Spanking is reserved only for mortal punishment, not fanart.

Dramatic Descriptions

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bluedraggy: How you can do this and then downplay your ability I really don't know. This is awesome! I think you discount what you obviously know intuitively already. I can't draw, but if just being a "viewer" of the booru counts for anything, you've got real talent. Don't be one of those guys who is always comparing himself to others. I want moar! Draw moar!

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bluedraggy: Got my seal of approval! Though I'd want to have a little discussion about those checkerboard pants. Obviously this was taken before Quill acquired her fine clothing style.

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bluedraggy: That's it. I'm moving to Maryland. You can find me cruising the streets late at night. (Research purposes only mind you!)

Cider does a damned fine Kaz btw! But that drawing... is that the potato sack he kept talking about?

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bluedraggy: Those eyes! Sucking in my soul! Furnut king of cute! But how transparent is that outfit, or is it just my innate lust that sees things in shadows that are unintended?

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bluedraggy: I can't believe it - they actually made it the featured masterpiece! EKToRNo should be proud. But I must say, it does give the whole booru a nice fresh scent!

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bluedraggy: Poor Katia. Entirely possible it's for her own good that she blacks out when drinking. Some things are best left forgotten.

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bluedraggy: Never understood this one. This should be the phrase when the stream comes back online. As in, "Draw Nekked Lizards!" But... it's not so, information is power to the newbies! (But can they triforce?)

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bluedraggy: Apples! APPLES! Joyous APPLES! Yippee!
(So now newbies will understand the phrases too. This is a good thing!)

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bluedraggy: (Gro Upp probably stole their clothes too.)

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bluedraggy: I considered ASOTIL. He would be great on drums, but I don't know what he would look like without his armor. (has he ever been pictured without it? It's kinda his defining characteristic).

As for Sigrid, Rajirra and Gro Upp, they're all mean f***s and don't deserve to be in the band. And then I thought XenoYparxi is right - he was the producer and ran off after stealing their cables and amplifiers. :0

Bottom line - I don't like em so I don't pay $ for them in my band! So there! :)

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bluedraggy: Yup - Katia on bass. (Couldn't help it. I play bass.)

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bluedraggy: Hey, I just realized that her chest pattern is shaped exactly like Evil Quill Weave's outfit neckline! Well... similar anyway.

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bluedraggy: Good job Mezhik! Got a higher res available somewhere?

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bluedraggy: Excellent work! Unfortunately it apparently just came as a ton of adorb Katias came in and has been woefully neglected in the Dramatic Description department and the poor Argonian gets underappreciated. Well it's not! She's awesome!

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bluedraggy: Tums will help that. Pepto Bismol if it's really bad. As for the Katia - yeah. Adorbs, but that's already tagged. I do like seeing her in the still-seldom-used Festive Disaster outfit though. I wonder which outfit is used most in fanart? Somebody go through each and every fanart and set a tag for that whydontcha?

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bluedraggy: I actually did give him the SLIGHTEST of upturned edges to his frown. And gave him a nickname. S'thengir "Three Sticks" the Bartender.

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bluedraggy: Well I think it's adorably sad.

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bluedraggy: Long cat is looooong. But really, it's SUCH a great picture esp. at Christmas that who really gives a care?

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bluedraggy: Oh! So THATS what it said!

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bluedraggy: I assumed they were kids, though now that you mention it that wasn't part of the request. Then again, for like $3 or something it could be a time-saving device. But they're cute so... Let's say kids.

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bluedraggy: I could have SWORN those were pineapples busting on the floor.

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bluedraggy: I had NO idea what this whole dapping thing was that suddenly began popping up. I live in a cave I guess. Ended up having to look it up. And now that I have, I still don't 'get' it. But that's not unusual.

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bluedraggy: To be honest? I just drop one coffee bean in a glass of milk for flavor.

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bluedraggy: WARNING: Thumbnails can be misleading. It's a wabbajack? Is THAT what you young whippersnappers call it now?

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bluedraggy: Now there's a different style! New Masterpiece?

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bluedraggy: Well throw out the rice and ring the bells, etch KM&QW onto a tree trunk somewhere. Start writing the sonnets! Katia kissed QW on the cheek! (fin? tympanum?)

