Submit images and feed on the tears of mortal cats.

Dramatic Descriptions

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Kazerad: Hmm, regarding Flash uploads on the fanart page, I don't know. They don't have a thumbnail or anything; maybe it'd be better to go back to the standard "post an image and a link" used for fanfiction and stuff?

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Kazerad: I wonder why I didn't have that on already! I turned it on, tell me if it works. Which reminds me, still gotta link that new Visual Archive page and set up that Tagging Helper sometime soon...

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Kazerad: The artist informed me the original upload had a mistake! I uploaded the corrected version at her request.

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Kazerad: @TemporaryFace: I've been using Katia's_Thief_Tunic for the clothes, Festive_Holiday_Disaster for the final cloak, and Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow for the earlier cloak submissions.

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Kazerad: Oh noo, you put her on paper! Now that she is no longer trapped in a computer screen, who knows what harm will come to the world?

(Seriously though, nice redraw. I'm gonna fix some tags, though, since that's actually the Kvatch armor. None of these outfits have official names, the people who tag images just come up with vaguely consistent systems).

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Kazerad: It's from Cave Story!

She's muscular because Cave Story is done in pixel art, so to be visually readable the characters need to carry guns the size of their torso.

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Kazerad: People snort lines in the actual comic! Katia can smoke a joint without it being marked as questionable.

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Kazerad: >: aw why is everyone suddenly mean to this drawing, I like it.

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Kazerad: Aw man this is way better than my Visual Archive. Can I just link this down in "Fanstuff" instead?

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Kazerad: Unprepared attempts are the best attempts! For folds, generally you just want to think of them as emanating out from a point of tension, as shown in http://kirileonard.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Folds_creases_04.jpg .

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Kazerad: @MetalC0Mmander: Heads get torn off all the time in the comic! Personally I think you guys are way too liberal with the questionable tag.

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Kazerad: Because it needs to be said: sorry, Nick, for totally doing away with the lovely muted color scheme. I really liked the outfit you made and the shape of the cloak, but Makkon's green and red hood with the chameleon eyes struck a chord with me. That, plus the opportunity to make the Cloak of Gray Tomorrow not actually gray.

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Kazerad: I don't mind!

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Kazerad: Wow Rek you can draw really good clothes. There is a lot of good detail there, right down to the realistically spaced stitching and the print on the trim. This feels like an activity you should pursue more often, drawing clothes.

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Kazerad: Eh sure, just because none of the moderators are looking and I find your completely overt request charming.

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Kazerad: @Man_Of_Mer: My interpretation here is that frame 2 involves modifying the pineapple such that there is an opening in the top, near the leaves. She then wraps them into a sort of spout, and sets it up so pulling on the yoyo puts pressure on the (mostly liquified) pineapple.

This is pretty much the most safe-for-work interpretation possible of the Pinapple Trick that is still 100% fitting with its in-comic description.

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Kazerad: >: this character appeared for like half a panel you guys. What is happening.

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Kazerad: It's italics! Or, meant to imply italics in places where formatting is disabled.

Honestly, I don't even know if you can use HTML formatting here or not. I'm gonna try it: <i>italics!</i> <em>Emphasis tags!</em> A <a href="prequeladventure.com">hyperlink</a>!

If those don't work, then keep using /this/ sort of stuff because it's apparently all you get.

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Kazerad: We are now best friends, then. Let us go on ADVENTURES together.

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Kazerad: @Rinrhajii: If it makes you feel any better, I think it's hilarious that the image was reported with the reason "looking badass".

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Kazerad: Aaaaaa I love these =D You got the Atari style down completely pat.

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Kazerad: @furnut: If I remember right, someone wanted me to do a raceswap on Katia and Quill-Weave.

I called her Sleeps-Darkly. I gave her sawed-down horns as a parallel to Katia's shaved hair, and gave her ice magic since it's something that would be as inconvenient and dangerous to an Argonian as Katia's fire magic is to her.

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Kazerad: @MetalC0Mmander: no

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Kazerad: @tronn: Pencil sketch solidarity

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Kazerad: oh my god

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Kazerad: @princessBonny: There's a special place in Criminal Hell for people like Rajirra and the bat from Adventure.

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Kazerad: who marked this questionable they are literally holding hands

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Kazerad: You know sometimes I worry that some new reader is going to come to the fanart page and feel completely confused by the culture and in-jokes here. I wish there was some way I could let them know that I am equally confused, and that there really are no in-jokes here, only utter chaos.

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Kazerad: @jegjurel: Pretend it is soft soil!

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Kazerad: @seajay3647: She is naked in like half the comic panels! I don't think you actually needed to do that research.

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Kazerad: I deleted all the comments about the artist's Accidental Previous Upload so we can just pretend that never happened.

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Kazerad: Someone re-explain this one to me

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Kazerad: True story: I could not view this image in a Wendy's. Their wifi censored it, but no other images I clicked. I can only imagine the filter was tripped by "mild-mannered butt".

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Kazerad: Adding Questionable tag because I'm 90% sure that's not a blue ravioli.

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Kazerad: @doodlemancer: The Khajiit and Breton in the original are female. Don't let that stop you, though.

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Kazerad: @POMA: I am the BEST MOD!

I guess I should stop being kindly and actually go work on the comic now, though.

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Kazerad: I deleted the old one. Now there's only one!

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Kazerad: Guys, you know when I start selling actual merchandise you'll have to take the "merchandise" tag off every picture with a lovingly rendered ass.

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Kazerad: Are we gonna get some kinda for-the-people thing where choose featured fanart by a popular vote? I'll be honest: the booru infrastructure actually has some kind of voting system, I just have it disabled. It's because I'm evil.

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Kazerad: @PermanentFace: Hey don't bring me into this; I just modded a bunch of people when I made this page and haven't really been paying attention to what they do since. I pretend they have some logic behind their decisions because it's easier than making rules.

It seems to work well enough, so I'd say go along with it.

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Kazerad: mediocre scrublord what is occurring in this image

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Kazerad: Wait, nevermind, I just checked the log and it was tagged that by the original artist. I guess since it's from them, it can be taken as a canonical statement that one or both of these characters secretly has underwear painted onto their body. We just can't see it.

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Kazerad: Who tagged this "painted underwear" and how do they know?

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Kazerad: @Unidentified_BA: Goddamnit BA

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Kazerad: Oh god. Okay so, for context, I was in a restaurant taking requests on 4chan as practice before doing the Backer reward drawings. Someone asked for "Derkeethus lewds".

I literally drew this in a public restaurant and then, when I could see nobody was looking, flattened the book on the table, dropped a chicken wing on it, and snapped a picture. This is how far I'm willing to go for a joke.

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Kazerad: @PermanentFace: It's the Russia you get to when you keep going East and pass ten other Russias.

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Kazerad: I am going to be the Word of God here and say that this should be labeled Questionable. Partially because of the naked Quill-Weave, and partially because I think it's funny how the "kinda questionable" censor thing doesn't actually cover anything.

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Kazerad: You fucking /missed/.

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Kazerad: @Man_Of_Mer: I drop into pretty much any forum thread talking about Prequel. Sometimes I draw things, though I never really do it on my own blog-type things.
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