: Holy shit, image tags work here?

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Kazerad: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: they are literally recolors!if there is a height difference, it is because Katia lifted her head a little.

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Kazerad: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Of all the things you could mix up, mousetraps and walkie-talkies are one of the more painful.

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Kazerad: KATIA NO

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Kazerad: I feel like this might be too obvious to go on this page!

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Kazerad: I'm not sure where else here to announce this, so here's a cheap image drawing your attention to a link. Time to feature this image!

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Kazerad: @vewpy: @Strawberry-Jamasaur: He didn't explicitly say that was how he died! And even if he thinks it was, he's not exactly a reliable source.

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Kazerad: I am removing the "questionable" tag because the only questionable part is why.

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Kazerad: Oh my god, this took me a minute but now I'm sad.

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Kazerad: @CaptainLackwit: Yeah, come to think of it, I'm gonna remove the other one. Like, since it was a very small edit, whereas this takes that edit and edits it further. No hard feelings, Lackwit!

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Kazerad: @MetalC0Mmander: What? No, there's like almost a week left. Anyway. the judging criteria isn't "obscurest reference to the comic"! That is just neat on its own.

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Kazerad: Oh my god, is that a reference to the "vestigial maw" line from the beginning of the comic? =D

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Kazerad: @Radian: I'm gonna say "no", just because allowing text would be a slippery slope. If you look closely, I even scrubbed the little QW in a heart out of Lockerobster's pic. There are plenty of symbols that can convey meaning, though, like medical crosses or skulls and crossbones.

@lockerobster: You're welcome! Thanks for drawing it. It was actually pretty hard finding stuff on the fanart page that exemplified the contest's premise, and yours was probably one of the best.

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Kazerad: @Gren: I was wondering at first if it was a swastika, but no, I think t Dodger/Quill duo and the would have to be turned horizontally, and the Weedum/Nah duo flipped vertically.

As for why this exists, my understand is that the 4chan Prequel threads have been doing bellyrub pictures in celebration of, like, post #77777777 being one of them saying "and bellyrubs!". To draw as many bellyrubs as possile, they developed the concept of Bellyrub-69s.

I think they're naked because it makes them easier to draw.

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Kazerad: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Crap, did I schedule this contest on the same day as some big convention?

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Kazerad: @MetalC0Mmander: Well I mean, you should really never be eating non-packaged things strangers send you in the mail. But when you know for a fact that one of the people sending them to you was planning to make cookies out of pure poison as their premise, I feel that stands out as a particularly bad time to eat things strangers send you in the mail.

I'll settle for pictures of the cookies, thank you very much. And if they taste particularly argonian and you want me to consider this as a judging factor, just like... let me know.

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Kazerad: I was going to assume http://www.prequeladventure.com/this/story1784.gif

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Kazerad: @Fralex: If you can pack that much detail into a baked good, I think you earned the double-win.

As for your other question, no, you cannot send me the cookies. I don't handle gluten well, and also I know one person is already planning to make their cookies "argonian themed" in the sense that they are made from nothing but poisons. Like, of all the times to eat things strangers send you in the mail, a contest with this premise is probably the absolute worst.

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Kazerad: Fralex, I removed that link because I swear the last thing I need is people getting that meta with the rules again. It was fun once, but I'd like to avoid pages and pages of "technically, this is one panel" experiments.

What I mean by "one panel" is a single point in time. For this, I'll just assume it is a party with three khajiits.

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Kazerad: This is disqualified for having multiple panels, unless you can justify it as being four khajiit simultaneously doing things on various sides of a reality-bending white cross!

Or, unless the story is more of a meta-level thing about how someone edited "Loss" to involve prequel characters, and this isn't so much a multi-panel picture as it is a single closeup of someone's edited comic.

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Kazerad: I feel like the bottom right one is some meme face from another country's internet cultures. I'm not sure how to interpret it, but it has that referential vibe the same as, like, a troll face or an anime ^u^

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Kazerad: @Salamanakis: Yes they are!

@KillerfishSG: Yes you can!

@Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: Yes they would be!

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Kazerad: @John_Medina: I'm going to say "no", partly to generate new artwork, and partly because I don't think anything on this booru already would really /win/. Like, I was kind of scraping the bottom of the story-barrel just to find the examples I used above.

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Kazerad: @Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: I specify no animation, so gifs are fine as long as they only have one frame. As for gif-like elements, you can also reduce a PNG file to 256 colors.

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Kazerad: Sure, yeah, why not!
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