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Zargothrax: I really like the way you draw QW. Even though her head-fins shouldn't be that large, I'd say they should be, because they suit her so well!

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Zargothrax: Good drawing! I also like drawing Katia as if she were an Alfiq.

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Zargothrax: This has to be the best use of the "Hand to Hand" tag on the booru!

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Zargothrax: Just noticed that the linked video is from 2017. I initially thought that was made by you (Nice animation regardless!). Thanks for bringing that up, I've never seen it before!

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Zargothrax: Very nice! Hopefully she is a kind mistress

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Zargothrax: This character somehow completely caught me off-guard in the comic. The way she she speaks about her retarded worldview was 10/10 writing imo.
Haven't realized how much the booru needed her, good job on fixing that!

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Zargothrax: I have no words. The booru reached it's apex. Where can we even evolve from here?

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Zargothrax: @Zargothrax: I made a big mistake in stating my stance in that one. I said "I'd vote for waiting" but I meant something like "I think we should wait". Let me clarify what I meant:
I think there is no perfect rational, nor legal reason why AI should be banned from here before it is proven that it is problematic for the booru. That would be a typical case of "guilty before innocent". (Note: I'm talking strictly about AI on the booru, not overarching ethical concerns regarding whether AI art is in general good/bad or if it's theft or not)
I'd vote against what I think, because like others, I too don't like where this is going. I have concerns, especially with how it can affect the art community here (they are similar to what others already said).
It's worth noting that the booru is a community for artists and Prequel fans, not machines, or lawyers. As such, we need no flawless rational explanations nor infallible legal reasons to like/dislike something here. This is just the way humans are. In case it turns out that most people here don't like AI art being posted on the booru, that is in my opinion a good enough reason on it's own.

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Zargothrax: And here I join you, Kuro in not being able to edit my comment. (I accidentally used html tags instead of bbcode tags for making the quoted part italic)

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Zargothrax: @KuroNeko: When you said <i>no effort "memes"</i> I felt personally called out

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Zargothrax: Cute Katia.
But, I'm not a big fan of this new outlook on the booru. Still, I think I'd vote for waiting. I just don't think that a preemptive strike against AI art is justified, before even seeing whether it becomes a problem or not. And for those who just really don't want to see AI art here in the mean time, you can use the tag blacklist feature.
But again, as I said I'm not a fan of this direction, so what I just said before feels like playing the devil's advocate against myself.

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Zargothrax: As far as I know, legislation regarding ownership of AI art goes like this: As an artist, you own the parts of a painting that were actually painted by you. If you use AI to generate a background, and then paint a character in front of it, then, legally, you'd be the owner of the character only. If you only made a single brushstroke on an AI art, then you only own that. And if there were no "manual" steps involved, then you own nothing. In other words, steps performed to alter how the AI generates the art, do not give any ownership to the person, regardless of how much work was involved (and if I'm wrong, I hope I managed to at least invoke Cunningham's law). As such, I'd also not list the "AI operator" under the artist as tag, unless they made significant changes to the art themselves.

We should also distinguish between "AI art" and "AI assisted" art. To me at least, "AI assisted" suggests that a large part of the painting (if not most of it) was made by a human. In other words, the AI only assisted.

Anyway, nice looking Katia. I've noticed it before, that most of the time, AI makes surprisingly pleasant looking lighting.

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Zargothrax: Nice lighting!

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Zargothrax: I thought this is just regular Katia after falling into a lake and then having her fur dried with a hairdrier

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Zargothrax: Would like to have the pineapple

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Zargothrax: They are so cute together!

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Zargothrax: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: That is a painfully accurate assessment.

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Zargothrax: Seeing her right eye when looking at her left is giving some Admiral Ackbar vibes here. In general, her eyes are further back.
Not a bad first try though

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Zargothrax: I wanted to say that on the 3rd panel her unusually long snout gives her a canine appearance (Wolfia Managan?), then I checked the link and it all makes more sense now.

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Zargothrax: This kitty does 100 sit-ups every day!

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Zargothrax: Perfect cat!

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Zargothrax: Can't believe I've missed this. It's epic!

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Zargothrax: Are you gonna sign her petition, or will it be your surviving family members?

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Zargothrax: Wow!

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Zargothrax: This collaboration had it's ups and downs. But the end result is probably the greatest fansnark in the booru's history!

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Zargothrax: I'm so glad to see this featured!

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Zargothrax: Thanks for the offer, but I have 0 experience in 3D modeling, so I wouldn't be able to do much with it.

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Zargothrax: By the thumbnail I legit thought this is a 3D model!

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Zargothrax: Aw, she looks adorable!
By the way, make sure to tag yourself as the artist (given the sign on the lower right of the image and your username, I assumed you are the artist)

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Zargothrax: Careful, not to cut yourself, kitten!

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Zargothrax: Must hug kittens

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Zargothrax: Hey, this is very nicely drawn! Also, for a a khajiit themed art site, there are surpriningly few skooma-themed drawings here.

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Zargothrax: @bluedraggy: I genuinely had no idea about the connection to moonshine. Interesting stuff!

Anyway, thanks, guys, it's good to see that after all these years, these drawings still have a target audience.

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Zargothrax: Shopkeepers hate it when this happens.

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Zargothrax: Somehow it's as if the awkwardness was just a part of her personality, and has nothing to do with being naked.
At this point she's just natural at both being awkward and being naked.

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Zargothrax: Glad to see the return of the "angry giant hands" tag!

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Zargothrax: Not sure if I follow. Katia stepped on Kaz, then suddenly got caught in a spider web? Also are those small insect antennae on her head?

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Zargothrax: *hand

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Zargothrax: That is a very good looking han indeed!

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Zargothrax: She looks really pretty, yet faithful to the original! Maybe not as faithful as >>762, but that is for the best.
By the way, you made this in-game with the mesh editor of racemenu, or did you use something else?

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Zargothrax: I really like the design of Batia's head here.
Between these two, the ear sizes barely differ Katia had bat ears all along.
(By the way, instead of using pineapples, you could have just furred over those details.)

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Zargothrax: Yes! Batia's back! This is a huge improvement over the original, TempIntel!
The fluffy tuft and the big ears really do suit her. Strange, how even with the bat-like nose, she's still recognizable as Katia.

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Zargothrax: Another ancient drawing I took out from my forever-wip folder, and put together into a presentable state.
I still have a few of these old, 80-90% done drawings. (I'll leave the best one for last)

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Zargothrax: just the usual low-effort racist shitpost

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Zargothrax: Very nice & stylish cat!

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Zargothrax: @NewFace: So that readers may see that Katia is not the only sad cat in this story.

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Zargothrax: Old drawings, grouped together, to not flood the booru with unfinished sketches.
In order: Batia Managan, Katia after practicing too much witchcraft, and some khajiit Welkynd Kitty designs.

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Zargothrax: The orphan that Dmitri left behind, who from now on, has to face the world alone.

Another ancient drawing from the forever-wip-folder. This is the continuation of my previous khajiit Welkynd Kitty drawing. Only did some quick fixes on this, because if I wanted to really patch this one up, I’d have to start from scratch.

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Zargothrax: Thank you for your contribution!
She blinded herself with the cloak and tripped?

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Zargothrax: Thank you, I'll continue to post post more of these in the following days!
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