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Dramatic Descriptions

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Tahrey: What the "cloak of grey tomorrow" ACTUALLY makes you look like (you just THINK it makes you invisible). Everyone is just either distracted, or chooses to look away in disgust :D

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Tahrey: Those lighting effects though

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Tahrey: Also

> Tahrey: Do best to ignore the very questionable roleplay in this thread.

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Tahrey: @BadReligion: Wait, how did you do that?

Is this in a boxout?

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Tahrey: :D
I think they mean in the sense of being able to assign imaginary internet points to the image in some kind of ranking system, so that the images which are liked by the largest number of users appear towards the top of a list on a whole new page on the booru.

TBH it sounds like a whole lot of coding work for something that doesn't really matter that much other than for new users to look over the somewhat newer-image-biased "greatest hits"... though, when you've the time after the merch packing and story updating is done, and you've had a few well earned brews, could you take a look at the bug on the "Dramatic Descriptions" page? ;)

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Tahrey: Also possibly we need a "sketch" and "finished version" / "coloured version" tags or similar, which would clear up the controversy without any of the same confusion that comes with having both "edit" and "knock-off".

Colourising a sketch isn't really an edit anyway, it's completing a WIP. "Edit" is a term I'd reserve for altering an already-finished piece (aka remixing, and "knock off" would be an otherwise original work that's clearly based heavily or entirely on another; a cover version, if you will).

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Tahrey: @-Uzi_Man-: Well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

Thing is, no nudity in that one, so you're gonna have to explain your reasoning quite comprehensively. Is it just a No Fat Chicks policy?

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Tahrey: looks kinda Matt Groeningy as well somehow

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Tahrey: This is cool and all, but why is QW gettin' nekkid in front of all those people?

Also presumably it's from her perspective...

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Tahrey: This is possibly the best drawn piece of thoughtless bigotry I've seen all week...

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Tahrey: Not racist, there's enough people who'll respond the same way

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Tahrey: ...harvest moon?

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Tahrey: This is me nowfzdfddddwdfz

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Tahrey: Anyway I did a few more retries of the less successful or borderline ones, a few of them improved (though most actually got worse if anything) so I'll have one last spurt later on once I've gathered them back together.

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Tahrey: Seriously what did I do

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Tahrey: Your mum.

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Tahrey: I kinda prefer it. You can still pull off attractive or even sexy without necessarily having to take the shortcut of baring flesh if you're on your game. (...which then makes any actual striptease all the more suspenseful, as it's not just a case of kicking off a pair of sandals and undoing a single clasp holding a filigree one-piece leotard in place which was leaving very little to the imagination anyway)

And yeah, that artwork (and screen furniture, and background) is kinda "busy" isn't it. Considering it's almost certainly still only 320x200 the level of detail is amazing. Trying to decide whether it's more Genesis or SNES-like is the thing... (In reality, probably actually Neo Geo).

As demonstrated by our resident sprite animators though, it's really not much more than having a decent designer on hand who can come up with the original concept, and a spriter who can translate it well enough to fool the eye whilst it's moving around at speed... and giving them enough time to painstakingly grind their way through the creative process. Probably quite a lot of shortcuts that actually lead to the distinctive look, though...

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Tahrey: Though I do think the world might be a nicer place if we went Full Bonobo and declassified all the (adult-featuring) Sexytimes media but made any depicting violence strongly age-restricted.

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Tahrey: We've got what are effectively bare breasts and at least a suggestion of bare butt and pubis even if the actual Danger Areas are covered by water, so it's best to be careful as people can be touchy about such things even though you tend to see worse in adverts...

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Tahrey: ...ok? :D

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Tahrey: *clicks through with idle curiousity* oh man that tumblr, I can't even.

*saves all the things* gonna do so many mashups

sorry for the scrollbomb chaps :/

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Tahrey: No! :(

I'm being serious.

I will see what I can do to simplify it.

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Tahrey: And yeah, one common factor does seem to be that it often does freaky things with eyes.

