Unimaginable suffering shall be granted to those that do not tag properly.

Dramatic Descriptions

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bluedraggy: Er... https://goo.gl/forms/wOhRmKnNigZEsHx53 Dodger Trivia!

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bluedraggy: YAY! I was right! Nyanyanya! ORANGE! Just for that, have a Dodger trivia: https://goo.gl/forms/wOhRmKnNigZEsHx53

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bluedraggy: I'm waiting till someone gets the last question right. Then I'm calling CHEAT! It's not intended to be answered correctly of course. The average so far is like 34 points. I did make it much too hard.49 is incredibly good. If I add more questions, I'll just put a link to a new trivia form in this one, so I don't spam the booru. Still waiting to hear if Kaz looked for misspelling on the Immigrations Form though.

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bluedraggy: https://goo.gl/forms/C86Oev8pzIrrh52v1 A little trivia game thing I did yesterday. Kaz said it was okay!

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bluedraggy: Why is piglet driving a tank? (Sorry. No. Is cute.)

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bluedraggy: This is pleasing to the eye and chuckleworthy.

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bluedraggy: Yes Katia. Yes, I see them. You have cleavage. Congratulations. (but really, good work Toxic!)

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bluedraggy: Hey, I like censortail. It reminds me of Christmas garlands I put around the Christmas tree. Also ultimate boneless relaxation.

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bluedraggy: Heheh Rick. Dusk... In the gloaming... Just as the stars begin to twinkle. Twinkling light time.

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bluedraggy: Just finished one honestly, DepecheMode. But even I think I've overplayed my lewdness hand for now. We'll let the mods settle back down before I try to post that one.

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bluedraggy: That's a "I'm getting paid $1 less than minimum wage for this. That's the smile you get." smile.

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bluedraggy: Rajirra has landed a job as a spokescat. It's not Kelloggs or General Mills, but hey, Great Value is in Wal*Mart's everywhere!

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bluedraggy: Two great tastes that taste great together! Totally off-model Katia AND Rajirra, now together! Now kiss and make up you two. - don't worry, this is the last of these. I'll be good from now on. Probably.

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bluedraggy: Katia herself helped me with the tags. So sweet of her. ThiccKatia wanted to join ThiccRajirra up here. And I swear, PLEASE, PLEASE try to avoid saying something about moving the pineapple! It would be SO unexpected if no one actually said that. Can it be done? Is it POSSIBLE? Only time will tell.

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bluedraggy: dammit, it wouldnt be sold out if you just sat next to each other! Would it kill you to think of others? oh... heh. bad word choice.

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bluedraggy: St. Katia, we beseech thee to intercede for us when we fail, when we drink to excess and when we have the 'best idea ever' Pray for us and guide us. Amen.

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bluedraggy: It really is wonderful. Funny how everyone brings a slightly different style to the same character. Hers is excellent.

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bluedraggy: Well, Kaz liked it and didn't shoot down the idea of putting it up here, so here goes nothing! Drawn by Starfighter over on FA. Suggested edits by FurNut much appreciated. Supported by Sashimi of course! :) If it gets taken down, I won't be butthurt this time. Wasn't really thinking it was within booru guidelines. If it's okay... well, hurrah!

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bluedraggy: Very impressive. I hate to think how long this took, but the result was worth it. Above good job. Great job!

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bluedraggy: I still laugh at that, TGWAKW. Even if I don't really get it.

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bluedraggy: snekat

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bluedraggy: If this doesn't make Featured masterpiece, there is no God.

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bluedraggy: Is good original cat. And how you get the hands, esp. in that position, to not look immediately screwy, is proof of your talent.

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bluedraggy: Very nice 8Aerondight8. Not all art has to be DaVinci, the concept is so adorbs who cares! But where do they buy their underwear? Army surplus? :)

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bluedraggy: Oh Katia, NO! That's not how you drink hot coffee. You'll burn your tongue! WAIT! STOP!


Anybody have some icewater?

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bluedraggy: probably could outswim them actually.

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bluedraggy: Just an old thing I don't think I ever colored. So I did.

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bluedraggy: Aw, it might be just root beer. Look, she's still clothed. It's not like she's naked... or vomiting in public or anything. That would be embarrassing!

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bluedraggy: Katia was watching during the nuclear bomb test at Bikina atoll?

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bluedraggy: Katia was there during the Boston Tea Party? (Sorry lapma. It's really not bad at all. But... it lends itself to interpretation shall we say?)

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bluedraggy: Well, here it is. It is a style I've never written in before, and I suppose could be termed horror. When discussing it, I called it "Requiem for a Dream in Cyrodiil". I still think that describes it pretty well. Sexual situations but nothing graphic depicted. Sashimi was my guinea pig. I'll let him review it.

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bluedraggy: Beginning fanfiction here. Not sure how long it will be yet, but I anticipate it will be too long for the booru. Adult in nature, but not porn. Thanks GamGyuls - quite an inspirational work again obviously!


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bluedraggy: No, she didn't, but she doesn't know that. She must think she did. And it would tear her up inside. I think there's a fanfiction brewing in my head again.

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bluedraggy: This is both disturbing and beautiful at the same time. But its the Rajirra slammimg the door sketch that really seals it. That moment captured when she realizes what she has done. Tormented cat from that moment on. Murderer.

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bluedraggy: No, I get it Kaz. Really I do. Just pointing out exactly what you said - simply pasting a Katia in won't do.

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bluedraggy: Well, this didn't make the cut.

Though the word is still out on whether this would... or this would.

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bluedraggy: Hey! I did QUALITY censor work on this!

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bluedraggy: @SilentOrbweaver @Kazerad - trust me when I say that stapling on a Katia wouldn't do it. But apparently mountains do. Because these are Tamriel mountains. I guess. I'm being civil Kaz, see? Snarky, but civil!

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bluedraggy: Why ISN'T this a game already? Cooked apples are tasty!

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bluedraggy: On those hot summer mornings, isn’t it glorious to own an invisibility cloak? Just find a nice shady park bench, get totally naked, and let the cooling breeze waft over your entire body without a care in the world.

But… you know… you do need the hood on to activate the invisibility. You DO have the hood on, don’t you, Katia? Katia???

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bluedraggy: (Also I had the advantage of the full version with Guoh-drawn background. I didn't draw that either.)

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bluedraggy: hehehe. Wheres yours though? Wanna see it!

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bluedraggy: My Art-Fu is too powerful for this weak Booru. I had to downscale because untrained eyes could not withstand the magnificence!

Thanks for getting this from Guoh, Sashimi. It was hella fun to work on too.

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bluedraggy: I've a sneaking suspicion all will be fine tomorrow.

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bluedraggy: Why is there a yellow chainsaw coming out of that grey pineapple?

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bluedraggy: btw, I was thinking about it BA, but then realized the pineapple wouldn't cover it. Naa, this is enough. :) Just be thankful I don't try and upload that bartender!

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bluedraggy: My shading work will improve because of this, right here. what a difference a few little extra lines make. Not to mention how sadly adorable she is.

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bluedraggy: This is rather impressive! Good job comrade!

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bluedraggy: Had to color the Kandlin sketch Rick2Tails put up a while back. Toned down the reflectivity (a little) but replaced with sweat so... Have some Quill Pie!
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