(Love the little-pupiled bug eyes tho!)

I have to say this says a lot more about QW than Katia though. A bit over-emotional over a simple peck on the cheek aren't we?

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bluedraggy: I saw it on 4chan, long gone now. Besides, I much prefer Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi's tits better. :)

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bluedraggy: I... saw the variation. And then I didn't. I also have the unique ability to unsee. I have unseen the variation. What a nice androgynous T-Rex this is too! I hope it has a good life and it's lifespan does not intersect with the meteor.

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bluedraggy: "Shower daily" Damn. I had such hopes too. Plus I have 3 belts!

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bluedraggy: My vote for sure. So many reasons I can't list them all. BOBtheROSS +1

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bluedraggy: Well, according to google:

Wash heard Jun poem,
Baigan heart sinks a thousand words.
Past all bear grudge,
Ashamed not the first language tears flow.

Somehow, though, I don't think that's going to help very much.

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bluedraggy: Wow. As a non-artist, I feel like a dunce. All I can contribute is... "Duh... da kitty look guud!"

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bluedraggy: Well, she does have hair again too, so it's at least safe to assume that this is well after her 'present day'. Noodley arms also non-noodley. Of course, it could also be just a dream.

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bluedraggy: Best definition available of what is questionable:
1 - Do mods mark it as questionable?
If true, it's questionable.
If false, it's not questionable.
Problem solved! Tadaaa!

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bluedraggy: And this is why I swear I will never again be a moderator of anything! I wish you all much luck in your hopeless quest to define edge cases. But be aware that hopeless quest is hopeless.

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bluedraggy: Reminds me of dance class in my Jr. High school. Yes, they used to have those. Most embarrassing class ever. Foxtrot... ONE two three, ONE two three...

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bluedraggy: I so much don't get this I had to doublecheck the URL. What? How does this relate? I'm sure it must but... ?

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bluedraggy: Somebody had this plaque made and sent it to Kaz.

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bluedraggy: Surely this deserves to be a Featured Masterpiece?

You did it. You crazy son of a bitch, you did it.

Sorry, I suck at tagging and don't recall who was saying he was going to do this but... dude!

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bluedraggy: One needs both a left AND right handed lockpick after all.

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bluedraggy: ...and yet it's still less grotesque than the Facebook Prequel group icon. Keep trying Scrub!

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bluedraggy: NOOOO! Now there's skeletons in prequel fanart? It's too much. Just too damn much.

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bluedraggy: Because I DEARLY love suggestions and comments and want to address them, I'd love to continue this discussion - but this really isn't the place. To that end I've started a thread on the Nexus here.


But I won't respond to any more here - not because I don't appreciate them, just that I know Kaz doesn't want the fanart section to become a forum on mods. I've responded already on that thread on the Nexus and would LOVE anyone interested to follow from there.

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bluedraggy: Yup! Once complete, I do plan to see about making it magical. Probably just increase stealth to extreme level rather than make player invisible literally. Too bad I can't make the player go blind for the same amount of time too afterwards! That would be awesome.

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bluedraggy: Current state of my CoGT Skyrim mod. Just the cloak. Marked questionable as model has nipples. Probably fairly close to done. I know there's issues - always will be. Boob window, clasp, triangles don't extend to back of cloak (may fix that), inner side isn't red. Triangles aren't on separate cloth (may improve that). But next I'm going to start on the outfit underneath. Could Kaz have given me anything tougher to do than a turtleneck? I doubt it! But I'm game for the trying (much as I like Sexy Barmaid outfit!)

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bluedraggy: I like the NSFW designation actually - not that THIS is, but the linked one is gorgeous too. And nothing calls attention like a Questionable! I bet stats show those get a lot more hits than nonNSFW.

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bluedraggy: Hey, SOMEONE was going to upload it. Might as well be me!

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bluedraggy: I always just copy/paste to this description window myself.

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bluedraggy: Your skills improve again KfSG! Eyes are looking very glassy now (that's a good thing!)

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bluedraggy: I would holler "questionable", but since I can barely fit a single leaf onto my screen at once I guess it's not. It's like looking at a skin cell in a microscope and crying "PORNO!" because it's a skin cell from a certain body part. ;)
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