Lesser beings should be ashamed of their uncovered body. Tag such images with "questionable".

Dramatic Descriptions

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Kazerad: See this here is like right on the borderline of "questionable". Like if someone really disputed this being tagged "questionable" I'd probably let it go, since it's about as explicit as the comic itself. It's just, like, a lot shapelier.

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Kazerad: People don't always know that I watch Tumblr and stuff for Prequel fanart and discussions. This artist in particular drew Katia a /lot/. And there's, like, maybe three of them I can actually post here. This is the one of those three with the most clothes.

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Kazerad: Look at this speedpeaint by artist Lizab! It features Katia, Stephane, and dramatic tension. Fanartists often don't animalize Katia's features; I always think it's neat when they do.

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Kazerad: Next up: This trio of Katiae from Lemondragon19! It depicts her in a variety of equipments she's worn throughout the comic. I like her expressions in all of them.

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Kazerad: Here's a swell vector piece by artist Fisto. I really like the linework and proportions on this one, though Katia looks like she has reasonable questions about Fisto's name. The heart dotting the I in Fisto's signature accentuates these.

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Kazerad: This sketch by Foxipso is too cute for words. They've drawn a few other things here too, but this one goes full-on Disney.

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Kazerad: Next up on the upload list is this piece by Chris T.W.A., showing an uncertain Katia in some snazzy magewear, possibly hiding a pineapple.

Little does she know, just a few inches above her, a tiny Chris T.W.A. jumps over not just her and the pineapple, but both signatures.

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Kazerad: This piece here by artist Dmann892 (to differentiate him from Dmenn 1-891) shows Katia smiling at you from the other side of a blue chainlink fence. I like the swanky angles and simplified head design! I probably would've done something like that if I had put more planning into the comic, rather than starting it instantly.

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Kazerad: Here we have a pleasant and well-done redraw of Katia from one of the recent panels, wearing her newest outfit and levitating her recently-purchased items around her. It was posted on Tumblr by the modestly-named imsopopfly.

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Kazerad: Here's where it crosses the line into "better than I can draw". Looking snazzy there, Katia!

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Kazerad: In this one, Katia points a little to your right as if to say "yeah, you're cool! You are the cool person". She does this while naked.

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Kazerad: Next up we have a trio of pieces by artist Gatograph, depicting their art improvement over the course of one day. This first one was actually posted on a /co/ thread, along with them asking for the Katia reference sheet I made once. I don't think they really needed it. They more or less got her down here.

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Kazerad: Here we have a piece someone requested on Tumblr, drawn by an artist called Skyen. It depicts the two main characters of Prequel: Katia, and the "next page" arrow. Both of them are naked.

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Kazerad: WHAT IS UP you guys!!!

I'm Kazerad and alcohol, and today I am going to take all 300 of you who consistently view the fanart page on a magical journey in which I upload a whole bunch of fanart I found, saved, and hoped someone else would upload and tag.

Here we have the fully-rendered version of Wolflance's earlier sketch, finished by Wolflance himself. In it, Katia nervously looks up at your tabs. For me, she's just looking at this page's tab. For you, though, I bet her sweatdrop is warranted.

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Kazerad: Someone in a Prequel thread on /co/ asked me to draw more of Katia as an argonian, and someone else wanted me to draw a character wearing Samus' zero suit. I ECONOMIZED.

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Kazerad: I'm inclined to say it'd be a custom-scripted effect that increases conjuration, block, and light/heavy armor by your Willpower.

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Kazerad: Oh fuck! I think I spoilered stuff by saying that that one particular thing is a spoiler. I'm gonna delete MetalC0Mmander's comment because it reveals what I changed, which in turn reveals what the spoiler is, which is a spoiler.

God, now I understand what all my friends were going through for those two months I said "don't hit me with any Undertale spoilers, I'm too busy to play it".

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Kazerad: I changed one of your tags for spoiler reasons. Come on, you loved that twist as much as I did.

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Kazerad: I feel like I should take these last two down but I guess they are art in kind of the same way as L.H.O.O.Q.?

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Kazerad: I remember this from the Facebook group! My favorite detail Is the actual Cyrodiil map (the one included in some editions of Oblivion, I believe). So many people would've just done some map-like scribbles on a piece of parchment and called it a day.

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Kazerad: @Geravind: it's painted! They clearly implied it on the edges. It just has a different texture.

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Kazerad: @POMA: what has the Internet come to when we can't even have some nice mpreg without people assuming furries are involved.

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Kazerad: I removed the other version of this because they were basically the same image, only this one is sexier.

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Kazerad: @AMKitsune: It was Valkaiser's, but I completely missed it was responding to s comment by you!

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Kazerad: (I deleted a post here that was rather informative, but had a kind of questionable link. I'll check that place's plugin out!)

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Kazerad: @D_C_N: Sadly I don't THINK I can make the booru take text files. If you check the fanfiction tag here, what people usually just do is post a "fanfiction!" Type image, then in the Source bar they link the fanfiction site or Google Doc containing it

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Kazerad: @Antariplex: She loses her entire arm trying to build a gun.

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Kazerad: You're welcome! I love your fanart.

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Kazerad: Beautiful hair on ASOTIL is now canon.

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Kazerad: It's behind her leg! That's what I say when I forget it.

(Also wow this is amazingly done)

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Kazerad: This is not questionable! I know you guys love that tag, but this is like less questionable than the comic itself.

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Kazerad: =O I am really digging all those stitches and scratches. The high-detail style really works.

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Kazerad: Man this is not questionable; the comic gets more gory than this. I am gonna start removing the questionable tag from things that really aren't all that questionable.

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Kazerad: Wow you guys are mean. There is clearly a chain between them.

I like your art!

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Kazerad: This is not questionable! It is only Carl.

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Kazerad: @Kewot_Rokar: When I saw this in the comment feed I thought it was going to be on the Luke/Vader image to the left of this one. I'm actually really disappointed.

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Kazerad: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: I replaced the current image with the improved one! Now he is more armored, so his precious muttonchops can live on safely.

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Kazerad: Guys, don't fall in love. I am instating a new rule where none of my fans are allowed to fall in love with one another. You can only fall in love with people who read other webcomics.

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Kazerad: I don't think that's quite nipply enough for a Questionable. Like, there's more nipples than that in the actual comic. Also I'm pretty sure you guys are just abusing the questionable tag now to get more views. ALL OF YOU.

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Kazerad: The mods are fighting over whether to remove that link, but let's be honest, more explicit stuff has been posted here under the defense of "artistic nudity".

Also, I feel it evens out for that guy who posted a link to his uncensored Ethnic Diversity Mural redraw full of dicks.

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Kazerad: No, please keep spamming! These little guys are lovely.

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Kazerad: Is that someone's crumpled arm weakly reaching up from behind the keyboard?

What did they /do/?

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Kazerad: Wait nevermind someone already fixed it I revoke my offer.

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Kazerad: I can't fix it from my phone! I'll make it a contest: first moderator who replaces this image with the new one gets a PRIZE.

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Kazerad: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: play with heart like a kitten.

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Kazerad: I like her style!

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Kazerad: This edit is a bit simple for fanart. I'll only let it stay up if someone in these comments also writes an ode.

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Kazerad: Hm, Flashy should probably just be Flash, since that is something people are more likely to search for. I'm going to add an alias for it.

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Kazerad: Whoops, sorry, been busy with stuff for the next few updates. But AMK, I went ahead and made you an admin so you can update this automatically.

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Kazerad: I fixed it for you! Don't think there's a way to change uploads yourself, though.
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