Moderators can add new Daedric Fun Tips. Kazerad probably won't even notice, and the site does not log who added them.

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bluedraggy: Couldn't draw a stick figure Sashimi. I'm not even good at coloring, but I do enjoy doing them anyway. I (used to) pay Kaz to draw coloring books for me essentially.

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bluedraggy: New and improved: https://media.tumblr.com/a51841057e5c995904ecf54b4e2afb2a/tumblr_inline_ovejxaFOYG1sn6wro_raw.png
If some mod feels like fixing that for me, I'd be ever so grateful!

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bluedraggy: Dammit forgot Quills chest pattern. Again!

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bluedraggy: I am still fascinated by the idea of Quill-Weave playing an RPG. So I commissioned Kaz to draw her imaginary OC. I took quite a few liberties in deciding the colors to use here, but I figured skinny snek style would be most appropriate. I also spent way too long shading various lizard boobs and probably ruined them by overthinking - but it's fun to overthink lizard boobs. So here's QW's own headcannon OC. Sorta a wonder woman archer vibe.

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bluedraggy: Here's a corrected version with the other fin and the green chest pattern.

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bluedraggy: Well, it was a quick sketch-doodle from Kaz. Background ear flaps are for high quality sketch-doodles.

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bluedraggy: Goddammit it's getting so a girl can't even enjoy a popsicle in peace around here! (Sorry Quill, I don't think I have the ability.)

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bluedraggy: Go here. It's worth the trip. https://www.youtube.com/user/vanripper17

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bluedraggy: Yes indeed! Though I probably won't be installing the censor bar mod.

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bluedraggy: OMG! The stories I could do, the havoc I could wreak with this! The mind boggles! I will be patiently awaiting that mod pack. Keep up the good work. Katia looks totally out of place in Skyrim, but with other characters in the same cartoony style it might be glorious!

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bluedraggy: I think we all have the ability to edit and add tags. (that's how mine magically get the right tags eventually!) I just added QW.

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bluedraggy: I wrote a thing for this. http://bdprequel.tumblr.com/post/163684743575/fanfiction-a-fine-apple

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bluedraggy: 11/10 AMK. Will not stop laffing again. Pupils are heavy things!

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bluedraggy: New t-shirt for sale when?

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bluedraggy: Imho anything made by Kaz is fair game, but that's just my opinion. I'm quite happy I got to see this anyway! But I don't think you sound like a dick. Mods have the ultimate say.

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bluedraggy: Her and unicorn are the only chars that have any concept of modesty. That can be outraged anyway.

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bluedraggy: They're not nude! Necessarily.

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bluedraggy: Heh! I just thought she left her dentures out. Replace if desired.

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bluedraggy: NP Lykozze! Some people don't like that sort of thing (sort of RPing the image), but one look and that scenario just screamed out at me.

(BTW, the neck issue looks fine to me. Her chin is just obscuring the neck line. Didn't even notice till Rokar pointed it out.

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bluedraggy: Video Liked. Great job on that! Now I'm depressed and want to kill myself. Yup, great job! (Why do I like Prequel again? Someone remind me.)

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bluedraggy: That's one fine looking fanart right there!

"Yes sir Mr. Lifeguard sir?"

"Ma'am... you're not fooling anyone. That's not a bikini and this in not a clothing-optional beach."

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bluedraggy: Hey, um, Budnick... Can I color this? Well, and post it I mean?

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bluedraggy: I had to check - she sold it for 20 septims. Resale for 25 seems reasonable. I once heard markup of %50 in retail is typical. So a nice discount shop.

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bluedraggy: Oh, and very nice work btw! Esp love her sparkly sad eyes.

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bluedraggy: If ever she dare to show her face again! Katia should tell her friend Asotil about her. I wonder if her actions actually broke any specific lae though? Loremaster Kax might know.

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bluedraggy: Ah, 2014. We we're all so young and naive then. We thought Katia would go on forever. And those great fanartists, where have they gone? I blame the Frey holiday disaster outfit. Too conservative.

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bluedraggy: Only when he isn't wearing makeup.