I'm still trying to titrate my way up to a suitable amount of mindbleach to erase the memory of what it did when I fed in a screengrab of a google search for "hamsters" as the style and a field of visual whitenoise as the "content". It just looked like a crowd of hamsters at first ... then you looked closer ... and it was actually more like a melted mass of fur with OH GOD SO MANY EYES JUST IN RANDOM PLACES

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Tahrey: Bonuses:
Space Corgis in the style of the pencilled "Katia vs Small Godlike Goat Kid"

Bikini Girl in the style of mid-extrapolation Aggy (t-shirt design)

A Certain Chipmom Mid-Merch-Boxing in the style of Pissed-Off Rajirra In The Snow

Some guy's human take on the Zootopia main characters in the style of a particularly brightly coloured Prequel Compact Story entry (again, coulda done with turning up the quality settings)

And finally, Somewhat Wedgied Katia Fonda in the style of some similarly risque neon-coloured Pacman tribute art I ran across in someone else's submission to the neural engine (also the source for most of the other humans featured in fact). Again, not quite as refined as it could be, but I think it has promise - problem is, they take long enough already, and the more refined the result, the longer it takes, sometimes a half hour or more, and we don't live in an age where people like myself are prepared to wait around for as long as it used to take to raytrace a full screen image in the 90s...

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Tahrey: And of course using it as the content base and applying other things as the style ... for example, reversing some of the humans...

and kitties...

and other things besides...

(though oddly I don't think I've done a mhonnie x mhonnie yet...)

There were a lot more attempts but they were mainly more or less (mostly less) refined versions of these, which aren't too interesting to look at. Sometimes, though, it went a bit wrong, either through a processing glitch or just messing with the settings a bit too much. Some were just a bit formless and blobby ... some kinda random but at least recognisable as having the right style... others ... well... just downright f'ed up (mainly but not always negative factors leading to the latter). All three of these used no other inputs than those seen above.

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Tahrey: Ah damn, got some of those addresses wrong and there's no edit function...

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Tahrey: For example, with this image as the "content" (and a couple of related Prequelbooru ones as "style"):

and using it as the "style" with someone's already cut-up collage based on Bowie's "The Next Day" as the content...

And before that, a whole loooooad of them using the one of Kat in a cableknit jumper holding a bouquet of flowers ... first a different Bowie

Some human subjects with varying degrees of success (the fourth one was holding a "bouquet of kittens", btw)

Some kitties who I probably should have turned the process quality settings up on...

and of course the odd inorganic target

also some three or four way feedback, either with an additional image, or crossing the reverse mashup up with the original, sometimes with odd results

(...more in a second and possibly third post, I don't want to make them too big - but I doubt these are worthy of their own submissions unless I come up with a really good one)

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Tahrey: Noting of course that all three of those who are touching the ground are standing plantigrade. It's necessary to spread your weight over a wider area when standing bipedally than when you have four limbs taking the strain instead.

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Tahrey: @RoninSmall: Be careful, if this is honestly you drawing without any tuition, then it could become one of those awful cases where formal training destroys the inherent talent :o

If you find it all gets too difficult when people are trying to show you the "right" way to do things, be mindful not to forget your roots and the way you originally did things.

Oh, and remember that kitties actually get quite long and thin when in a bipedal posture ;)

Par examplé:


and of course:

Though occasionally they do slouch instead...


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Tahrey: ??

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Tahrey: also
@POMA: FUCKWATER ... is that some kind of new energy drink that contains a potent aphrodisiac? Or just a trendy brand of lube?

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Tahrey: @POMA: Dude wtf are you talking about

@Vidiotdragon: FFS why did I forget Chrome could do that, for so long. I've been copying and pasting all the cyrillic into the GTrans webpage o_O

All the same, I think the only good response I can make here is
@Geravind: Come quick! Bring a concierge! My hovercraft is full of eels!

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Tahrey: also narrower faces and particularly chins tend to look more femme, though there's a limit to what you can do whilst still remaining true to the character and her race...

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Tahrey: DO IT FA----- ahem. Sorry. Was off in another world for a moment.

Anyway, try mousing it ^_^

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Tahrey: But yeah, anyway, not really a complaint, more an idle technical comment ;)

And I'd at one time have been quite interested to find somewhere I could do 11x17 (or more pertinently A3) size prints for that price, except I can now do them effectively for free at work, and even if I was paying for them it'd be considerably less. The finish might not be quite as good, but if the idea is to hang it up then it can either be laminated or put in a cheap glass poster-frame...

