Mortals cannot be trusted to make decisions on their own. Peruse other images to make sure you are tagging properly.

Dramatic Descriptions

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Kazerad: @Streetwind: Well if you look at Quill-Weave's chest, I'm pretty sure she's naked too. Someone tag it.

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Kazerad: @Preston_Garvey: I told her exactly why I was ordering it. She brought a beautiful and immaculately prepared burrito, which I then began squeezing over a piece of paper and, eventually, ripping apart and sculpting. Midway through she came back and asked if I needed more beans, but I told her I was okay.

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Kazerad: @Verskon: Have we already forgotten the Cookie Memorial contest?

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Kazerad: For anyone who is extremely confused: I was in a restaurant and someone paid me a bunch of money to "draw Katia and Quill-Weave kissing, using a burrito as the medium".

I even got Quill-Weave's green scales in front.

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Kazerad: Unquestioningly set as featured image due to that lovely composition and Actually Having A Background.

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Kazerad: I am home now and I can say for a fact I have no memory of writing that note at the top. I think next stream is going to be sober.

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Kazerad: I am like 90% sure it was part of the request! Why else would I have drawn two characters with very different ages as children next to eachother?

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Kazerad: @Geravind: if I recall right, the person requested "bits of salad falling out of her mouth". I just didn't draw it well D=

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Kazerad: I actually had to click the thumbnail to tell this wasn't Makkon.

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Kazerad: @Bakannon: Katia has on-screen-killed killed four Criminal Apples, one mudcrab, and an imp.

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Kazerad: @Preston_Garvey: Here, I replaced it with the Deviantart one so it would stop triggering these people's fragile sensibilities.

Really guys, you can just set the booru to fit the images to your screen!

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Kazerad: @Dugar: there is also a small chance my theories are wrong.

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Kazerad: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: see, my feelings on this one are that it's kind of on par with the drawings that have man-ass, nothing is really showing, and it's a pun. I think the pun part is important, because it recontextualizes the suggestivity a bit.

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Kazerad: FYI, this is what happens when you ask me to draw QW/Katia 69 action.

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Kazerad: @Pepsidude: Kids! Don't fight! D=

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Kazerad: @woundedkneecap: Yeah, I made the mistake of making something I couldn't do myself.

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Kazerad: @Pepsidude: I need resources from a few other people! I'm locked until I get it.

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Kazerad: @8Aerondight8: Animation is really hard! You did more hand frames than I'd usually be willing to, at the very least.

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Kazerad: Who tagged this Lego? Those are voxels! It is very slightly and indiscernibly different.

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Kazerad: I am working on it, fictional character! You are very tedious to draw!

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Kazerad: @LeoBarthelmess: I am the creator! I'll email you I guess. My email is the one from [email protected].

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Kazerad: @compaqness: So you're asking if it's A.) a mysterious crystal from another world, or B.) a Xen Crystal?

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Kazerad: I really like that fire in the back! It was a nice touch, and a creative way of letting you make her face with negative space.

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Kazerad: This pun is actually pretty good.

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Kazerad: Photograph with a DVD for scale!

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Kazerad: @Enheldor: Eh, sure, I went ahead and uploaded my local copy. I forget what randomly-selected fanfics these were based off of, and it's probably more respectful to the authors if we don't know. I am quite sure they are faithful depictions of scenes in the stories, though:
Picture 1
Picture 2

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Kazerad: @Enheldor: after it descended into rolling a random number gen for fanfiction to read, I did a few illustrations of the stories. Not sure if someone collected them. None really qualify as Prequel fanart though.

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Kazerad: 5/1? You waited a very long time to upload your art!

The thumbs-up is cute.

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Kazerad: I don't remember drawing this and the linework is not very good. Someone please summarize to me what I did in the stream last night.

I think I'm done drinking for a long time.

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Kazerad: @bluedraggy: the article just depicts a single formula. You may be able to compensate for poor hygiene by using six belts instead.

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Kazerad: @Vidiotdragon: FUNNY STORY. In the drunkstream we actually looked up the "how to become prom queen" Wikihow page to get an idea on what angle to take. http://m.wikihow.com/Become-Prom-Queen Check out the "dress the part" section.

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Kazerad: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: This recontextualizes her expression in the best ways.

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Kazerad: @Streetwind: I'm pretty sure almost all of the memes here come from one person. She has taken on the burden of the memelord so none of us have to, filtering out the chaff and making sure that the finely-tuned palette of our booru receives only the dankest of memes.

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Kazerad: @SoarFlyer: okay. I'm still going to give you a prize, though. Respond to the PM I sent or email me ([email protected]).

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Kazerad: @SoarFlyer: do you want me to fix it or do you want me to just pretend that the typo is your real name? I'll be honest, now that I look at it your name is kind of like "wheel car", or "water boat".

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Kazerad: I never really made a way to post announcements on the fanart page, so instead I'm just going to post a big image that says "CONTEST WINNERS" and link a page about them: http://www.prequeladventure.com/long-gif-contest-winners/

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Kazerad: @Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: You selected "dither" when exporting! You already know this though because you sent me a fixed version and told me to replace it, which I did.

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Kazerad: @fate109: The special thing about gifs is that you can define how long each frame lasts! Pauses can last a long time, or quick animations can run fast.

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Kazerad: @AMKitsune: If you can't get it under 3.5 just email it to me or something, and then I'll use SCIENCE to break upload rules.

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Kazerad: @cosmichero: I'm gonna extend the deadline a little! A bunch of other people were having problems with stuff or wanting to add more too.

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Kazerad: Heads up: I'm extending the deadline to the 28th because some people have been running into difficulties exporting, and I feel bad for them. I have edited the image accordingly.

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Kazerad: @Toryu-Mau: I feel like alteration?

(creative usage of the rocks from the lava background, by the way, though I think that entire map made from scaled down limbs is about as far as I'll let people push this)

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Kazerad: @protofun: there are several winners! This one is a contender for Creative Use Of Reaources at best.

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Kazerad: @rarborman: eh, sure, that seems allowed enough.

Also, I think your art style might honestly be what subconsciously inspired this contest.

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Kazerad: You've basically got it down!

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Kazerad: @LazuliLupin: yeah, I guess that's basically just cropping two sprites in half and sticking them together. Go for it!

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Kazerad: @TodoDeygulash: I'd say it's fine; as long as you're not breaking it down to individual pixels or something and losing the spirit of the contest.

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Kazerad: This is adorable.

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Kazerad: @AnonymousGuy421: Sure!

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Kazerad: @Hiyro: I'll put a store on the site eventually, I just haven't had time to make an interface for it yet. If you want to pre-empt everyone, though, you can just paypal me money or something and I'll give you stuff. Just email me about it.

You can buy one of the things I'm giving as prizes and then pretend you won.
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