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bluedraggy: @Bagman “Whoosh! I am now flying OUT of the bar! And flat on their asses! Wait, no, I… I got that joke wrong.”

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bluedraggy: Please, would some kind rich person turn these all into 3d printed models like this:


That would be just peachy! (Now I REALLY wish I could 3d-mesh!!!)

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bluedraggy: Probably everyone who ordered stuff got this already, but I only just now came across the email! And any Katia is good Katia. I'm sure she's just drinking bottled water because it's so hot outside though. Oddly this seems to fit in well with something else that's delayed.

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bluedraggy: In our moment of triumph? I think you underestimate their chances!

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bluedraggy: I... um... am sure that roosters would come in handy at home. (the dreaded Q-tag only counts for image content right?)

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bluedraggy: Fortunately we're pretty good fandom. You won't have a prob I don't think till a mod can del it.

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bluedraggy: Wow. Angels with Scaly Wings has an unusually high rating on Steam I noticed, then this morning there's a thread on it in /trash. Could we have been too critical on the stream? Is it better than we thought? I dunno! Maybe so. Either way the author is probably laughing all the way to the bank. I need to go and eat my comestibles now. At least Kaz got to date the male. :)

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bluedraggy: Aww. I'm the proud father of a bouncing baby mod now. Go on, little mod... go out and populate the world!

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bluedraggy: I was about to say "of course she is! Just those skin tight superhero ones. Then I noticed the fur around her boot. Suddenly the "snapp" made sense. Thank you ektorno! Now I get it. And rick2tails, would you mind moving, say, a bit more to Your right?

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bluedraggy: Beautiful. I wish she was happier, but hey! She got her hair back anyway! If you don't mind, Radian, how long did this take you? It looks like something that would take me a week minimum if I had the talent to do it at all.

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bluedraggy: Oh... (read translation) At least originally they were both supposed to be Quill Weave. So yeah, both female. But the image let's you reinterpret if you prefer. It seems pretty clear to me at least that the left one is more feminine, though I wouldn't call the right 'masculine' either. thus I gave her a lighter color slightly. We'll call it ambiguous!

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bluedraggy: Hate may be a bit strong. Jealous is certainly applicable though. Though if you were responding to the Russkies, I've got to go run Google Translate.

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bluedraggy: Agreed. In fact I used slightly lighter color on left qw. She seemed more feminine a bit. So some is my own doing too. Let's call her quajirra.

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bluedraggy: Deep breaths, Katia. DEEP breaths! Now... PUSH! Congratulations! You're now the proud mother of a bouncing baby pixel!

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bluedraggy: Would love to respond, but that's what the Disqus comments on the tumblr is for so I'll be a good boy and shut up here.

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bluedraggy: There! Added a Disqus comment section to the bottom. So now I'll be EXPECTING an in-depth and insightful review from you Enheldor! YES and if you don't do it, I'll think naughty thoughts about you. Plus if you feel the need to use profanity, it's fine there. (And we can stop talking about it here.)

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bluedraggy: Well, this is better than the Comments anyway! But it's enough to know you read it. And I don't think Kaz would appreciate profanity either. I could throw up a Disqus on the tumblr site, but it's not really worth if for a one-off fanfiction. Kaz mentioned he may put up somewhere for such stuffs. Till then, this is the only place available. At least it's limited to this one image!

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bluedraggy: Wow. Now that I've done a bit of coloring and shading, I see something like this and feel so humbled. And I thought the sketch before was awesome! If the lack of an update caused this to be made, maybe we don't really need that update so bad! :)

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bluedraggy: Lots of thanks giao! Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Yeah, I definitely glossed over a lot, and a lot of implied stuff. It may not be the story we need, but it's the conclusion I want!

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bluedraggy: Best part - Kaz' expression looking down at what he's just drawn with self-loathing.

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bluedraggy: @Rick2tails - "Hey you two fine babes. I hear you're giving special services for $5 now!"

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bluedraggy: Damn. This makes my shading look like crap.

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bluedraggy: These look like stickers. Can I buy some?
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