(And then there's the "A0" (34-inch) inkjet plotter in the library that will spit out something four times the size for about £8 ... which may seem a lot but when you consider how many normal sheet would have to be collaged together to produce the same result, is well worth it. You do have to submit an image of entirely ludicrous resolution for it to look any good though, and most particularly for any text to be readable; 150dpi is about 7000x5000...)

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Tahrey: I dunno, I was suffering from a fairly bad respiratory infection at the time and it made my brain no worky correctness.

Think I was trying to talk through both sides of the argument to show they each had valid points and that it's more a matter of opinion than anything, to try and squash any potential further squabbling?

3k on a side is big even for a 4k screen (as they're 16:9 not 5:4), but everything we really need to see is well within the action-safe area so it can be cropped down happily and should still look alright scaled up, and certainly scaled down to any arbitrary sub-4k resolution (as the step size will be large enough to prevent any dramatic aliasing effects). Could even trim it to portrait aspect, possibly.

But at the same time, it's about the minimum that you could get away with for large-scale printing, IE bigger than a typical piece of desktop printer paper (which is usually 8 to 8.5 inches wide). Even for A4 or Letter you don't want anything less than 2mpx (1600x1200 or 1920x1080) else it'll look obviously blocky or blurred at normal viewing distance. As the sizes go up, so do the necessary resolutions, though it's not necessarily linear as the larger an image the further away you tend to view it from.

And yeah, there's the scaling button, but that's not immediately obvious, especially if you're not looking for it, and it doesn't default to "fit both", but "no scaling" instead. Personally I just leave it as the latter and drag the picture to the address bar anyway, as that gives a large-as-possible view divorced of all the other screen clutter (especially if fullscreened), and it's still got to download the same amount of data and take up the same amount of space in memory either way.

The latter points being maybe more important, and why it may be better to upload a more normal-sized pic to the booru but link it to a full size version somewhere else (e.g. Imgur). Not only does it save bandwidth for Kaz's server, but it makes life much easier for anyone browsing from lower end hardware (old laptop, cheaper smartphone or tablet) or using a low-speed or monthly bandwidth capped connection.

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Tahrey: dankness rating: putative

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Tahrey: The road to Oblivion is paved with good intentions. It's possible to care TOO much and lose sight of what's actually beneficial.

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Tahrey: (and then whoever made Soul Caliber went and nicked my design using psychic brain powers but shortened the skirt / deepened the neckline / lengthened the hair / lightened the skin to make Sophitita...)

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Tahrey: heh, first pic I come to when googling for it...

Still, this is a rather more realistic, down to earth take on it rather than an overblown trying-to-be-sexy arcade character ^_^ and maybe not a getup you'd see too often. Did something similar waybackwhen in my schooldays for an art and design project, albeit Roman-based.

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Tahrey: wait - they made a Dungeons and Dragons beat 'em up?!

(I was thinking more the seminal 1980s point-and-click first-person adventure thing)

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Tahrey: Fire in the guildhall!
Fire in the guildhall!
Fire in the
Kvatch Chapel!

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Tahrey: "At" is better and the more commonly used (though "suck at drawing backgrounds" is the most correct), but "with" isn't so far of the mark that it would be easily misunderstood.

I'm not sure either are factually correct though ;)

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Tahrey: I second that, if these are just one-shot roughs with a pen, then I'd like to see what you can do when employing pencils and proper scene construction etc. Original proportions seem fine, btw - maybe not in line with the usual style of the comic but certainly fairly close to those seen in the more artistic panels.

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Tahrey: She's just having some hugs and play fights with a couple of old friends. What's not to like? Kitties will be kitties.

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Tahrey: Khajiits und Panzer?

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Tahrey: Uh oh. I think we did A Bad Thing.

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Tahrey: Mhonnie = the good stuff. Actually been using one of their other works as source for some mucking about with an AI paint style algorithm.

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Tahrey: Sweet. Particularly like the lighting effects.

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Tahrey: This is really nice. Getting a "Dungeon Master" kind of feel off it.
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