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Dramatic Descriptions

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Kazerad: Man, I feel like this is too questionable for the fanart booru. But at the same time, I really like C0mmander's joke. I'll let the mods decide its fate.

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Kazerad: @Man_Of_Mer: I don't know. As far as I know he doesn't have a gallery or internet presence or anything. Those who choose the life of an Anonymous 4chan Artist have a tendency to fade in and out of the aether.

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Kazerad: @Gren: Huh, I hunted down the source and it turns out you're right!

I also added the source, after going to all the effort of hunting it down.

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Kazerad: @AMKitsune: Yeah, I guess that about sums up my feelings too. At least in this case, I feel like there is nothing overtly sexual about this picture of Katia wandering across the top of a giant birthday cake. It is art.

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Kazerad: I just deleted a post. We're under strict no-Undertale-spoilers rules here, people!

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Kazerad: I feel like I might've done the whole Give-A-Mouse-A-Cookie thing, except with butts.

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Kazerad: @POMA: I replaced it for you!

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Kazerad: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Why is there an Edit tag anyway? Like, I drew this from scratch yesterday, and it doesn't look like anyone changed anything. I'm taking it off.

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Kazerad: And here's a nice, simple Katia in a wizard robe, drawn by apparent vowel-fanatic Uyoiou.

Anyway, that's good for now I think. Thank you for joining me on this mass-upload adventure, and don't forget to upload all the cool fanart you find so I don't have to do this. My fingers are about to fall off from all this tagging.

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Kazerad: Another Swomswom piece! Here she's naked and holding fire.

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Kazerad: Time for Swomswom! I like this artist's work.

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Kazerad: Here's another drawing of Katia behidn a chainlink fence! Here, she's on fire.

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Kazerad: Some quick sketches here, but they're all pretty cute and more than worthy of upload.

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Kazerad: See, I love it when artists do these little homages to the jokes in the comic. Like, she's wearing what's supposed to be a strapless top here, an aesthetic impeded by the underwear panted onto her. Tydrian could've just skipped that and gone for a generic Katia in some kind of bellydancer outfit, but no. They went all the way, and I respect that.

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Kazerad: Here's Katia, presumably after having just shot someone!

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Kazerad: Hello, Katia!

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Kazerad: Here's a Katia made out of painted cardboard!

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Kazerad: I am pretty sure this is a Witcher crossover. I saw this on /co/; it was posted by an anon and the artist tag is based off my best reading of their signature.

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Kazerad: I think the blue/yellow fire actually works pretty well with her color scheme. I would've done that if I had thought of it.

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Kazerad: I feel like this one is a crossover with something, but I don't recognize the armor design. Maybe someone else can fill in the blanks.

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Kazerad: Next up: Undertale crossover! It really is a great game I recommend playing, especially if you're into JRPGs.

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Kazerad: Here' a Katia with some actual detailing on the metal parts of her armor! I should do that more.

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Kazerad: Here's another thiefy Kat! Nice inkwork on this one.

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Kazerad: Here's a cute, slightly discontent Katia.

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Kazerad: Questionable spree over! Let's have a Skyrim reference.

Admittedly, I actually did like Skyrim's claim that the extremely simple puzzles were mostly to keep the zombies inside.

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Kazerad: Here's a questionable Rajirra. Like, 99% of the time you guys draw a character naked, it's Katia. Let's have some appreciation for side-character nudity.

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Kazerad: Well I've uploaded enough pictures in the same vein as this that I don't think it'd be right to skip this one. Here's Katia posing naked in a blank white abyss! The artist is Sentientsocks I think, but I'm not positive.

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Kazerad: I have no idea what she's saying here. I also don't know who drew it; I probably got this from the Russian fan community. If it's something horribly explicit, let me know and I'll remove it!

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Kazerad: Here's a picture of Katia trying to hold down an uneven table to keep it from shaking. Like, usually I'd just put a napkin or something under the short table leg, but as you can see, they didn't even bring her a coaster. The service here is really bad, which is why she looks bored. She's naked because she wants to see if even that will make the waiter notice her.

