Lesser beings should be ashamed of their uncovered body. Tag such images with "questionable".

Dramatic Descriptions

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Kazerad: Hello, smiling Katia!

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Kazerad: @Pepsidude: (this post is a quote from Night In The Woods, for anyone who is confused why the above comment is so angry at cats)

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Kazerad: @cataphractz: (post it. It's not TOO nsfw)

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Kazerad: @Enheldor: Curse you, democracy! Bringing an end to our shadowy dictatorship.

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Kazerad: @Enheldor: okay but that one was drawn by me which I think makes the corruption look even worse.

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Kazerad: @Enheldor: thatsbnpt even Prequel fanart! I can't do that!

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Kazerad: @Enheldor: The only solution is brief and fleeting democracy. What image should I feature, Enheldor?

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Kazerad: Wait, shit, I featured this before realizing a moderator drew it. Now it's gonna look like CORRUPTION.

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Kazerad: @Preston_Garvey: hey, at least biology example guy isn't going to spill it. The success or failure of his unique taco style pivots solely on how wide he can open his mouth.

The form in this image is just utterly flawed.

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Kazerad: :0 I like this art!

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Kazerad: Seriously guys, can't we all argue about the exposed nipple instead of what long-term wish fulfillment fantasies are acceptable?

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Kazerad: Hi, Cat

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Kazerad: I thought the inclusion of the MORE QUESTIONABLE SITE was funny, but this modification is even funnier.

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Kazerad: Now kiss!! ANIME kiss!

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Kazerad: I figured it out too but I'm gonna keep quiet. There is a tag for it, though. Someone will have to add it eventually.

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Kazerad: @Terence_Fletcher: I am the real Kazerad! I guess this site is the "official" community right now, at least when it comes to fanart, but I'm working on some stuff for more general hanging out.

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Kazerad: I am featuring this, 10% due to its concept and 90% due to its expression.

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Kazerad: @AMKitsune: One also has to remember that even the basic laws of physics may not operate the same way in a fantasy setting. I mean, with TES in particular, the planet is full of clockwork, the stars and sun are literally holes in the sky, there are multiple diseases that grant immortality as a side effect, and the moon is made of drugs.

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Kazerad: There may be a bug on the booru. Testing. -Kazerad

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Kazerad: @Rick2tails: don't tell anyone but I don't think we even have the ability to block comments! Did it not go through?

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Kazerad: @Geravind: It's the story of "The Littlest Scrib" that Aggy imparts to Katia.

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Kazerad: Nobody fix it, I respect this man's right to ransom.

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Kazerad: Unquestioningly set to featured image. This was amazingly accurate to the story, and I think the style added to that.

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Kazerad: I was going to criticize the amount of low-effort memes you've been uploading, but the last panel took me off guard and made me laugh. MEME RIGHTS RETAINED.

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Kazerad: =O This is really good! It's impressive that you managed to keep it cartoony while still matching the style of the Skyrim textures.

Minor criticism, if you're aiming to be completely on-model: the distance between Katia's mouth and nose is supposed to be equal to (or even a little less than) the distance between her mouth and chin. I don't know what kind of system Skyrim uses for jaws and tongues, though; maybe you have to stick to the existing proportions to fit the skeleton.

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Kazerad: @Rick2tails: I view it as relatively acceptable for a booru-type-site as long as the source is referenced properly. These sites usually revolve around collecting art more than uploading originals.

But when I'm the artist and it's being uploaded to a site I own, I think it creates an understandable confusion about whether the place it was first seen should be listed as the source, or if this site itself retroactively becomes the source (by virtue of being owned by the artist).

I don't know how it usually works for commissions! Is the commissioner's page considered the source?

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Kazerad: I removed the bee picture because it wasn't really Prequel related. If possible I want to avoid this place getting TOO flooded with stuff that is only related to TES or Prequel in that it comes from readers or myself.

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Kazerad: If that is a regular college-ruled notebook, those are very tiny Katias! Maybe the smallest Katias on this entire fanart page.

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Kazerad: @AMKitsune: That's because you're looking at it from the wrong angle. He's painting a bird who is pleased about making the perfect shot.

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Kazerad: @MetalC0Mmander: A null hypothesis is basically a statement of commonly accepted reality. It might be something like "there is no relation between someone's car color and driving ability", "cigarettes cause cancer", or "Texans mostly vote republican". When running a proper study, you take a null hypothesis and an alternative hypothesis (e.g. "Texans mostly vote democrat", or "people in red cars drive worse") and try to see which is better supported by data. The alternative hypothesis is the thing you surmise MAY be more accurate than the null.

Although any result is a "success", since it answers questions, researchers set out to "refute the null hypothesis" - to show that the commonly accepted theory holds less validity than their alternative one. This is a very important practice, because science isn't designed to "prove" things by finding evidence - it's designed to replace weaker theories with more powerful ones. People who try to bypass the null hypothesis - to show that a theory is "true" because there is evidence for it - are usually trying to hide the fact that there is more evidence for the commonly accepted belief. Null hypothesis testing is designed to pitch them against eachother.

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Kazerad: This is far better than the one I did!

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Kazerad: @Rick2tails: Maybe they don't conform to your standard, unromantic feelings about how to enjoy ice cream!

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Kazerad: Part of me wants to reduce the resolution, but part of me is just awestruck that this resolution could be achieved. This photo has more DPI than real life.

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Kazerad: @Rick2tails: I wouldn't say "upsetting"; I try to let political talk fly for the most part.

