Tag the damned artists. If you do not know the artist, attempt a quick image search before leaving the tag blank.

Dramatic Descriptions

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bluedraggy: For anyone who wants to hear me reading Chapter 1, you can now do so here: https://bdfanfic.tumblr.com/post/178122980648/ Be gentle, it's my first attempt.

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bluedraggy: I can see every grain in that piece of paper. This may be a case of "hi res why?" :)

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bluedraggy: I find it truly amazing how many different styles and variations Katia can take on - not many of them nearly as adorbs as this. Some might nitpick a few things, but this is a great picture and style. And who doesn't want to see Katia happy? (Even if it's with Your Weird OC :)

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bluedraggy: Is that real sparkle-ink? Man I haven't seen anyone use media like that since... well, probably a Kaz stream actually.

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bluedraggy: Not sure if anyone's actively reading this, but here's the next three installments anyway. Even if no one reads it, I'm still having too much fun writing it to stop so no sweat if not.

https://bdfanfic.tumblr.com/post/177751138263 YOL18T 3
https://bdfanfic.tumblr.com/post/177768195713 YOL18T 4
https://bdfanfic.tumblr.com/post/177820023758 YOL18T 5

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bluedraggy: I don't think I ever told Atum how much I liked this sketch. So I'll show him instead with some coloration.

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bluedraggy: The mind that conceived this is a mind I really like, bizzare as it is. That you could also draw it is awesome. Best of all, it made me laugh.

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bluedraggy: Well, here's an alternate, less-questionable image I used for part 2 just now.

But in my defense, silhouetted naked women on Bond intros is standard issue stuff. There might actually have been one without it. Maybe.

#2: https://bdfanfic.tumblr.com/post/177714344828

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bluedraggy: I guess. or alt universe. i dont iverthink it too much.

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bluedraggy: You just gotta believe in your fellow man and their ability to work things out. If they don't, shrug. Not that awesome a pun to begin with. But I still like it so gonna roll with it.

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bluedraggy: Yeah, I started another over here: https://bdfanfic.tumblr.com/post/177692269698 Giving Scoopski credit for the name, Sashimi did most of the work on the image and concept, but the nekked revised Sentient Socks image can only be blamed on me.

And honestly, this has nothing to do with trying to 'redeem' canon Ra'Jirra. I just like putting her in a different context and Katia has her own story to wade through.

Eventually I'll get this whole story written and post it on it's own but for now you'll have to suffer with Tumblr nonsense.

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bluedraggy: Aww. We were making headway too. But this is too damnably well done to argue with. Very nice. And tails? Bah. There's always something they can be hiding behind.

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bluedraggy: I wonder how many people have read this whole thing? AMKitsune made some changes to the way the Booru displays fanfiction as well as a way to preview them before posting. So I was thinking of trying them out with a followup story of SpyJirra, but they tend to be a big timesink for me so if no one reads them it's kinda pointless. Well, I know Sashimi will anyway. :)

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bluedraggy: OMG. Thanks Scoopski. I think I have a title for a followup!

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bluedraggy: A few tweaks.

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bluedraggy: SpyJirra at the roulette table from http://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/5389 fanfiction. Kinda goes along with

I got another commission, but its of a differnt OC khajiit woman from the fiction, so doesnt really belong here in the booru, but I'll see I can update the fanfiction and include it in there.

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bluedraggy: Hours of fun and entertainment!

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bluedraggy: Who's drawing that?! There's a ghost in my computer! And apparently it likes Katia.

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bluedraggy: Well, there's a week out of my life that I won't get back. :)

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bluedraggy: I'm cranking to get it done. I don't THINK it will be too big to post on the booru, but it might be.

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bluedraggy: Thanks Toryu-Mau! I live for people reading my crap! Damn thing is growing like a weed though. I pictured it as somewhat shorter than it's turning out to be. As for the MAHT, if you have sufficient cheap manual labor, who needs technology?

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bluedraggy: This has inspired me to start a new fanfic. First chapter here: https://bdfanfic.tumblr.com/post/177204510823/from-elsweyr-with-love-1 Don't give me too much credit though, I'm just plagiarizing From Russia With Love blatantly with some Tamriel spin. But if you haven't seen the movie, it should be kinda fun.

