All beings within Mundus are but characters on the stage of fate and should be tagged as such with "character:" before their names.

2901: Katia's_wizard_robe adorable amulet_of_silence artist:unknown_victor character:Katia_Managan pose

Katia's_wizard_robe adorable amulet_of_silence artist:unknown_victor character:Katia_Managan pose

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: well, isn't this just adorable!

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Adroma: She wants the cuddles, or the bellyrubs.

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: I will give my love both! She needs both...

2892: Katia's_wizard_robe adorable character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch

Katia's_wizard_robe adorable character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch
showing 10 of 26 comments

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RoninSmall: @AMKitsune: okey, I go into the shadows until I learn enough

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Tahrey: @RoninSmall: Be careful, if this is honestly you drawing without any tuition, then it could become one of those awful cases where formal training destroys the inherent talent :o

If you find it all gets too difficult when people are trying to show you the "right" way to do things, be mindful not to forget your roots and the way you originally did things.

Oh, and remember that kitties actually get quite long and thin when in a bipedal posture ;)

Par examplé:


and of course:

Though occasionally they do slouch instead...


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Tahrey: Noting of course that all three of those who are touching the ground are standing plantigrade. It's necessary to spread your weight over a wider area when standing bipedally than when you have four limbs taking the strain instead.

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RoninSmall: @Tahrey: ask more simple please. I can't understand, aargh!

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RoninSmall: @Tahrey: I can not shake the feeling that you trolling me :|

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Tahrey: No! :(

I'm being serious.

I will see what I can do to simplify it.

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Geravind: @RoninSmall: Грит, даже с учётом всех ок-советчиков про твоё "неок" творение не сильно отступай от своих исконных талантов, ибо котэ вполне даже заметно вытянут, когда человекоподобно стоит на задних лапах.
Его довод ИМХО так себе в кхаджиторисовании. Просто иногда сверяй элементарные пропорции: длину рук, ног, хвостика; размер торса, головы -- даже сквозь одежду/броню/др. преграды.

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RoninSmall: @Geravind: а он имеет ввиду, что юзая человеческую стопу-юзаю человеческие пропорции? Я на слове "талант" запутался. Единственное что я хорошо делаю-это сижу и ничего не делаю

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RoninSmall: @Geravind: о, догнал. Спасибо. Будем-с стараться-с

Tahrey, sorry, problem solved

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Tahrey: ...ok? :D

2879: character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave friendship portrait text

character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave friendship portrait text
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-Uzi_Man-: Try making the mouth and nose smaller, Katia looks rather manly on this one. Just some criticism.

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The_Pitiful_Writer: @-Uzi_Man-: Thanks for the tip! I'll keep it in mind next time.

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Tahrey: Actually if you erase that mouth, you get possibly the best "nose = anime mouth" effect ever. Especially as there's already an ersatz nose thanks to the tiny bit of bridge shading.

Also I'd say most of the manliness comes from that scraggy little Shaggy-like goatee tuft. Lose that and a lot of the masculinity will go with it.

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The_Pitiful_Writer: @Tahrey: You may not compel me to try something like that ever again! I have been burnt by the flame before at this point!

When that is said, might be a point about the scruffy chin.. I anted to try a bit more fluffy.. But I suppose the chin was not the best place to start, seeing as it is often associated with manly beards.. My drawing pen is currently broken, rendering me dreadfully incapacitated as far as drawing goes. However, I shall see if I can upload a more feminine version once I have gotten new nibs.

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Tahrey: DO IT FA----- ahem. Sorry. Was off in another world for a moment.

Anyway, try mousing it ^_^

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Tahrey: also narrower faces and particularly chins tend to look more femme, though there's a limit to what you can do whilst still remaining true to the character and her race...

2785: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow artist:Prophet_Lord blind_eyes character:Katia_Managan snow

Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow artist:Prophet_Lord blind_eyes character:Katia_Managan snow
showing 10 of 12 comments

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Prophet_Lord: sorry, 10x10" 300dpi is the smallest I work in. I'm practicing some new things and I couldn't think of a better way then doing some Prequel art. fur is hard.

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Radian: @Prophet_Lord: Yeah, working in bigger resolutions helps, I do it too. And drawing fur much easier with proper brush.

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...oh right, just took off the invisibility hood.