The alt-right/nazi thing just scares me because I can see the tactic at play, and people are falling for it. Two years from now people will be confused where all the new card-carrying neo-nazis came from, not realizing it was the effect their stigmas were designed to elicit.

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Kazerad: @MetalC0Mmander: I think they're instead banking on the assumption that their opponents will attack so many people and accuse them of being right-wing/nazis/whatever that they'll get a steady influx of supporters either way. Denouncing any of their supporters would just be a loss.

I mean, let's be honest: a lot of people probably sided with the Stormcloaks in Skyrim solely because the Imperials tried to execute you. I think most players wish Ulfric would do more about the racism in Windhelm, but have a much bigger problem with the Imperials and their guilt-by-association attitude - as your first few encounters with the Imperials are them making an example out of mostly-innocent people who unintentionally aided (or in your case, may have aided) the Stormcloaks. It's hard to take their side and feel like the hero, even if careful consideration probaby paints them as the better faction.

@MetalC0Mmander: I think it extends a bit further than pure populism! The views on isolationism, attitude toward racism, and even views on things like religion (stigmatization of Christianity vs stigmatization of Talos worship) are all very strong parallels to modern alt-right views. Even if we personally view them as different from the Stormcloaks, they see themselvesas having almost the same views, for the same reasons. It's a good lens by which to understand them.

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Kazerad: @MetalC0Mmander: You can ask them! Actual people who take that position can probably answer questions about why they did so better than those looking from the outside.

My personal perception is that they're kind of like the Stormcloaks from Skyrim, where they don't see themselves as racist, just as having very strong feelings about Skyrim belonging to the Nords. While places heavily under their control do have serious racism problems, they take a live-and-let-live attitude about the other races when they keep to their own own lands (even though their closest neighbor has some serious problems and a lot of refugees with nowhere else to go). They think globalism is exploiting their country to benefit causes and people they don't care about, so they rally behind a charismatic leader who wants to pursue isolationism and fight foreign control, and who may or may not be a Thalmor plant.

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Kazerad: @Rick2tails: Rick! You are making a lot of comments comparing alt-right and nazis. I want to ask you not to fall into obvious traps!

Being a visible creator means I get to interact with people of every affiliation, and I know that a lot of people who wear the label "alt right" do not see themselves as nazis or even like nazis all that much. That changes, though, if we create a situation where they are conflated with nazis regardless, or in which actual neo-nazis are the only people willing to acknowledge the differences in their views. The result is that neo-nazis and the people who dislike neo-nazis are both fighting the same fight (assoctiate the alt-right with nazis), the result of which is more nazis.

Like, it's just the wrong angle to fight. You can criticize people's horrible ideas with without further encouraging them to take up nazi views. Neo-nazis can't facilitate a shift like that on their own, so they're counting on your help from people like you. It's better to deprive it.

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Kazerad: @PermanentFace: It's blue! I'm removing the tag.

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Kazerad: @Grape: that meant a link to other boorus! It's like the people who list "google images" as their image credit.

This was a response to an image on the booru, and I think in that context the link to that image is way funnier as a source. Assuming the artist is okay with it.

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Kazerad: @Grape: aw comeon, "source" can mean more than one thing!

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Kazerad: I replaced this with the newest one!

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Kazerad: @Anonymous_Person: I rotated it the appropriate number of degrees! Which turned out to be 270, not 90, if anyone saw the picture briefly turn upside down.

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Kazerad: Deep philosophical question time: should this be tagged "Katia's Wizard Robe"?

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Kazerad: Moderators did you just delete a drunk internet argument I was having! There were topless pics of myself in that argument.

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Kazerad: @Baz1S: of course not! Address that unsightly lack of profile pic at once.

@ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: I'm comparing them on the basis that they're both seen as lesser for sexual behavior - the artists by you, and Katia by herself and others in the setting. When you say it's different for Katia because she had a reason, it still pushes this idea that it was a bad thing made justified through other factors. Like, as though a hypothetical Katia who remained pure and monogamous would be a better person than the one we ended up with. Or, as though she's still getting a black mark on her permanent record any time she used someone for sex just for fun.

I think best thing you can do for people like Katia is to fight the idea that sexual behavior is a bad thing. Or fight the idea that sexuality is somehow mutually exclusive with more positive interactions - as though the people drawing her ten cup sizes up are incapable of appreciating her as a character. You're free to do what you want within the bounds of the rules, but I disagree with your perception that it's being "protective" of Katia. You're just forwarding the kind of puritanical dichotomies that cause people to be seen as either "for sex" or "for good and proper things" that she struggles with.

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Kazerad: @someguy0214: In retrospect, that text is so cool. Why did I not put it on the final cape?

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Kazerad: @The_Pitiful_Writer: I actually try to drop the implication that they were the more human-looking breeds shown in Daggerfall (basically just elves with tails), though I don't think I ever outright say it. When katia says she's never met another suthay-raht khajiit, though, she doesn't mean other than her family - she means at all. She didn't meet another "animal person" until she was in her teens.

I try not to correct people though because they do a lot of good art of her with parents that look like her (or sometimes, parents who are literal cats)! I like seeing the stuff people make, and it's not like fanart can't take things in its own direction. There's certainly a lot of 90s-skater, sci-if, or ultra-shapely Katia art that does.

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Kazerad: @Skoon: But can you do it with the same pose? I want to see a candy cane crushed between two rock-hard pecs.

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Kazerad: @8Aerondight8: I fixed it for you!
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