Deleted images are cast into Oblivion along with their creators.

Dramatic Descriptions

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Kazerad: @Kazerdad: well it’s a little creepy but, strictly speaking, solves the problem at hand. Go for it!

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Kazerad: @CandyDragon: It's modern art. It captures the idea of Prequel. Or at least that's what the artist said.

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Kazerad: @Kazerdad: It's mostly AMKitsune! I forgot this is like the one place that uses BBCode instead of HTML.

Also your name is deceptively close to mine. Is it okay if I, like... ban you on good terms, and you make a new account?

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Kazerad: Well gee, when you asked if the eggplant and two pineapples were okay to post, you didn't mention the <i>throbbing veins</i>.

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Kazerad: I feel like this should be "very casually underdressed". Or do the earrings count?

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Kazerad: @LuminosityXVII: @AMKitsune: This is like the first time anyone on the fanart page has ever used the Source box correctly and nobody sees it!

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Kazerad: @Sashimi: But the static is in the above pic as well, albeit animated!

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Kazerad: I'm taking myself out of the credits because all I did was convert a filetype. The developer of GraphicsGale deserves credit more than I do.

(no, don't add them either).

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Kazerad: I WANT to say this isn't Prequel fanart since it is based off something unrelated (for anyone confused, I I tried to run this banner ad on a porn site). But on the other hand, the background kind of does connect it, I guess?

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Kazerad: Do I have to delete it? I think it's hilarious.

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Kazerad: =D is that Illustrator’s Livetrace tool? I love that thing. If I’m right, this is actually the same process I use when making high-rez stuff for print.

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Kazerad: @aswe9815: well I mean... the questionable parts are already covered as much as they’d be with the questionable tag?

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Kazerad: @Toxic: I've seen and made some pretty big Flash games! If you are running into lag, it probably means you are doing a lot of unnecessary stuff (e.g. drawing things nobody can see). A lot of times that isn't terribly difficult to fix without a complete rewrite.

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Kazerad: @Kazerad: Wait, crap, I messed up, now it's upside down. Let me keep trying.

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Kazerad: I will do you one better: I will ROTATE it!

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Kazerad: @Asperger_kitten_1337: Yes it does. It makes the picture look way more explicit than it actually is. That's what they're for.

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Kazerad: What about codes? Like, old games had them, where you’d be given a code to pick up where you left off. Usually it was per level, but you could easily make the code store inventory and stuff too.

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Kazerad: @Toxic: I don't know, it would be slightly amazing if you just made gold weapons incredibly expensive and incredibly weak compared to everything else. But, probably the bad kind of amazing.

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Kazerad: @Mhauhz: She's getting better.

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Kazerad: Is this really that questionable? Quick, give opinions.

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Kazerad: @Radian: I think it's more of a question of whether the park security holding the flashlight is standing up or squatting down.

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Kazerad: @Raydio: If this booru let people delete their own comments I would bully people into deleting any comment that quotes a meme.

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Kazerad: Why is this tagged "actual talent"? You can't hear what sounds she's making.

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Kazerad: This is like a test for how un-Prequel-related something can be before I take it off the page. 99% of people will not remember the kitten.

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Kazerad: I'm deleting that link to the uncensored one because it's kind of porn, but I have to admit I was actually really surprised the link was 100% legit and not a rickroll.

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Kazerad: @Grape: Grape, are you really insinuating that you don't want to see the two of them



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Kazerad: @bluedraggy: As in, no objections to me deleting the other?

(Also sorry I didn't get a chance to listen to the song earlier, I saw you asking me to! I was just busy)

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Kazerad: God, I feel like the entire comment section of this image is a rough draft. What if we all agree on roles, I delete it all, then we act out a good comment section like

Actor 1: I do not get the image
Actor 2: it is highlighting a reference to a story
Actor 1: I appreciate your response

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Kazerad: @yugijak: There's a joke about a weather vane in the fanart rules that is a subtle reference to a piece of fanfiction.

The pineapple/yoyo trick isn't a reference to that, though; it predates it by a year or two. Technically, there's a chance that the fanfiction's joke about the weather vane is a reference to the pineapple and yoyo trick, in which case we have created an incestuous reference loop.

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Kazerad: @LuminosityXVII: Aren't those just... magnets? :0

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Kazerad: @LuminosityXVII: whoops, I meant the guy literally named Madman, whose post I deleted. I didn’t even think about how that would sound if it were not taken as a proper noun.

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Kazerad: (Side note: Hey madman, try to post fewer pictures in the comments of images.)

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Kazerad: Oh shit, my power level might be showing.

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Kazerad: @tronn: I like this, you've finally found a way to make the graph trend upward.

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Kazerad: The copies of this picture are all very similar. Would anyone object to me combining them into an animation that cycles?

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Kazerad: Christ, guys, don't be too weird in the comments. I'm going to delete some.

Not the one about high heels on a grate, though, because that is a good point. Although I do have to commend the artist for positioning the heels JUST RIGHT so she wouldn't fall down.

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Kazerad: @Geravind: Horses are so confusing, I can see why we invented cars.

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Kazerad: @Raydio: I don't know, I think I'm gonna change it to "artist" since Kitsune has some kind of system set up where that displays in its own little box thing on the top left.

Woah, holy shit, I just now noticed it pluralizes when there's more than one. Kit is the best. I don't even know how the fanart page works anymore.

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Kazerad: If it is the first thing you've ever drawn, you're off to a good start!

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Kazerad: @Sashimi: I don't actually know anything about horses. If the person who is in front driving the wagon climbs in back, does the horse continue following the road on autopilot? Or is there like a cruise control thing you can do with the whip? I am only familiar with airplanes and cars.

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Kazerad: His name is Jim! I tagged it for you! You captured his expression well.

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Kazerad: @Asperger_kitten_1337: I think someone asked for "handstands" and someone else asked for "ear infections". There's no secret hidden inside joke.

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Kazerad: @Raydio: @Raydio: I concede that Raydio's is way better than mine.

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I couldn't stop myself.

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Kazerad: I deleted a bunch of the other ones that weren't Prequel-related, but I feel like this is right on the edge due to being Elder Scrollsy.

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Kazerad: It looks rightside-up to me. Did someone else already fix it before I logged on, or is this current presentation incorrect and she's supposed to be laying down?

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Kazerad: @Raydio: I don't know, I kind of assumed that was what comments were for. Like, I'd hate for the artists to descend into numerical comparisons of who is more popular or appreciated. If you like someone's work, the most meaningful thing you can do is let them know that you like it.

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Kazerad: That was actually a lot of fun to read :0

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Kazerad: You can't draw something and then have it thinking about how it can't draw! That is self-invalidating!

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Kazerad: Man we are getting way too haphazard with the "questionable" tag. I think I might start taking it off all the painted underwear stuff.
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