And, well, 3000x3000 is hard to deal with on a normal size monitor, but it's not any much bigger than a typical digital photo these days, and means you can print it smoothly if you should so wish :)

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Tahrey: Fur's come out nicely too

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Adroma: This would be an amazing poster.

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Prophet_Lord: @Adroma I've got some great news for you. This is the full size file uploaded here and you are fully able to print this out and hang it in your home as many times as you like.

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Tahrey: The problem is that large computer screen pixel sizes don't automatically translate to large, detailed prints. Or indeed to still looking large and clear on the 4K screens that even some tablets and laptops now sport, in fact... (this would still run off the bottom of one in landscape mode, but not fill to the horizontal borders...)

The minimum that you should really aim for in print is about 180dpi (which also tends to be the breakpoint between 9 and 24 pin dot matrix printers, which is why you could never really get satisfactory output from the former). Certainly below 150 it gets noticeably blocky or blurry (especially in that rather obvious blurred-pixel way) when you get up close to it. On the other hand there's little point going much beyond 300-360, but it's always possible to downscale and drop some detail that no-one will see anyway; upscaling is much more of a problem.

However, 3000 pixels at 180dpi is still 16.7 inches (42cm) on a side, or squared-off A2 size, and the largest home/small office printers tend to top out at about 11 inches width and maybe 17 inches length capacity (for A3 printing, and whatever the equivalent US upsize from Letter/Legal is), so you could likely get away with cropping this a little and printing it within those borders. Maybe at 200dpi instead, for 15x15 equivalent full size, and less cropping to fit on the page.

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Prophet_Lord: I'm not entirely sure what you're getting at in relation to my piece here. But thanks for informing others I guess?
If you're having trouble viewing this due to it's size, there is the [Fit Both] option on the side menu under Image Controls.

This is at 300dpi. Perfectly suitable for a 10x10in (25.4x25.4cm) print. You could probably print even bigger than that, but that's going above the intended size, so quality will decrease. You'd need to go and use a professional level printer (which, I mean, 11x17in prints at office max are only like $1-2 I think). You'd have to trim the paper obviously.

I did this for fun and as style practice. This was never intended to be a poster or a wallpaper, I was simply stating that you could use it as such if you were so inclined.
If you'd like a different size (taller/wider/larger), you can always hire me. Until then, please enjoy this free piece of artwork I have provided for you.

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Tahrey: I dunno, I was suffering from a fairly bad respiratory infection at the time and it made my brain no worky correctness.

Think I was trying to talk through both sides of the argument to show they each had valid points and that it's more a matter of opinion than anything, to try and squash any potential further squabbling?

3k on a side is big even for a 4k screen (as they're 16:9 not 5:4), but everything we really need to see is well within the action-safe area so it can be cropped down happily and should still look alright scaled up, and certainly scaled down to any arbitrary sub-4k resolution (as the step size will be large enough to prevent any dramatic aliasing effects). Could even trim it to portrait aspect, possibly.

But at the same time, it's about the minimum that you could get away with for large-scale printing, IE bigger than a typical piece of desktop printer paper (which is usually 8 to 8.5 inches wide). Even for A4 or Letter you don't want anything less than 2mpx (1600x1200 or 1920x1080) else it'll look obviously blocky or blurred at normal viewing distance. As the sizes go up, so do the necessary resolutions, though it's not necessarily linear as the larger an image the further away you tend to view it from.

And yeah, there's the scaling button, but that's not immediately obvious, especially if you're not looking for it, and it doesn't default to "fit both", but "no scaling" instead. Personally I just leave it as the latter and drag the picture to the address bar anyway, as that gives a large-as-possible view divorced of all the other screen clutter (especially if fullscreened), and it's still got to download the same amount of data and take up the same amount of space in memory either way.

The latter points being maybe more important, and why it may be better to upload a more normal-sized pic to the booru but link it to a full size version somewhere else (e.g. Imgur). Not only does it save bandwidth for Kaz's server, but it makes life much easier for anyone browsing from lower end hardware (old laptop, cheaper smartphone or tablet) or using a low-speed or monthly bandwidth capped connection.