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bluedraggy: 6 years ago an artist named syncope created this. I think it's safe to say he's not going to color it, so I did. I'm going to redeem my name by working on some non-lewds for a while and lull the mods into a false sense of security.

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bluedraggy: @PermanentFace: Not yet there isn't. Actually even in the fanfic I made this suggestion based on, there isn't either.
@gpainfox55: Nah, that's too expected. Speaking of Nah, every major Prequel character should be a playable side character with special attacks.

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bluedraggy: Special Attacks (add more at your leisure!)

Katia - Pineapple Squash
Katia - Yoyo Bola Attack
Quill-Weave - Tongue Lashing
Quill-Weave - Eye of Disapproval and Disappointment
Dmitri - Zombie Cat Scratch

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bluedraggy: Look, I know Kaz doesn't like his own stuff to be posted on the booru. But damn, this is waaaay to good to not have in it. And yes, I'd easily plunk down $40 for this game. Just... if every you want to do a real game like this, Kaz. The ability is obviously there, as is the interest I expect.

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bluedraggy: Very pretty! Thanks for sharing it Rick.

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bluedraggy: Sorry R2T, fruity pizza = crime. Get her Asotil! 7 days in jail for first offense. If you see any Emperors while you're in there fruitycat, you probably should follow them.

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bluedraggy: Too much? Well, worth a shot. I couldn't find where I got the original from, but I thought it was adorable. And we mustn't forget the ORIGINAL shipping. So I broke out the virtual crayons.

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bluedraggy: Thanks Kaaz. Because of your comment, I remembered this and just colored it. It was fun!

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bluedraggy: Did some coloring.

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bluedraggy: Katia celebrates her Quinceañera. With her guar doll. Both a happy occasion and a devastatingly sad one.

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bluedraggy: While you're at it, burn all ventriloquist dummies. They must not be allowed to breed.

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bluedraggy: Be careful what you ask for!

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bluedraggy: Was going to protest the Questionable on that Raydio slavcat/Rajirra, but why? I'm sure 'Q' get more attention anyway. So, in my never-ending quest to find the EXACT edge of acceptability and to test the mod's patience, have a Glacierclear drawn Katia! (I do like her style!)

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bluedraggy: Raydio drew slavcat, but I bastardized it into a sorta-Rajirra. But he said it was okay. He'll be doing a proper slavcat of it in proper slavcat colors, but just in time for the 4th I thought it might be appreciated here.

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bluedraggy: NEW TRIVIA: https://goo.gl/forms/egnb4jeydxnkq5WP2 It's Aggy's sidestory. Let's say medium-easy.

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bluedraggy: I kinda ran with GamGyuls' Royal Katia. Oh, the things that could have been if she just wouldn't have jumped out that window.

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bluedraggy: Oh crap. I just spoiled an answer.

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bluedraggy: Ill revise to calk it the first flash scene. And thats sounds like good logic to me CandyDragon!

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bluedraggy: Wow! thanks YeOldeCuckolde! I should go reword that question with that knowledge.

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bluedraggy: Cool! My old armor mod still getting some play. Jeeze, that thing is 4 years old now though.

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bluedraggy: No, but there's still hope. Aim for the stars Katia!

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bluedraggy: Dammit. BBCode! https://goo.gl/forms/aMvKbPsJ6OPc9KhI3

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bluedraggy: Prequel Trivia #3 - Somewhat Easier Edition with 50% more copied images and 20% less snark. https://goo.gl/forms/aMvKbPsJ6OPc9KhI3

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bluedraggy: I get you FriendofFennecs. I was trying to be too cool by 1/2 but didn't consider that some would choose the last one! Fortunately Google Docs lets me pick more than one correct answer. I'll add the bottom one as correct too. Give yourself an extra 2 points (all #11 is worth). Oh heck throw another for reporting it.

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bluedraggy: No I dint. It was the question after the next question.

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bluedraggy: I sincerely didn't think of the connotation R2T came up with! I've failed. I just thought it was dripping mayo and she was trying to catch it. And the more obvious connotation there. Either that or just just really fails at how to eat a sandwich.
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