Add value to mortals' feeble lives. Tag artists with "artist:(artist name)"

Dramatic Descriptions

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Kazerad: @SlashSeven: My theory:

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Kazerad: @SlashSeven: I assume it's tail! Look where the tail continues.

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Kazerad: @CaptainLackwit: No, I've taken down a Nazi Katia before. But therein lies the true problem: it wouldn't even be original.

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Kazerad: @SlashSeven: I mean, or fall.

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Kazerad: =D someone remembered

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Kazerad: @Grape: Since you're head in time zones, how about one of you Brits just change it back tomorrow so the Trick Or Treat one is featured for Halloween?

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Kazerad: @Rick2tails: I think you mean “looks like a supermodel, wow!”

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Kazerad: @POMA: You uploaded a naked Sigrid just two weeks ago!

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Kazerad: @CandyDragon: @Rick2tails: I know this conversation is like a year old, but I feel the need to point out that you can literally crumple these posters up and shove them in your pocket and they'll be perfectly fine; any creases disappear in like an hour.

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Kazerad: @Toryu-Mau: Are you insinuating necklaces aren't clothing?

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Kazerad: @bluedraggy: I swear I am going to make it a bannable offense it call women “females”. To get unbanned you’ll have to do a no-laughter, no-slip-ups reading of Eye of Argon.

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Kazerad: @Krozbott: It's okay. Let's all be friends now, except for that one guy who was spamming weird porn.

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Kazerad: @Nicros_Man: This is 99% your fault! :C Let critics crit and taggers tag.

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Kazerad: Man, come on guys, be cool to eachother. I'm deleting a bunch of comments on this image because it's like six people fighting and it's really dumb.

Some people will make fanart you don't like. You should still be nice to them, and with the handy new Blacklist system you can pretty easily avoid images you don't like. Remember that this is a fanart page; it's not like people are taking over the comic and changing its direction. There's inherently going to be some degree of wish-fulfillment in people's fanwork, whether it's drawing Katia making out with their OC or simply putting her in an outfit they really like and want to see her in. The whole reason people draw fanart is because they want to reflect something not represented in the source material.

At the same time, though, when you make fanart with significant deviations from the source material, you should expect a certain degree of criticism from people who feel your take on it is missing the point of the source material. This sort of criticism is normal and important, since it's how we as viewers learn what is important to us and others. Sometimes we'll find a niche of people who like our unique take on things, and we'll find satisfaction making something they enjoy. Other times, we'll realize that there's simple things we can change about our work to make it appeal to its once-detractors.

These interactions are important, and they don't have to be hostile. And when they do veer into hostility, it's the responsibility of the other participants to draw it back. Like, a person who calls your work shit is <i>inarticulate</i>, and a charitable response is to take it as a statement that they don't like your work. It's not an invite to exacerbate the situation.

Anyway, I'm adding the "Your_Weird_OC" tag to this image, since it's concept is basically establishing one of the characters as an OC. I'm also deleting the other image made in response to the comments here, because it depicts my beard wrong and misquotes the Nostalgia Critic.

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Kazerad: @Toryu-Mau: D= I'm pretty sure Discord is not an alternative to Facebook, and that a Facebook hack will not affect anyone's cat fanart accounts.

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Kazerad: @Rick2tails: Yeah, no worries, they're getting sued.

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Kazerad: Hahahahahaha yessss

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Kazerad: @Nicros_Man: We all know that they're gonna, since they have future Spider-Man movies planned, but it would be so amazing if they just threw us all for a loop and switched him out for Miles.

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Kazerad: I admit I am a LITTLE disappointed you didn't think to put a wolf spider on the front. But I do like what you did on the thighs.

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Kazerad: =D is that foiled printing on the words? It looks a little shiny.

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Kazerad: @LuminosityXVII: The other moderators wanted to delete this for being a meme. But I feel like the meme is just a less-submissive way of saying "sorry it's bad".

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Kazerad: I recognize that lute! =D

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Kazerad: @Streetwind: A witchhunter would note that there's already a fire under the well. It's just too far under.

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Kazerad: @BlackMessa: She improved it! The nails give better traction!

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Kazerad: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Keep trying! Don't give up!

And don't look at the BBCode link either, that's cheating.

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Kazerad: @PermanentFace: Someone requested "Katia being hypnotized".

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Kazerad: Where did Katia get 8 friends!

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Kazerad: This is one line away from looking like she's trying to put a pair of pants on her head, and I feel like this is a missed opportunity.

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Kazerad: So that's what happened to the population between Daggerfall and the other games.

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Kazerad: @Rick2tails: Come on, there is NO way that has three bedrooms.

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Kazerad: I... want to know the context.

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Kazerad: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: I don't think this one was posted yet? As for the others that have been popping up, we've been deleting the reposts and trying to encourage people to check if images are already uploaded. AMKitsune made a page explaining how to check with Google Images: http://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/lexicon/Finding_an_Image_with_Google_Image_Search

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Kazerad: @bluedraggy: 100/100! Though I take issue with

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Kazerad: 82/100. Thank you D.A.R.E.!

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Kazerad: 69/100 but I have qualms. That carpet is red!

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Kazerad: The report image button, by the looks of it.

You weren't going to... report her, were you?

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Kazerad: Goddamnit.

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Kazerad: @AMKitsune: One second is the default in Gale, I just forgot to change it. I kind of like the effect though.

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Kazerad: I was so worried when I saw an entire row of images marked Questionable, but these are adorable.

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Kazerad: I think I'm gonna delete the other one, since it's just a way-less-cool version of this one. I was hoping this version would get posted, since I love the architecture on the left.

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Kazerad: @BlackMessa: Please be sensitive toward Khajiiti culture.

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Kazerad: :0 someone explain this meme to me

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Kazerad: @bluedraggy: It was a creative angle! He tied it to the concept of healing magic.

My big concern with non-Prequel art that has Prequel characters pasted in is that it'll set the precedent that such a thing is okay, and possibly lead to people using the page as a general gallery.

Though I do kind of like the one with Asotil as umpire.

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Kazerad: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: @Sashimi: Fair forewarning: they would be kissing.

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Kazerad: It's my fault this is covered with sauce. The original had censor bars instead, and I got into a long discussion with the other moderators about whether that was allowed.


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Kazerad: @CandyDragon: it was either the smiles or the hollendaise sauce. We’re working very hard to figure out where the exact line is, since Pocky is nobly committed to adjuating things until he or she lands just barely on the allowable side of it.

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Kazerad: I feel like the fact that this is marked as questionable makes it more questionable than if it wasn't marked questionable, because now I am interpreting every part of it in the most questionable way.

I don't know whether that makes the tag appropriate or inappropriate.

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Kazerad: I uploaded the modified version FN sent me. It is now Prequel related.
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