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Tahrey: But yeah, anyway, not really a complaint, more an idle technical comment ;)

And I'd at one time have been quite interested to find somewhere I could do 11x17 (or more pertinently A3) size prints for that price, except I can now do them effectively for free at work, and even if I was paying for them it'd be considerably less. The finish might not be quite as good, but if the idea is to hang it up then it can either be laminated or put in a cheap glass poster-frame...

(And then there's the "A0" (34-inch) inkjet plotter in the library that will spit out something four times the size for about £8 ... which may seem a lot but when you consider how many normal sheet would have to be collaged together to produce the same result, is well worth it. You do have to submit an image of entirely ludicrous resolution for it to look any good though, and most particularly for any text to be readable; 150dpi is about 7000x5000...)

2902: /v/ 4chan character:Katia_Managan knock_off smiling

v 4chan character:Katia_Managan knock_off smiling

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unknown_victor: wtf is this?

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Cereal: Is this a new meme?

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Tahrey: dankness rating: putative

2900: Colored Kvatch_arena_armor angry artist:unknown_victor character:Katia_Managan knock_off looking_badass

Colored Kvatch_arena_armor angry artist:unknown_victor character:Katia_Managan knock_off looking_badass

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Excellent work! I approve!

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Tahrey: Uh oh. I think we did A Bad Thing.
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BadReligion: @Tahrey: That we care about her is worst kind of hypocrisy...
My "golden" thing, just ignore.

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: @BadReligion: I don't care about hypocrisy, I care about my fiction khajiit waifu!!

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Tahrey: The road to Oblivion is paved with good intentions. It's possible to care TOO much and lose sight of what's actually beneficial.

2904: Khajiit Kvatch_arena_armor PREQUEL_title accidents_happen artist:Bhoren booze character:Katia_Managan drunk text wallpaper

Khajiit Kvatch_arena_armor PREQUEL_title accidents_happen artist:Bhoren booze character:Katia_Managan drunk text wallpaper

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Bhoren: This wallpaper is somehow a joke: a friend sent me a screenshot from Oblivion including a ton of booze and a Khajiit (you can find it in the source), I thought this would make a great prequel wallpaper !

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AMKitsune: You can keep yer filthy Skooma, it makes our bellies bleed.
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Riddle78: I spy some Miracle of Sound in there~

2893: Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic Kvatch artist:Radian character:Katia_Managan redraw

Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic Kvatch artist:Radian character:Katia_Managan redraw

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Radian: I've seen this so much so I decide to redraw it.
Also you don't mind if I will redraw (and post) some other pages? I suck at backgrounds so it good way to practice.

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Geravind: "I suck with backgrounds"? Мне тут как раз бэкфон нравится больше всего.
- мешочек на вывеске похож на котелок или тыкву, не на мешочек;
- формат деталей лица слишком большой -- если преувеличенную саму голову можно списать на пушистость, то тут заметно ненормально большое лицо отн. остального тельца;
- выражение эмоции... в оригинале читается "мне предстоит некоторое рискованное дерьмо, жаль, не вернусь сюда больше", а здесь "а потом я всё равно вернусь и съем тебя, чёртова торговка!".

Тень/освещение, как всегда, хорошо.

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Geravind: @Radian:
Mods, please, edit his prep "at" to "with" and remove THIS message, ASAP.
English is dangerous to learn.

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Radian: @Geravind: Ну, тут фон нормальный потому что я на него потратил больше времени чем на саму Катю.
Мешочек фиговый и голова крупновата, согласен (хотя в оригинале пропорции схожи). А вот про выражение лица не знаю, что там что тут - довольно нейтральное лицо, ничего особо не выражающее. Может дело в несколько другой позе? Еще мне кажется что я с перспективой накосячил.

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Mezhik: @Geravind: А мне в оригинале читается - Нормально жИ общались))

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Valkaiser: @Geravind: "at" would actually be the more common phrasing in this case. It's not great syntax, but "with" isn't much better.

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Tahrey: "At" is better and the more commonly used (though "suck at drawing backgrounds" is the most correct), but "with" isn't so far of the mark that it would be easily misunderstood.

I'm not sure either are factually correct though ;)

2898: Kvatch_arena_armor artist:unknown_victor character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch

Kvatch_arena_armor artist:unknown_victor character:Katia_Managan monochrome sketch

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Geravind: "Target acquired."

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Looks like some ones ass is about to get kicked.

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Good work, Victor!
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