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Kazerad: Kazerad: This one was actually uploaded here a few months ago and the mods and I had this huge debate over whether or not it was too explicit to go here. But like, I don't know, I'm waffling on our decision to remove it. Anyone who clicks past the Questionable warning is probably ready for something like this, there's nothing really explicit, and it's not particularly sexual if you just imagine she's mooning you as a gesture of insult. Anyway, it's a cute drawing.

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Kazerad: Like the previous image, I'm not sure the artist here and I forget where I got it.

I'll never understand how USPS gets business when you guys are the true masters of shipping.

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Kazerad: Are butts allowed here? I hope so, because I really want to hold a conversation about this image. I forget who the artist is, and I can't figure out what is going on in it. At first I thought those were punching bags and she was just walking through a gym at night, naked, but they look more like candles? Or maybe they're columns with Welkynd stones on them, and she is dungeoneering naked. That is a pretty dumb thing to do! I don't know, what do you guys think?

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Kazerad: Here's Katia, after starting an intensive physical workout routine and becoming a successful and well-paid model for fitness magazines. Go Katia!

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Kazerad: Let's get back into the QUESTIONABLE ZONE! This next upload by SoapMonster is pretty much the low-end archetype for what I'd say deserves the "questionable" tag. She isn't even completely naked here, because she's wearing a necklace.

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Kazerad: That string of sad images was actually a lot shorter than I thought. Like, it turns out you guys want her to be happy or something. Have a flirty Katia someone drew based off an emoticon.

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Kazerad: The filename on this one was "Tell Me I Can Change", which I think adds something important to it.

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Kazerad: Let's go on a sad roll now! Here's Katia failing to cheer up a terminally ill child in the hospital. I think.

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Kazerad: Here's a piece by artist Koh. Like many others, it sums up the comic fairly well.

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Kazerad: The artist who drew this goes by the handle "Yellowpower". In the context of the image and Katia's fur color, I can't help but imagine she is shouting that as some kind of vaguely racial statement. But then I feel bad, because this really is a neat drawing with some powerful emotions in it. Go Katia! Chop that booze!

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Kazerad: Here's an intimidating Katia in front of some angry text, drawn by artist Bonus!

I admit it took me a while to make out axe head-on. I thought it was a stick grenade at first, which worked just as well with her text.

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Kazerad: Here is their Quill-Weave counterpart! Center left is my favorite; it feels very Quill.

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Kazerad: Speaking of things drawn in blue, here's a page of Katia heads drawn by Artthanks!

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Kazerad: Now here's a relatively badass looking Katia, ready to wreck some shit. It was drawn in blue by the aptly-named Blu-Circle.

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Kazerad: This one is just a captioned version of a panel someone posted on /co/, but I like it and feel like it deserves a place here.

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Kazerad: I don't have any idea the story behind this one. Apparently it was a request someone did for a friend or family member. But, whatever it is, it has Katia in it and she's looking pretty cool. And hot.

It's a joke, because she's in fire and also cold in the snow at once.

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Kazerad: And another. This one is actually a panel redraw from Dodger: Break The Law, and it is amazing.

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Kazerad: Here's another from Bonehead. He would probably object to it being uploaded alongside real art, but I feel like it captures the entire comic pretty well.

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Kazerad: Let's counter all those questionable uploads with the most adorable thing ever! Here we see Katia dancing to the tune of that dumb flash animation from the early 00's. Go Katia!

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Kazerad: Is this crossing the line into too explicit? I don't know. I mean she's extremely clothed here, but it's basically painted on. I feel like this one should get a pass though because I actually like the clothing design a lot, and there's even runes on the trim.

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Kazerad: I guess she's wearing like postage stamps and dental floss here? Like that's probably okay for this booru though, given there's a bunch of other images here where she's wearing less.
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