Kazerad: @Kat: yeah but the arches and carpet are clearly supposed to be the chapel. Drawings of empty backgrounds with no characters are still acceptable, if it's places from the comic.
Kazerad: @Radian: The exact conversation surrounding it was:
Kaz: I kind of want to feature that new pic by Radian, but it feels so cliche to do, like giving Meryl Streep an oscar
Grape: there, now you don't have to
Kazerad: We're trying to discourage simple edits and memes on the fanart page. I'll keep this up if someone redraws Katia's face though and links it here.
Kazerad: @Makkon: Somewhere, a concept artist drew this chapel, then a modeler made a model of their drawing, then I made a drawing of that model, then you made a model of my drawing, and then you made a drawing of your model. This chapel has gained and lost a dimension so many times.
Kazerad: @Rick2tails: @FoxyGrandpa: Whoops, sorry, I deleted a few. They were leading to some kind of risque material. I'm sorry, I'm a bad mod. I think AMKitsune's chewing me out for it
Kazerad: I want to delete this but I don't have a justification. Can the original artist please edit it into pornography and ask me to reupload it, so I can remove it?
Kazerad: I can already foresee a large number of pictures this "extended_neck" tag is going to appear on now that the precedent has been set. Your art and its subsequent tagging choices have unleashed something powerful.
Kazerad: Fun fact: this is the fastest that browsers can make gif eyebrows waggle. Any speed faster than this and the frame length defaults to 100ms. Faster waggles can only be achieved in other file formats, or by running the gif in art software.
Kazerad: @pizzachinq: aw, don't do that! It makes people feel like they're missing out on some piece of critical knowledge. I think it's important to establish that the only knowledge here was that I played Skyrim on an art stream.
Pronin is probably right that this doesn't belong here though.
Kazerad: Between the huge eyes and tiny hands, I feel like I had to have been very intoxicated when drawing this. Like, the more I drink the more my artwork looks like something ran through Photoshop's content aware scaling.
I understand that it's easy to view comments like yours as being helpful criticism. I mean, God knows I left enough of them when I was younger. But the thing is, looking back on such comments now, a lot of them are really embarrassing because I didn't have much concept of what makes art good or bad. I understood some rudimentary concepts like proportions and anatomy, but was clueless toward more advanced things like composition and positive/negative space. Working from pure intuition, many of the artists I criticized were exceptionally good at these advanced concepts, and I probably ruined a few of them by getting them to prioritize the dumb stuff I viewed as determinant of art quality.
Ultimately, one of the best things you can do to help people get better at art is to encourage them to draw. Bad, good, or whatever - anything that gets them to push forward without consequence or shame will bring their skill higher than something that makes them create less. In many cases, the work of such wild artists will come to excel in ways unencompassed by more rudimentary criticisms, which is honestly much more beneficial.
This probably isn't a discussion that should be had on randomlyFish's drawing, though.
Kazerad: I am not a poetry person, but I got someone who is versed in literary analysis to look at it and they suggested it was about Katia. So, commenters: please don't start an argument about whether it's Prequel related. It has been confirmed with the power of a literature degree.
Kazerad: I think when criminals are killed with the intent of having their stuff taken it's called karma, not justice. But, it is functionally identical in a number of cases.
Kazerad: For a while he was in a user class we made called "This ain't Imgur" for people who upload unrelated images and say "don't delete this, I need to link it somewhere". As far as I can tell he's been out of it for a while now, though.
And yeah, I enjoyed the movie, though I never saw the original manga or anime. One of the biggest criticisms was apparently that the anime was better, so my opinion may differ.
Dramatic Descriptions
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Kaz: I kind of want to feature that new pic by Radian, but it feels so cliche to do, like giving Meryl Streep an oscar
Grape: there, now you don't have to
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Pronin is probably right that this doesn't belong here though.
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I don't know, I think I want to avoid my own stuff getting special privileges on something called a fanart page. I'll probably take it down later.
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I understand that it's easy to view comments like yours as being helpful criticism. I mean, God knows I left enough of them when I was younger. But the thing is, looking back on such comments now, a lot of them are really embarrassing because I didn't have much concept of what makes art good or bad. I understood some rudimentary concepts like proportions and anatomy, but was clueless toward more advanced things like composition and positive/negative space. Working from pure intuition, many of the artists I criticized were exceptionally good at these advanced concepts, and I probably ruined a few of them by getting them to prioritize the dumb stuff I viewed as determinant of art quality.
Ultimately, one of the best things you can do to help people get better at art is to encourage them to draw. Bad, good, or whatever - anything that gets them to push forward without consequence or shame will bring their skill higher than something that makes them create less. In many cases, the work of such wild artists will come to excel in ways unencompassed by more rudimentary criticisms, which is honestly much more beneficial.
This probably isn't a discussion that should be had on randomlyFish's drawing, though.
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how are we both professional artists
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Nice crabs.
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And yeah, I enjoyed the movie, though I never saw the original manga or anime. One of the biggest criticisms was apparently that the anime was better, so my opinion may differ.
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